Season 4 Episode Titles And Descriptions

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The Walking Dead Season 4 is a season of change. Groups are split up, and they meet new allies, one of them owns a crossbow. Here are the titles for all 18 episodes:

4x01: Together: After a traumatic event, a group struggles to stay alive, while facing personal problems.

4x02: Temptations: After being saved by a group, Anthony must decide whether or not to join this group or search for his friends.

4x03: Little Cowgirl: A single character struggles to survive.

4x04: Truth Hurts: Anthony learns a shocking truth that changes his perspective of the walkers.

4x05: Grave To See You: As a group struggles in a town, another group goes out for supplies, and meets with another group.

4x06: Dive: An army of walkers threatens the lives of others.

4x07: Land: The army of walkers is resolved. One character struggles for survival, and meets someone new.

4x08 (Mid-Season Finale): New World Order: A character searches for friends. One person has gone missing.

4x09: A Hard Day's Night: A new group puts others to the limit. One person escapes.

4x10: Reunion: The escaped character meets the others. 

4x11: Scratched: The group learns of an infection among them. The group that helped them says goodbye.

4x12: Made to Suffer: One character is pushed to the breaking point.

4x13: Storm: The group attacks the enemy, saving their friend.

4x14: Hunted: The group is hunted.

4x15: Match Made In the Apocalypse: On a suply run, the group faces an enemy.

4x16: Blood Bullets: The fight continues and one is injured. Two people are kidnapped

4x17: The Calm Before: The groups prepare for the coming battle.

4x18 (Season Finale): No Going Back: The group faces sheer brutality. Anthony doesn't know if he can save everyone.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Is An Awesome Season. I Hope You All Enjoy It When It's Here!!!

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