Soyeol's Birthday (2)

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All the way to the delivery room Jungwon was mentally cursing the nurse for not walking faster. Didn't she understand he had to be by Jiyeon's side at this very moment? Why in the world would she walk so slow down the hallways. Everytime Jungwon tried to pick up the pace he ended up passing the nurse, and then she has just turned down another hallway.

"In here," the nurse stated and Jungwon finally calmed down as the nurse opened the door and let him in, before closing the door behind him.

"I'm here now, I'm here now," Jungwon rushed into the room with an expectant look on his face, "I'll hold her hand, don't worry. I got her now," he rambled before he paused in the middle of the room. It was oddly silent.

He frowned to himself before slowly turning towards the bed, where Jiyeon laid with her head lifted up to look at him. Jungwon's face immediately faltered as he sighed whilst looking at her tired figure.

"I came too late, didn't I?" he questioned and Jiyeon nodded, "look, I'm really sorry," he quickly stated as he rushed over and sat down in the chair beside Jiyeon's bed, softly pushing her head back down onto the pillow as she turned to lay on her side, "they boys didn't let me go."

"It's fine," Jiyeon muttered in a hoarse voice making Jungwon let out a small snort before running his hand through her hair.

"Did it go fine, even if I wasn't here?" he questioned and Jiyeon simply nodded as she closed her eyes.

"Just tired," she muttered in return making Jungwon let out a small laugh at her.

"I know," he assured and pressed a kiss to her forehead, making a small smile spread on her face, "I promise to be here next time."

"Who says there's a next time?" Jiyeon muttered with a small smirk on her face.

"I do," Jungwon replied making her let out a small laugh, "where's the baby?"

"They went to clean her," Jiyeon muttered, "just walked off with her."

"Her?" Jungwon's face immediately lit up making Jiyeon open her eyes slightly before nodding, "a little princess?"

"Mhm," Jiyeon hummed making Jungwon grin widely before he laid his head down on the bed with an admiring look on his face as he just stared at Jiyeon, "what?"

"Nothing... I just... love you," Jungwon shrugged making Jiyeon let out a small laugh at him.

"I love you too," she muttered and rubbed her eyes making Jungwon let out a small laugh before grabbing her hand and holding it softly in his.

"I promise I'll make up for not being here," Jungwon muttered and pressed his nose against hers.

"It's fine," Jiyeon muttered and closed her eyes once more.

"I'll call your mom," he muttered and reached over to grab his phone from his bag.

"I already did," Jiyeon spoke making Jungwon look back to her, "after I called Hoon. She says she's flying in tomorrow, she'll take the first available flight."

"And my mom?" Jungwon questioned and Jiyeon just nodded, "you shouldn't have thought of that," Jungwon frowned and returned his hand to cup Jiyeon's cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone, "I would take care of it."

"She's currently sleeping ma'am, if you wish to hold her please sanitize your hands first," a nurse rolled in a small crib making Jungwon's face lit up as he watched the crib before looking down at Jiyeon who smiled towards the crib as the nurse left.

"You go hold her first," Jiyeon tugged on Jungwon's sleeve.

"You're the mom," Jungwon looked down at her in bewilderment.

"I held her for the past nine months, I think I'll surive this," she remarked, "I can see how much you want to hold her."

"I'll be careful, don't worry," Jungwon assured and pressed a kiss to her cheek before rushing up to sanitize his hands.

The moment he had stepped over to the crib he had immediately hesitated to pick up the small sleeping baby, who had been put in a plain white baby romper, that was way too big for her.

"What?" Jiyeon questioned as she pushed herself up to sit against the wall behind her. Jungwon glanced up at her before looking down at the baby.

"I just... you sure she's mine?" Jungwon questioned making Jiyeon let out a small laugh at him.

"Who else would she belong to?" Jiyeon questioned making Jungwon hesitantly nod.

"You sure you shouldn't hold her first... you know? Just to be safe," Jungwon questioned making Jiyeon let out a small laugh.

"Just take her Jungwon. I can't exactly walk now," Jiyeon assured him making him nod before looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Right... okay... here goes," he muttered before reaching down and carefully scooping up the girl, holding her close to his chest as she continued to sleep in her arms, "oh my god," he muttered before quickly looking up towards the ceiling and looking back down at the girl.

"Jungwon?" Jiyeon spoke up making Jungwon just hum as he admired the small girl in his arms, "please sit down."

"Right, right, right,"Jungwon nodded before rushing over and sitting down beside Jiyeon who moved to the side, "isn't she pretty?" Jungwon gushed as Jiyeon laid her head on his shoulder and stared down at the girl as well, "can you believe we made this?"

"If you see her with open mouth, yes," Jiyeon nodded making Jungwon let out a small laugh, "she has dimples."

"Already?" Jungwon gasped and Jiyeon just nodded, "she's so precious," he marvelled down at the small girl that began stirring around in his arms, "ah... hush, hush, hush, don't say a word. She's waking up," Jungwon eagerly stated making Jiyeon let out a small laugh.

"Wonie? You're the one that is loud," Jiyeon reminded.

"Oh yeah... right," Jungwon realized as the girl opened her small eyes and Jungwon's grin immediately grew wider, "hi," he happily cooed at the girl who just stared up at him with a confused look on her face.

"Already so full of facial expressions," Jiyeon laughed at her cute face, "got it from her papa."

"You sure did, didn't you?" Jungwon giggled down at the small girl who just continued to stare at him, "hi, princess, hi," he happily cooed down at the girl, "I'm papa."

With his small statement the girl immediately giggled and did a small grabbing motion with her hand, making Jungwon gasp.

"Did you see that? She understood what I said, she understood!" Jungwon looked to Jiyeon who was just laughing at him.

"Sure she did," Jiyeon nodded at him before looking back down at the girl again as Jungwon dropped his head down to lay on Jiyeon's, which already laid on his shoulder.

"I'm sure she's gonna grow up to be just as beautiful as her mama," Jungwon assured and pressed a kiss to the top of Jiyeon's head.

"Stop it," Jiyeon let out a small laugh before lifting a hand to her face, "I look like a mess."

"My mess," Jungwon corrected with a small laugh before looking back down at the girl in his arms, "I want more."

"Please let my body rest," Jiyeon muttered making Jungwon let out a small laugh.

"How long?" he questioned.

"As long as I say," Jiyeon shrugged.

"You'll get some siblings, princess, I'll make sure of that," Jungwon promised the small girl making Jiyeon let out a small laugh before Jungwon looked down at Jiyeon, daring to let go of the baby with one hand to grab Jiyeon's hand in his, "and I promise when that time comes around, I'll be there through the whole thing," Jungwon assured and pressed a kiss to the back of Jiyeon's hand, "I'm not gonna miss that for anything. You hear me Ji?" he questioned and looked down at Jiyeon, who already had her eyes closed and breathing heavily, "looks like mama is tired, princess," Jungwon laughed before looking down at the small girl in his arms, her eyes were droopy once again, "and you too."

Jungwon sat with a small smile on his face as he watched the small girl fall asleep, before hugging her lightly and looking down at Jiyeon who was sleeping too. He pressed a small kiss to her temple.

"My girls."

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