He's Just a Skater Boy (boyxb...

By BigNeptune

2.6M 158K 67K

« You think you're being smart challenging me like this. » « No, but if you think I'm afraid of you, you're w... More

Chapter 1: Meet Atlas
Chapter 2: Good Exercise
Chapter 3: Getting Close
Chapter 4: Hard Headed
Chapter 5: Still Got It
Chapter 6: Meet the Prefect
Chapter 7: Follow the Prefect
Chapter 8: Personal Space
Chapter 9: Give it Back
Chapter 10: That Boy will Pay
Chapter 11: Totally Oblivious
Chapter 12: Marshy Territory
Chapter 13: Give It Back 2.0
Chapter 14: The Panty Thief
Chapter 15: Round The Back of The School
Chapter 16: What Happened Next?
Chapter 17: Are You a Girl?
Chapter 18: A New Day Begins
Chapter 19: Texting and Calling and Numbers
Chapter 20: Prank Gone Wrong Part I
Chapter 21: Prank Gone Wrong Part II
Chapter 22: Prank Gone Wrong Part III
Chapter 23: Flick Me and I'll Ink You
Chapter 24: Oil-Based Ink
Chapter 26: You Don't Own Me
Chapter 27: A Debate and a Date
Chapter 28: Tornado in the Hallways
Chapter 29: Flashing and Running
Chapter 30: Stupid Bullying Arsehole Prick
Chapter 31: Graffiti Reveal
Chapter 32: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 33: Amir is Planning a Coup
Chapter 34: Give Me Your Number
Chapter 35: Texting The Harem
Chapter 36: Kiss Numero Uno
Chapter 37: A Cursory Look At The Door
Chapter 38: Kiss Numero Duo
Chapter 39: Babysitter's Privileges
Chapter 40: A Thai Greeting
Chapter 41: Rain Clouds First Thing in the Morning
Chapter 42: Exchanging Numbers
Chapter 43: Competing for a Caramel
Chapter 44: Best out of Three
Chapter 45: Ultimate Math Smackdown
Chapter 46: A Kiss for the Glum
Chapter 47: Callen is Coming
Chapter 48: The Great Buttonoffsky
Chapter 49: Get a Bucket and a Mop
Chapter 50: A Kind of Mint
Chapter 51: An Apron for Akara
Chapter 52: Personal Snow Day
Chapter 53: Two Storms Approaching
Chapter 54: You're Drunk
Chapter 55: And the Little One Said
Chapter 56: Roll Over, Roll Over
Chapter 57: A Couple of Manly Presents
Chapter 58: Hentai, Pretzels and Prohibition
Chapter 59: Casual Guy Talk
Chapter 60: Testing Theories
Chapter 61: Mission Number One
Chapter 62: Mission Number Two
Chapter 63: Mission Number Three
Chapter 64: All Coming Together
Chapter 65: Mission Failed Successfully
Chapter 66: The Traffic Cone Arrives
Chapter 67: A Mysterious Box
Chapter 68: A Gift is Coming...
Chapter 69: Under the Sprinklers
Chapter 70: Mr Matchmaker
Chapter 71: Meeting the Fan Trio
Chapter 72: An Uncomfortable Topic
Chapter 73: Lads to the Rescue
Chapter 74: In the Infirmary Bed
Chapter 75: Amir's Prophecy
Chapter 76: One for the Road
Chapter 77: Cheat Codes and Spoilers
Chapter 78: The Price of a Kiss
Chapter 79: The Kiss is in the Eye of the Beholder
Chapter 80: Callen Knows Best
Chapter 81: An Unusual Form of Jealousy
Chapter 82: Law & Order
Authors note: I hereby declare thee tagged noncon
Chapter 83: How are we Feeling?
Chapter 84: Running Laps and Making Plans
Chapter 85: Gossip Round the Table
Chapter 86: The Icebreaker
Chapter 87: A Familiar Place
Chapter 88: Water Keeps Falling From the Sky
Chapter 89: Frocks and Pecks
Authors note
Chapter 90: Finally, A Good Plan
