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The Walking Dead

Season 4

Episode 16

Blood Bullets




Previously On WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

A car drives off as William says “Maybe we should go out there and look for them.” The group walks into a police department as walkers surround them, and Daniel appears and says “Our battle will not take place now.” “There won’t be a battle” says Anthony, when suddenly, Daniel’s men fire, and Gwen and Hannah are taken by Franklin, and Anthony is shot.


          A figure walked down a white hallway and passed a few nurses. He had flowers ready, and he wanted to see her. He turned a corner and walked to room five, and entered. “Alison” he said. The girl looked over at him, and shook her head. “Alison” he repeated. “I’m here. I’m here to see you.” “Go away Daniel” she said. “I don’t want to see you.

          Daniel placed the flowers in a vase and sat next to Alison. “Alison, it’s okay” he said. “You’re going to be okay.” “No” she said. “No I won’t.” “Yes you will” Daniel said. “I’ll get you out of here.” “But, I don’t want to leave” she said. “What?” Daniel asked. “The people here understand me” she said. “But, I understand you too” said Daniel. “You’re not a psychotic killer” said Alison. “Now, get out.”

           “I’m not leaving” said Daniel. “I have an entire hour to spend with you, and I’m going to live up to that. Now, look at these beautiful flowers.” He gave her the vase, and she stared at the daisies he just handed her. “They’re your favorite” Daniel said. “Remember how you used to pick them art the orphanage?”

            She immediately flung the vase at the wall, and it broke into a dozen pieces. “GET OUT” she shouted at the top of her lungs. “LEAVE ME ALONE.” Nurses ran in and held Alison’s arms back, who continued screaming. As they sedated her, Daniel ran out.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


              There were screams in the distance as Anthony opened his eyes and saw Terry fall to the ground from a bullet in his shoulder. Anthony sat up and grabbed his gun, and shot at Daniel, but missed and got a member of his group that turned.

            Anthony jumped to his feet and shot, and this time hit a man in the neck. William dragged Terry out of the line of fire as a door fell down and walkers entered. One went for William, but he sent it towards Daniel, who shot it in the face.

            Ian slowly opened his eyes and saw two walkers heading towards him. He grabbed his gun and shot both of them, before running out the door. “No” he said as he saw men put Gwen and Hannah in a car. He walked forward, but a walker appeared. He stabbed it before aiming his gun and taking a shot. He got a man in the leg, but Franklin turned and shot, and Ian ducked behind a car. Franklin and the man jumped in the car and drove off, even though Ian shot at them.

            Anthony stabbed a walker before he and the group ran out into the walker filled land. They shot at a few walkers before they all dived behind a car. David, ho hid behind a blue car, spotted a grenade underneath the car. He grabbed it, and tossed it into the department, and they all ran off. There was a large explosion, and walkers and blood went everywhere.

           They were all sent to the ground, and Anthony looked up and saw Daniel and his men running towards them. Anthony aimed his gun, but a walker appeared, but he shot that. Then, Daniel kicked Anthony in the face, and shot David in the arm. As Daniel aimed his gun, walkers appeared. He and his team ran off. “WE HAVE TWO OF YOU” he shouted back, before he and his group ran off.

           Anthony jumped up and he and William shot down all of the walkers. Ian ran over and helped. When they were all dead, Anthony faced Ian and asked “Where are Gwen and Hannah?” Ian looked at him and said “Daniel got them.” Anthony felt tears swim in his eyes as he shouted “WHY’D YOU LEAVE THEM?” “I was ambushed” said Ian. “I’m sorry.” Anthony collapsed to the ground, and felt like his world had ended.

On The Next Episode Of WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“Gwen and Hannah are gone” William says to the group as Anthony sits against a wall. “I’m worried about him” says Carly, as Ian, ted, and Terry fight off walkers. “I’m worried he’ll hurt someone?” Anthony grabs a walker and throws it into the room with the gate, and says “We use this, when Daniel comes.”

The Penultimate Episode Is Here.

Find Out What Happens On Episode 17 Of the Walking Dead.

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