Tweet// Part 2

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For anyone saying that the boys didn't miss Jiyeon. I'd like to remind you that this was Niki's face anytime anyone would mention Jiyeon, whilst she was try and tell me he doesn't miss her! I dare you!

|Oh yeah

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Oh yeah... And this was literally him in the first live they had with her once she came back

User2"I feel like I lost my other half now that Ji isn't here

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"I feel like I lost my other half now that Ji isn't here... But I know she'll be back in a week and a half, so I'm looking forward to that..." Jungwon on missing Jiyeon... I'll go cry now 😭

User3Everyone gangsta until they realize the reason Sunoo was been down is because his happymaker was halfway across the globe from him

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Everyone gangsta until they realize the reason Sunoo was been down is because his happymaker was halfway across the globe from him. Sunnies 4evar


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Pls...Jiyeon looked so happy right before surprising the boys. She really loves them


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