Turning Legal

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I am in NO way encouraging underage drinking, in this chapter both characters are legally allowed to drink, meanwhile two drinking cultures clash. Pls keep this in mind while reading~

February 2023

I let out another sigh as Jungwon attached himself to my arm once more, looking at me with a begging expression.

"I'm not gonna do it," I shook my head at him.

"Come on! You've literally been drinking alcohol since you were what? 11?" he questioned making me gasp as I looked to him.

"14," I corrected him.

"So what," he rolled his eyes, "come on! You were willing to help the hyungs when they got legal. And I'm officially past my actual birthday, so you should be just fine with helping me drink alochol by now.

"I won't help you, because my relation to you is different from what it is with the other boys," I simply shrugged and looked over at him.

"I guess I'll just get Yeonjun hyung to help me find a pub for me to go to," Jungwon stubbornly stated making me glare over at him, "what? Now you rather have me drink at the dorm?"

"Why do you want to drink alcohol so badly anyways?" I questioned him with a sigh making a small smile spread on his face.

"It sounds fun~" he happily cooed, "especially when Jay and Sunghoon-ie hyung got tipsy."

"They weren't tipsy... they were far beyond that point," I shook my head at him, "quite far... actually," I realized with a small frown on my face, "besides... it tastes disgusting."

"Then how come you drink it with no problem? Don't act like I haven't seen you casually drinking of Sunghoon hyung's glass whenever he wants wine," Jungwon warned.

"I do not drink wine... neither does Hoon," I let out a small laugh at him.

"Seems like he would drink wine though..." Jungwon shrugged before looking back at me, "but please help me! I want to know how to do it and what to look for and all that stuff!"

I stared at him for a good time, his smile not faltering once whilst I just stared at him. Eventually I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Tell me what you want and I'll go get it for you," I stated making him happily laugh before excitedly clapping his hands.

"Just pick whatever you think I'll like," Jungwon waved it off making me glance to him.

"I meant percentages," I clarified making his smile drop and his eyes widen slightly.

"Percentages?" he questioned and cocked his head to the side.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered before smiling back at him, "you know what... I'm gonna find some diverse things for you, how does that sound?"

"Yeah, yeah, yep," he happily nodded before quickly pecking my cheek, "thank you Ji~" he happily cooed before skipping off to the bedroom.

In the afternoon I had been to the nearest place where I could buy alcohol, and done my best at getting different kind of percentages and drinks for Jungwon. Over all I really didn't want to help him learn about alcohol and taste it all, but I knew I wasn't gonna hear the end of it before I eventually gave in.

"Alright... I'm back," I sighed and stepped into the bedroom and placed the bag down on the desk before looking up at Jungwon, who immediately pushed himself up from our bed, "you best be thankful for us having moved into a bigger dorm. If we did this at the old dorm Heeseung would murder me."

"What did you buy?" Jungwon excitedly questioned as I sighed before pulling out the various bottles I had gotten.

"I managed to make a small deal with Jake and Jay that they'll take whatever you don't like," I assured him and he happily nodded.

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