Fun Facts #1-5

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Hey guys! So, I've decided to write some fun facts about the development of this story, and changes that I have made in it so far. So, here we go:

Fact #1: The original working title for this story was "As We Know It", and only two characters that were in this story that would appear in "As We Know It" were Anthony and Sam. However, they were both very different. They were originally two African-American brothers, Anthony being the older brother, but Sam was only a few years younger. The story would be much different today if I went with that.

Fact #2: The whole Molly pregnancy storyline was originally intended for Hannah. Yes, that's right, William and Hannah were going to fall in love and have a baby, but it would end in tragedy. However, when I did the two-year time skip between Season's 6 and 7, I knew that their had to be new members of the group. So, I created Molly, and I got the idea to give her a romantic relationship with William.

Fact #3: Building off of the last fact, William and Molly would eventually get into relationship problems, and William was going to cheat on her with Hannah. This would spiral Molly into going crazy, and she was going to kill Carly out of revenge, and William was going to kill her. I know, insane!!

Fact #4: Anthony's speech at the end of Season 6 was never intended to be that big of a speech. It was just going to be telling the group that he feels like they are a true family, and that he needs therm to keep him going. However, as I was writing it, I thought of the "We Are The Walking Dead" line from the TV show and comics, and I knew the group had to realize that they were the walking dead. So, I changed the speech, and the last line of Season 6 is "We Are The Walking Dead."

Fact #5: There is one character in the entire series that has been inches from death many times, and no it's not Anthony. It is Vivian. She was never going to be as big of a character as she was. Originally, she was just going to betray the group in Season 5, and then die in 5x08. However, I though it would be interesting if she could redeem herself and then die like a hero in 5x20. However, I developed the Vivian and Terry romance, and i loved it. However, Terry would lose her in 6x10, but she lived through it. However, I was set on her dying in 6x20, and I said there is no way she is not. However, at the last minute, Sherri took Vivian's place by being bitten and left for dead. Ever since, Vivian has never been that close to dying....for now.

Bonus Fact: My favorite episode is 4x18 "No Going Back."

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