A Turn of Events (1)

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Quick small warning, this chapter is about the miscarriage Jiyeon had between getting Soyeol and getting the twins. If this is a touchy subject for you, like it is for many, please skip this/these chapters.

I let out a small sigh and pulled on my sweater before watching Jungwon return into the bedroom.

"I called the academy and told them you weren't gonna come in today," he stated making me look at him in shock, "and then I called my sister. She's coming over and looking after Soyeol today."

"But... but... what?" I frowned at him making him sigh before walking over to me.

"I don't feel safe with leaving you alone home with those cramps," he stated and softly poked my stomach, "I have to be there if anything happens."

"It's only the third month," I shook my head at him, "nothing is going to happen."

"Still," he stated, "you're coming with me to practice today. We don't have music practice, so it'll just be us going over choreography and such. Very calm."

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I sighed at him and he simlpy shook his head.

We patiently waited for his sister to arrive with her small son, so she could take care of Soyeol. Jungwon insisted on being the one that drove the car to the company. Just by a look at the parking lot I could declare that all the boys already had arrived.

"Hold on," I muttered and grabbed onto Jungwon's arm as he was about to get out of the car,

I doubled over in the seat and held onto my stomach as I just continued to dug my fingers into Jungwon's sleeve.

"This is just not normal Ji," he stated making me just shake my head before sucking in a deep breath.

"Okay... lets go," I muttered and got out of the car.

I could see Jungwon give me a glance before getting out of the car and immediately rushing over to wrap an arm around my waist as we continued into the building and walked down to their practice room.

"Sunny!" a voice immediately exclaimed making me let out a small laugh as the five other boys immediately turned to look at me and grinned widely.

"What? Don't I get a hug?" I questioned making Sunoo rush over before Jungwon quickly stopped him.

"Careful," he warned and Sunoo immediately nodded before giving me a small hug, soon followed by each of the other boys.

"Where's Soyeol?" Jake looked around with a bright grin on his face.

"Noona is taking care of her today," Jungwon excused, "I didn't dare leave Ji home alone."

"Why? Are you okay?" Sunghoon immediately turned his head to me and I just nodded.

"She's been having weird cramps for the past week," Jungwon excused, "and now I got too scared to leave her alone."

"You sure you shouldn't get that checked out?" Heeseung questioned and I just nodded.

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow," I assured, "we couldn't get an earlier one."

"Well... lead us leader-nim!" Niki exclaimed making me let out a small laugh.

For most of the day I sat and watched as the boys practiced before lunch time came around. The boys ordered their food, like we always used to do even when I was in the group. It had only been a few minutes of the boys having sent Jake and Jungwon out to go get the food, when I had completely zoned out in the conversation I was having with Heeseung and Sunoo.

"Jiyeon-ie... are you there?" Heeseung waved his hand in front of my face.

"Something's wrong," I muttered making Sunoo and Heeseung frown.

"What do you mean something's wrong?" Sunoo questioned making me glance to him.

"I'm gonna stand up right now. I'm not gonna look down, you're just gonna tell me if... if there's a red spot on the floor," I stated before slowly standing up, Sunoo and Heeseung quickly following after me.

"Okay... that's blood... that's blood," Heeseung exclaimed as he quickly grabbed onto my arm and pulled me away from where I had sat.

"I'm gonna go get Jungwon," Sunoo stated before I heard the door slam.

"What's happening?" Jay called out making Heeseung just look at me before Jay was standing in front of me holding onto my shoulders, immediately replacing Heeseung, "I'm gonna need you to breathe and just look at me. Just look at me."

"What's happening?" I muttered, "why am I bleeding? I shouldn't be bleeding."

"It's gonna be fine, I just need you to breathe for me," Jay repeated before I heard the door fling open.

"What happened?" Jungwon called out, "is she okay? What happened?" before I knew it Jay had been replaced by Jungwon who cupped my face in his hands, "are you there, Ji? What happened? What's going on?"

"I'm bleeding... why am I bleeding?" I muttered making his eyes widen.

Before I knew it he had sweeped me off my feet and held me in a bridal style.

"Open the door hyung!" he called out as I just stared straight ahead with a blank look.

"I alrady called and ambulance Jungwon," Jay called out.

"Yeah... well, they're too damn slow," Jungwon hissed, "put your arms around my neck," he whispered making me hesitantly reach my arms up to wrap around his neck.

As he began running I dug my head into his shoulder slowly feeling the panic grip onto me at the thought of the worst thing that could happen. Even though he was running, Jungwon didn't cease to whisper small things into my ear all until we reached the hospital. Once he finally stopped running he began yelling out after people, eventually having to set me down on a bed.

"No," I called out and grabbed onto Jungwon's arm as they began wheeling me away, "no!"

"Ji, it's fine... It's gonna be fine," he quickly assured me and brushed my hair out of my face as I just pulled him down to a hug, holding on for dear life, "you have to let go of me, they're gonna take you with them so they can take care of you. Everything will be fine."

"Please don't leave," I whispered to him.

"Ma'am," a man spoke up and felt my arms get pulled away from Jungwon's neck.

"No!" I screamed out and tried to reach out for Jungwon, who slowly stepped away as he looked at me with a pained expression, "no! I need him! Jungwon!" I called out before feeling my shoulders get hold down and someone placed a mask over my mouth, making me slowly lose my energy and doze off.

All the way until everything went completely black.

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