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The Walking Dead

Season 5

Episode 11

Can't Be With You Anymore

Previously, On WillBrennan7's The Walking Dead...

"You're my family" Anthony says, looking at the group. "And I'll do anything to protect you." Tyler is bitten as Bob is shot in the head, and David shouts "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'D WANT." "We're not leaving" Anthony says, as Gwen says "Sooner or later, they're going to bring this place down." "I walked to Terry, Ted, and Ian" Adam says. "They think we should leave." "You can go if you want" Jason says, as Terry and Vivian hug. "We're not stopping you." "Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Anthony asks, and Jason says "Yeah, I think I am" before walking out."

Anthony had his arms wrapped around Gwen, as the two lied in bed. "What're you thinking about?" Gwen asked, looking at him. Anthony sighed and said "Jason said we should leave if we want." Gwen sighed and said "Well, bring it to the others. They all deserve to have a say in this." "Yeah" said Anthony. "I'm really worried about what Sam will say." "He'll understand" said Gwen, looking back at the wall. Anthony smiled, before kissing her neck and saying "I love you."

Terry walked back and forth on the wall, and could see the walkers scatter around. Suddenly, he saw a walker covered in guts walking towards the gates. It was a woman, and she looked awfully familiar. "Vivian?" he asked, as he looked at the walker. It looked up at him, and said "Hi."

Terry aimed his rifle at her, as she climbed up, with her hands up. "I don't have any weapons" she said. "You can check me." "I'm not going anywhere near you" said Terry. "How could you betray us? You made us like you, you were a new member of our group, but now, you're just another dead person."

"No" said Vivian. "I only did this because Joseph saved and protected me. I had no one, and he took me in. I only did all of that stuff because he said he'd kill me if I betrayed him." "But, you were here" Terry said. "We had you here, and you'd be protected, but you still went with him, so, you couldn't stop."

"You're right" Vivian said. "Why are you here?" Terry asked. "Because" Vivian said "Joseph is gathering walkers, and he's going to bring them here, knocked down that wall, and kill all of you. I want you and your group to run. Get out of here, and don't look back, because if you do, you'll be dead." "We can prepare" said Terry. "We can have everyone ready." "If you had everyone ready, then he'd know I told you" said Vivian. "No one can know, so you have to leave." "Why just me and my group?" Terry asked. "Because" Vivian said. "I know you'd never escape without your friends."

Terry looked shocked and said "You just wanted me to escape. Why?" Vivian smiled and said "I have to go. Terry, please, get out of here, and survive, for me." She dropped down from the wall and started walking off, leaving Terry thinking, as she disappeared into the walkers.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)

Vivian walked into the inn and quickly washed off before jumping into her bed, as there was a knock. She didn't respond for a few moments, before she stood up and opened the door. "Yeah?" she asked, as she saw Joseph and Drake standing there. "Come with us" Joseph said. "We want to check on the walkers, and we have to feed them." Vivian nodded, before throwing some clothes on and walking out.

Anthony walked out of his apartment, and Terry immediately approached. "We have to talk" Terry said. "Not now" Anthony said. "I have to talk to Sam." "No Anthony" said Terry. "I have to talk to you." Anthony stared at him and said "Give me an hour. I'm going to take Sam out on a run, because I have to talk to him, but we can talk afterwards." Anthony walked off, and Terry looked annoyed.

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