Chapter 91: A Little Too Well Executed
Chapter 92: The Gift of Ammunition
Chapter 93: Maple Seed Brownie
Chapter 94: Catching the Conspirator
Chapter 95: And Then There Were Three
Chapter 96: Three Cockerels in the Shed
Chapter 97: The Intentions of Gift
Chapter 98: A New Assignment
Chapter 99: Oblivious
Chapter 100: One by One
Chapter 101: Intermission
Chapter 102: Good Morning
Chapter 103: The Uniform Inspector
Chapter 104: Back in the Stairwell
Chapter 105: Three Passengers
Chapter 106: Four in the Well
Chapter 107: Buddies Keep Secrets
Chapter 108: Laying Down the Law
Chapter 109: Imagine all the People
Chapter 110: Marsh and Science Class
Chapter 111: The New Trio
Chapter 112: Akara is at Risk
Chapter 113: Gift is in Attendance
Chapter 114: A Bully in the Classroom
Chapter 115: Cuffs of Fate
Chapter 116: Examining the Ground
Chapter 117: Big Brother Jason
Chapter 118: A Conversation in an Empty Room
Chapter 119: A Route to the Hospital
Chapter 120: Radiology is Popular Today
Chapter 121: To Support Our Child
Chapter 122: Boys and Their Playmates
Chapter 123: Shirt Stock Going Up
Chapter 124: The Final Day
Chapter 125: Bad Wingmen
Chapter 126: Are You Flirting?
Art by @3artho
Chapter 127: A Couple Bad Decisions
Chapter 128: A Compromising Position
Chapter 129: Jacob's Weakness
Chapter 130: Akara's Weakness
Chapter 131: To the Mountain Hill
Chapter 132: Mud is Thicker Than Water
Chapter 133: Banter and Butterflies
Chapter 134: Who is Gift?
Chapter 135: A Cold Shower
Chapter 136: To Get Rid of Them
Chapter 137: The Bull Got Bored
Chapter 138: The Three Stragglers
Chapter 139: Jacob and Atlas Have a Plan
Chapter 140: Planning a Car Crash
Chapter 141: Kabedon
Chapter 142: Part I: Hanging with Emily
Chapter 142: Part II: Hanging with Emily
Chapter 143: Hardwired That Way
Chapter 144: The Seal of Fate
Chapter 145: Angry Boyfriend Number One
Chapter 146: Heading Back Home
Chapter 147: Callen's Secret
Chapter 148: Hello Mr Bird
Chapter 149: Back in Uniform
Chapter 150: Meeting the In-Laws
Chapter 151: A Friendly Guy
Chapter 152: Akara Does Not Faint
Chapter 153: Akara Is the New Jacob
Chapter 154: Kyle's Back
Chapter 155: Taste of Consequence
Chapter 156: Everything is Calm for a While
Chapter 157: Mr Marsh's New Squirrel
Chapter 158: Tabitha is Apologetic
Chapter 159: The Three Go on a Date
Chapter 160: Some Light Bartering
Chapter 161: Bickering
Chapter 162: Date in the Mattress Section
Chapter 163: It Begins...
Chapter 164: The Calm
Chapter 165: Before the Storm
Chapter 166: Good Reason
Chapter 167: Midnight Party
Chapter 168: Everything but the Main Concern
Chapter 169: Prey
Chapter 170: A Lot of Tears
Chapter 171: About Fifty Give or Take
Chapter 172: A Healthy Amount of Blood
Chapter 173: Sending Marsh to the Farm
Chapter 174: The Great Cover Up
Chapter 175: Marsh is Making Friends
Chapter 176: Investigation
Chapter 177: A Calm Little Moment
Chapter 178: The Boys Go to Therapy
Chapter 179: Punishment
Chapter 180: Equivalent Exchange
Chapter 181: The Three are Peaceful
Chapter 182: Rumours
Chapter 183: Akara is a Good Liar
Chapter 184: The Expedited Plan
Chapter 185: No Marsh No Problem

