BanBan Bickers

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"The boys are in the middle of a Vlive, in the artist lounge. So I'm gonna drop you off and you sprint," the driver informed and I nodded as he parked.

"Thank you for the ride," I called out before quickly exciting the car and rushing into the building and up to the artist floor.

I ran down the hallway, bowing and greeting, people who I passed, with a rush. I reached the artist lounge and basically barged through the door.

"Jiyeon!" Jake happily exclaimed as he saw me.

"How late am I?" I questioned in a frantic voice.

"We're in the middle of Q&A," Heesueng replied and I let out a sigh, knowing it was quite late then.

"I'm so sorry, it dragged out at the studio. I didn't know the MC meeting was gonna take so long," I excused as I dropped down my bag and sat down beside Sunoo in the couch.

"It's fine. Engenes are happy as long you come," Jungwon assured and I nodded as Sunoo reached over and grabbed a blanket for me to lay on my lap. Seeing as I had to MC in a skirt for today, and hadn't had the chance to change yet.

"Thank you," I breathed out to him as he just smiled warmly at me, making me lay my head on his shoudler as I tried to read comments on the monitor he and Jungwon were sharing.

"Jiyeon, which language do you think in?" Jake spoke up.

"Eh?" I questioned him in confusion.

"Some fans were wondering if I were thinking in Korean or English," Jake excused and I frowned at him, "you speak more languages than me, what do you think in?"

"Uh... I've never thought about that," I admitted and leaned back to think about it, "I think... I think, probably... yeah I think in the language that is spoken to me. Because you just spoke Korean to me, so my thoughts were in Korean."

"So whatever is spoken to you?" Jay questioned and craned his neck back to me.

"I think so, yeah," I nodded at him.

"Te Amo," Heeseung spoke up and I let out a small laugh at him.

"I don't speak Spanish," I shook my head, "I would like to though. It's an expressive language."

"I don't know... you have German... isn't that expressive enough?" Sunghoon questioned with a small laugh.

"Ah... but you see... it's in another way," I let out a small laugh at him and he just nodded in agreement.

"Can we try it out?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded at him, "so we can say something to you in another language and you just reply with whatever comes to your mind?"

"Ah, that's a good idea," Sunoo happily clapped his hands together, "so... what languages do we have?"

"What's the first thing you think of when I say 'pear'? " Jake spoke and I looked over at him.

"Weird green blob," I bluntly replied, making him and Jay let out small laughs at me, "but if you think about it, it really is. It's funny-shaped and it's this weird vomit green. Tastes good though, I don't mind them."

"Surely thinks in English," Sunghoon declared to everyone as he just shook his head at me.

"Well, what other language do you want to try out? It's not like any of you can speak the others," I defended making Niki say something in Japanese and look over at me with expectation written all over his face, "yeah... no... haven't gotten that far with Japanese."

"You speak in your sleep, surely I must've picked something up," Jungwon muttered to himself.

"I speak?" I questioned in confusion," that's new, isn't it?"

"Yeah. You've begun dreaming quite vidily lately," he excused, "you're still completely still, but you just began muttering."

"Wha... that's impressive," I commented before he happily clapped his hands.

"I drooling you," he proudly recited to me with a wide grin.

"You drooling me? " I questioned before slowly realizing, "ah, you mean 'I miss you'... I see how you can get those mixed up. Drooling and miss is quite close to one another. Points for effort though. You don't have any idea what it means, do you? " I questioned and he just stared at me whilst blinking two times.

"Definitely thinks in whatever you speak to her," Sunoo declared as Jungwon shook his head and looked back down at the comments.

"Moving on!" he loudly declared before looking down at the comments for a short second before looking up again, "yes, Ji and I sleep in each other's beds. That's why I know she speaks in her sleep."

"That was awfully blunt," I commented at him as he just shrugged.

"Eh... they already know," he waved it off.

"Yeah, and because of who?" I arched a brow at me.

"Hey, look... I was really needing for affection and attention that day," he defended to me, by pointing his finger at me.

"You didn't have to kiss me on a live, were you out of your mind?" I questioned him making the others let out laughs.

"Well... some times," he pointed out hesitantly, "but that's not my point!"

"Then what is your point pretty boy?" I playfully snapped at him, making him let out a small laugh along with the other boys.

"You're one to talk about being pretty," he commented before waving it off, "but my point is... show me some love, will you?" he pouted towards me.

"I am showing you love!" I defended at him, "am I not?"

"Maybe we should keep cultural differences in mind here," Jake spoke up, "you surely wouldn't see a bot in Australia act like Jungwon is, in a relationship."

"Exactly," I defended, "listen to the genius over there!"

"Gee, you two can continue for an eternity. We're taking this back at the dorm," Jay declared.

I let out a small laugh before grinning over at Jungwon, who just grinned equally as widely at me. 

"We just love bickering," Jungwon excused and Jay just nodded at us.

"Yes, we live with you, we know," he assured with a nod, "yesterday you bickered about how long an egg should be cooked for it to be the best."

"Look, that is a very important discussion," I defended to him as Jungwon just nodded in agreement.

"Did you ever agree on that one?" Niki questioned as he looked at us.

"Not a chance," I simply shook my head at him before he just nodded at us.

"How many have you settled?" Jake questioned.

"About two," Jungwon shrugged, "from at least 50 various cases."

"Impressive," Sunghoon commented and we both nodded in agreement, "that you could settle upon that many."

"Yeah, it's crazy," I nodded in agreement.

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