Be Mad At Me

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February 2021

"God, I wish I never cut the contact to Taehee. At least she wasn't as irrational as you."

It was just a minor disagreement, and it hadn't even been 24 hours since we had it. It was all just a misunderstanding, which we'll have to talk out. This time I was set on making it better before too much time passed.

So for the whole day I had tried to follow after Jungwon whenever he had tried to go somewhere away from me. Eventually it had ended up in all of sitting in the living room as Jay and Sunoo were trying to figure out what we all should watch.

I had strategically sat myself down between Jungwon and Jake. Jake was, however, too caught up in discussing about whether or not Jay should have the final say or Sunoo should have the final say in what we were going to watch. 

I took in a small breath before pulling myself together and tried to reach out for Jungwon's hand, which was just laying in his lap anyways, as the other sat occupied with his phone.

I carefully managed to reach over and grab onto his pinky, just for him to immediately pull his hand away and use it for his phone as well. I let out a small huff before retrieving my hand and just laying it in my lap before looking over at the boys, who were still discussing.

"Just let Sunoo hyung decide!" Niki loudly complained as Sunoo immediately pointed to him, to prove his point.

"My point exactly! It's my turn to chose! Jay hyung chose second to last time!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"Yeah, but Bubs haven't chosen at any time at all, and you don't hear her complaining," Sunghoon pointed out and I looked over at him with raised eyebrows.

"You know, it's fine," I assured them, "I don't feel much like watching a movie anyways. So I think I'll just go do some homework I have."

"I think Ji should choose," Jungwon spoke up, and quickly grabbed onto my hand as I was about to leave, making me look to him in bewilderment, he didn't even look at me.

"No, no. It's fine," I assured as I just shook my head and slowly sat down again, making him immediately intertwine our fingers and place our hands in his lap.

Eventually we did set on a movie, and once it started I pulled my knees up to my chest and placed my chin on my knees as I silently sat and watched it. I just let Jungwon hold onto my hand, something told me it was because he felt bad about rejecting me just before. But I couldn't be sure, he was still silent towards me.

Once the movie was finished most of the boys had fallen asleep, with the exception of Jay and Jake. I carefully let my hand slide out of Jungwon's and walked into the bedroom and got out my book to read my homework as I sat in my bunk.

"Why did you go?" a tired Jungwon questioend from the door as he rubbed his eyes and I glanced over at him.

"Homework," I shortly replied making him hum.

"But I want cuddles," he stated making me hum.

"Not now," I shook my head and looked back down at my book.

"Ji," he let out a small whine before I could see him walk over to my bunk and momentarily disappear, before I felt someone lay down between my legs and wrap their arms around me as their head laid on my stomach.

I frowned and moved my book out of the way, to see Jungwon's head laying on my stomach as he had his eyes closed.

"What are you doing?" I questioned in confusion.

"Taking what I want," he muttered to me, "and I'm sorry."

"Mhm," I hummed and placed my book down once again, so I couldn't see him.

"I mean it," he spoke up and lifted my book up with one hand as he looked up at me, "what I said was unfair and not true, and it was only to hurt your feelings. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings like that, but I was just so... frustrated that it just came out. I didn't mean it, okay? And I didn't mean to pull my hand like that," he immediately excused and looked up at me with big eyes, "are you mad at me?"

"You know I can't be mad at you," I shook my head down at him.

"But... I hurt your feelings," he pointed out and I nodded at him.

"You did," I nodded at him, "but I'm not mad."

"But why? Why won't you be mad at me, I deserve it," he pointed out to me, as a small pout played on his lips.

"Do you want me to be mad at you?" I questioned, almost finding this amusing.

"I mean... no... but... I just don't understand how you can't be mad," he shrugged, "and I feel like I deserve you being mad at me, because of what I said."

"Okay, I tell you what. Yes, I was hurt by what you said, but no, I'm not mad at you," I stated and he hesitantly nodded, "and then we'll close it there."

"Really?" he questioned and I just nodded with a small hum, "does this mean I can get cuddles now?"

"I have homework," I softly spoke and ran a hand through his hair, "but do stay where you are, this is comfortable."

"Bold of you to assume I was planning on moving any time soon," he commented with a small smile, "I thought I already told you before, I'm not letting you go."

"Whatever you say Pretty Boy," I sighed and lowered my book once more, so that I couldn't see him.

Only a few seconds lasted before I could feel him making himself comfortable where he laid, by nuzzling his head even more into my stomach. A few more seconds and I could hear light snores from him, making me move my book carefully to catch a glimpse of him.

He always slept with his mouth slightly open and, unlike Jay, fully closed eyes. He always looked so peaceful, he even did now. Especially if you looked away from the fact that he had a tight grip on my waist.

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