Chapter 25: To Be a Canvas

19.1K 1.1K 361
By BigNeptune

"Move your arms." He demanded. "I'm going to write on you."

I pushed him away as he reached for me and yelped. "What?" I exclaimed, moving away as far as I could before his hand came down and blocked me in the corner. "No!"

He sneered. "So what, you get to draw on me and I don't get to draw on you?"

"No!" I insisted, though I wasn't exactly sure how I was supposed to explain my reasoning behind this. I sure as hell wasn't going to let him just draw on me like that. If I did that there was no denying that I was truly one of the greatest carpets of all time, letting everyone just walk all over me.

"I didn't even draw on you, all you've got is a little..." Observing his face only made me want to laugh, which wasn't great for making my point. I pointed at him, "That's nothing!"

"I have to look presentable." He hissed. "Unlike you."

I felt a flare of annoyance. "I look great."

He scoffed. "You dress like a homeless man pretending to be a student here. Your hair is a mess and your shoes look like they might be missing a part of their soles."

I glared at him. "My hair is like this naturally, what do you want me to do? Get a fucking perm? And my shoes are fine! The people checking my luggage at the airport cut into them for some reason, not my fault!"

He frowned. "You shouldn't wear them then, get new shoes."

This guy was worse than the teachers here. "Shut up, don't tell me what to do, you don't own me!"

His gaze grew dark in reply, he looked really pissed off, angry was probably an understatement.

He smiled. "Really?" He asked me, a sharp quality to his voice that made me look over his shoulder at the exit.

"Really." I confirmed, awkwardly slipping as I put my hand on the sink.

His glare was so dark I wanted to try washing myself down the sink drain but I knew that wouldn't work. I knew it for a fact, I'd tried once when I was four, under the influence of some very misleading cartoons. Unfortunate too, because it would have probably been my only chance at escaping Mr Prefect.

He towered over me, not allowing me to leave but also not saying anything. I looked sideways and couldn't help but think that he really shouldn't be putting his hands on the dirty walls of the school toilets like that. Of course I didn't say anything because looking back at his face I got the impression that one wrong word would incite him to bite a limb off.

I wondered if he ever looked that way around anyone else... because all day long I only saw him smile kindly at others, not kind as in friendly but kind as in not about to search for a spell that will set me on fire.

For some reason the idea that he disliked me so much irked me. Okay, I drew on his face, big deal, surely there were other people in his form that messed with him? He was a prefect after all, kids in charge of anything usually end up as the brunt of some jokes at least half of the time. I mean the kid that used to be in charge of collecting homework used to get teased all the time... but he did also have a birthmark on his upper lip that looked like Hitler's moustache.

"I-" I was about to continue protesting when I saw the expression on Jacob's face darken. He was fucking scary looking sometimes. And yet the way his eyebrows pointed sharply without creasing his face and paired together with his perfect nose and sharp clear eyes and thick lips. He was definitely a looker. I didn't always notice that but when he was angry like he was now it was especially noticeable.

"It was just a bit of ink!" I protested.

He grunted. "You have no idea how much I'd like to simply..." He trailed off, mumbling something under his breath in a low growl. No matter how I strained my ears I couldn't understand him.

I jumped when he slammed a hand down right beside my head against the wall behind me. My heart beat loudly, my body wondering why exactly I wasn't doing some kind of hopscotch to get out of here as fast as I could when we were clearly being threatened and my brain was momentarily distracted by how bizarrely handsome he looked in that moment.

"Either I draw on you, or you make a fair trade, because I can't call a teacher over this when I know that's just going to cause me more trouble that it will ever cause you." He told me, his voice some how not quite as angry as he appeared to be, but loud enough that I had to try to peak over his shoulder on tip toes to see if anyone had heard us, either from inside or from outside, but the coast seemed unfortunately clear, no one to be seen.

I looked up at him, feeling uneasy. It wasn't a big deal, all I did was get ink on his face. He was overreacting. He was supposed to be embarrassed and angry and bare it throughout the day, not confront me for it. How was I supposed to get back at anyone if they kept confronting me outright?

I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands.

He leaned down, suddenly eye level with me, which only lit a spark of annoyance in me at the fact that our height differences became so pronounced when he leaned down like this. It made me feel tiny when I was trapped like this by him.

He slammed his backpack on the sink, apparently not worried about it getting soaked or anything, and fished out a pen, removing the lid so that it skidded across the floor towards the door which I was considering making a run for.

I tensed up as he approached my face with the pen but I was ready to let him just do whatever. I'd deal with it. If it was something super embarrassing I'd just have to peal off the first layer of my skin, or wear a nun costume or something. I'm not pressed, I'm not worried.

