If Jiyeon Didn't Debut (1)

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September 2020

By now there were only one spot left in the debut group, and that was to be chosen by the producers, who should fill it out. We stood four left on stage, me, Daniel, K and Sunoo. For now the six debut members were Heeseung, Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Niki.

The time that passed between Sunghoon being revealed as the sixth member to the producers finishing discussing who should be the last debut member, felt like an eternity that dragged on.

"The producer picked debut member is... Kim Sunoo."

I happily turned to Sunoo, whose eyes widened as he covered his mouth in shock. I immediately pulled him into a warm embrace along with Daniel and K. Once we had let him go he had stepped forward and said his thanks to the producers and the global viewers that had voted for him, before he moved on to stand on his pedestal.

A staff member quickly came out and handed the three of us a microphone as Daniel and K took turns to say their thanks to everyone and what they expected to happen now.

"Me?" I questioned as K finished getting a small pep talk from Shihyuk, and both boys just nodded, "oh well... to be honest I don't have much big plans for now. But I'm very much happy with the final debut line up," I smiled warmly as I looked over at the seven boys who all were either crying or had turned their back to us, "and I promise to continue to show my support for them to the end of time and I wish them all the best for their debut, and as for my fellow eliminated applicants I hope you all make your debut someday," I turned over to the other eliminated contestants that sat to the side of the stage, "you're all so incredibly talented and I'll support you all equally as much as the other," I assured them all with a wide smile, "and lastly I want to thank all the people who have voted for me throughout the show. I appreciate all the effort and support. Thank you," I finished with a small bow.

"Ah, Jiyeon-ah I'm so sorry we didn't chose you," Shihyuk spoke up, "I actually wanted to add an extra spot for you just before," he revealed and I let out a small laugh as I just nodded at him, "ever since I saw your audition tape with the girls back in April I thought you would debut, and you will one day if you ever decide to come back and train. BigHit and Belift will always welcome you with open arms if you decide to return one day."

"Thank you," I bowed at him.

"As for now, this was not your time and I wish you the best for the future. Whether it be in the entertainment industry or in any other industry," he assured and I happily nodded before walking to the side of the stage with K and Daniel as the final lineup walked out on stage and were celebrated before the cameras cut.

"Ah, you did so well," I cooed at the two boys by my side before reaching out and pulling them into my side, "promise to make a debut, yeah?"

"Always noona," Daniel let out a small laugh.

"Of course," K agreed before joining the other boys in cheering the seven official members on and hugging them. I watched in awe before slowly approaching the group.

"Ji!" Jungwon had immediately broke away from Hanbin's hug and rushed over to hug me, holding me in a tight embrace, "what did they mean? Are you not staying? Please say you're staying."

"I'm going home," I shook my head at him, just making him hold the hug tighter and bury his face in my shouder, "Wonie..."

"Please don't leave," he muttered into my shoulder, "please. I don't want you to leave."

"I might be back some day," I assured and patted his back as he just shook his head at me.

"You have to stay, you can't go," he spoke making me let out a sigh.

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