"Don't..." I swallowed. "Don't do something crazy."

I briefly saw the wandering gaze on his face before I winced as he drew the pen close and closed my eyes but I never felt the tip of it land anywhere on my face.

Then silence, I waited, cringing, but eventually opened my eyes to see him staring at me, way closer than I expected. He looked away before I could figure out what was going through his mind.

I'm not sure why but having him that close to me and not punching me or yelling at me or... doing something, I don't know, just something... It made me nervous as hell. I felt like I was noticing everything about him when he was that close, that I had to be careful not to move or I would brush his hand accidentally or something... Just nervous for whatever reason.

He was quiet though, and looked a little distracted.


"I can't draw on your face." He said, suddenly.

He smelled nice, I wasn't sure if it was shampoo or cologne but it smelled good... Probably cologne because the smell of shampoo faded quickly but it smelled like shampoo. Fresh and clean just like Jacob.

It took me a whole moment to realise he had said something, a whole other moment to finally absorb what it was. I grinned slowly. "Okay-" I was about to continue before he interrupted.

"Because if the teachers see... They'll judge me for that, not you." He continued, looking about as annoyed as you might be having accidentally run over your own cat. 

I'd never seen someone appear so irritated they couldn't draw on me, but then again I was experiencing a lot of 'firsts' these past few days. It was like life had decided it really didn't like me chilling like that.

We stood there in silence for a while. He looked like he might be thinking hard, although sometimes his face was harder to read, all he seemed to visibly show was annoyance and impassive aggressiveness. At least to me in any case. He smiled nicely at everyone else.

He smirked suddenly and I immediately wanted to take a step back. "Open up your shirt." He decided.

I stared at him like he might just have turned into a radioactive cockroach in front of me. "What now?"

"I said open up your shirt idiot, are you deaf?"

"I'm not-"

"I'll write on your chest." He grinned.

I shoved at him, about to speak, and was struck for a second how little the guy moved regardless of how hard I pushed. Was I just really fucking weak or something?

"You can write on my leg!"

"That's not embarrassing." He snickered.

I groaned. "My arm then!"


Oh right, short sleeved shirts. "I don't have PE today." I frowned.

He nodded. "Tomorrow you do, and this shit will still be on you tomorrow like it will be on my fucking face tomorrow."

I flushed red. Man, I really didn't think it was that strong. It was just supposed to be a quick prank, he'd wash it off and hate me but it wouldn't cause any actual problems. I was beginning to think I should resign from the world of practical jokes because despite giving me a good chuckle they always seemed to backfire on me in the end.

I didn't say anything for a moment, looking up at him, at those piercing eyes, and immediately looking over his shoulder. Too tall, and too intimidating to look directly at, like the sun.

Finally, I groaned loudly and nodded. I tried to move sideways but his arm was in the way and it wouldn't move.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To the cubicle." I hissed. "Unless you want me to strip in the middle of the boys toilets."

He scoffed, but let me out, following me as I walked towards the cubicle. 

"You're not a girl, stop being so dramatic about it. No one would give a shit if they saw you with a couple buttons undone."

I growled at him, turning around inside the cubicle to see him locking the door. "They would definitely look twice if they saw the school prefect drawing on me like I was a colouring book though. Good luck explaining that shit you fucking idiot."

He didn't say anything but just smirked to himself as he fumbled through his backpack again and I stared at him incredulously as he pulled out his weapon of choice. Who the hell even brought markers to school?!

[A/N] Yes sorry this is a day late, I got heatstroke yesterday and felt too sick to write a chapter. I feel like the interest in this book has spiked, for a while there no one was reading it, so I wasn't too worried people would notice. 

My patron is linked, there's early updates and patreon exclusives and stuff. Mega shout out to my patrons.

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

♆ Deadnerd4life ♆ Lola ♆ dianaluvsumore ♆ MidnightMystery2000 ♆ Undefinedx3 ♆ Nakiro ♆ Ingomiel ♆ Xprincess_darknessX ♆ Orphylia ♆ Alysse714 ♆ cherry_100 ♆ heavenlyharold ♆ sour_reads ♆ Vix ♆ midnightdirrty ♆ Kasilo ♆ Nightstalkingheroes ♆ DuskofViolet ♆ Alaskan_Outsider

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