Getting Married (1)

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January 2026

I let out a small huff as I placed my suitcase in the bedroom, that I had shared with Jungwon ever since we moved into this dorm.

"Greet the boys, get dinner, unpack," I listed for myself and pulled off my coat, draping it over my suitcase before venturing down towards the living room, where I could hear the loud yells from the boys.

In the living room the boys all sat around watching as Niki and Heeseung played some game against each other. It was fun how that never changed. The whole living room was divided into two teams. Sunoo and Jungwon that rooted for Niki's win, whilst Jake, Jay and Sunghoon rooted for Heeseung.

As another round started on the screen the boys all silenced down and stared hard at the screen, as if it was the most important thing they had seen all their lives. I let out a small snicker before walking up behind Jungwon, bending down to place a kiss on his cheek, immediately straightening up again and patting his head down. It stood all weird from him running his hands through his hair.

"Hoon, close your eyes a bit, I think they will be rolling out soon," I stated with a small frown as I looked over at Sunghoon and how wide his eyes had gone as he stared at the screen, "that looks worrying."

"Had a nice trip?" Jungwon spoke up as he fumbled his hand out behind him, still staring at the screen.

"Yeah," I hummed and let my hand grab onto his.

"Good," he muttered before pulling my hand over and placing a kiss on it, making sure to keep it in his grasp as he looked at the screen.

"Pause the game!" Sunoo exclaimed making me snap my head over to him, "pause the fucking game!"

"I didn't know he could cuss," I whispered to Jungwon, who just let out a small laugh at me.

"What is it? We were nearly winning!" Sunghoon exclaimed as Jay paused the screen and Sunoo snapped his head to look at me with squinted eyes.

"Did I do something?" I whispered down to Jungwon, who simply shrugged at me.

"What's that on your finger?" Sunoo questioned and pointed to the ring that was on my hand, which Jungwon was holding.

"A ring...?" I replied hesitantly, quite confused as to if it really was what he was hinting at.

"Yes, but what kind of ring? You never wear rings," he pointed out to me with a smug smile, "Jungwon-ssi, care to explain?"

"I just got impatient... so just to assure she didn't run off... I guess," Jungwon shrugged before looking up at me with an unsure look, to which I just shrugged.

"I knew it!" Sunoo loudly exclaimed and jumped up from his spot, "okay... okay... it's too late now. But you better be up early tomorrow Sunny, we're going dress shopping!"

"Well, actually, I was gonna wait for when my mom visits, she wan-" I started but he immediately cut me off.

"No! She can wait!" Sunoo stated, "you know what? I'm gonna go call her right now and tell her that it's simply too bad for her. I'm taking you dress shopping."

"You're gonna sound rude," Jay pointed out.

"I'll tell her that I love her maccaroons," Sunoo excused before running off with an excited grin.

"What... just happened?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Is it true? Are you getting married?" Heeseung questioned as he looked at us in shock, "I thought you said to wait another year."

"This time we're doing it Ji's way," Jungwon stated with a proud smile on his face, "she wants to wait a year, we'll wait a year."

"But why are you then already engaged?" Heeseung frowned at us.

"In Denmark people are engaged for years before getting married," Jungwon shrugged, "I thought it was time I adjusted to something."

"That's awfully cute," Jake happily cooed at us.

"Wait... if you're getting married..." Sunghoon trailed off before rushing after Sunoo, "I want to go dress shopping too!"

"I don't know... from the sounds of it I think you might end up getting married within the next four or five months," Niki commented making me slowly widen my eyes.

"Riki I don't think..." Jay slowly trailed off as he glanced up to me, "you know..."

"Ah... oh... whoops," Niki hesitantly grinned in a sheepish manner.

"How about we go down and unpack your things?" Jungwon questioned and quickly stood up before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and quickly rushing me down to our bedroom, "you good?"

"I can't get married within the next four or five months," I muttered as he closed the door behind himself.

"Hey... look at me," he cooed out before cupping my cheeks and tilting my head to look up at him, "we're getting married when you want to. And if that's not yet, that's completely fine. Just ignore them. Okay?"

"Okay," I muttered with a small nod, before reaching over and grabbing my coat from my suitcase.

"Lets not unpack yet," Jungwon shook his head at me making me look to him in confusion as he grabbed my coat and placed it back over my suitcase, "I think you nee-"

"Sunny!" Sunoo flung the door open making me look over at him, "tomorrow, up at eigth, Sunghoon-ie hyung and I are taking you out to look at dresses."

"Hyung... no," Jungwon simply shook his head making Sunoo look over to him in shock.

"Okay," I hummed with a small smile at Sunoo, who immediately smiled widely before excusing himself again.

"Okay?" Jungwon turned to frown at me as I just nodded and picked my coat up once again, "but I thought you had to prepare yourself for all the attention."

"Oh... didn't think about that one," I realized and plopped down on the bed.

"You know... I think I have a suspicion," Jungwon spoke up and I glanced over at him, "it's not about when you get married, it's the attention you'll get on that day, that is bothering you. Am I right?"

"I really hate having too much attention projected onto me," I nodded at him.

"So in reality, you don't mind getting married within the next four or five months," he stated and I simply shook my head, "but you feel anxious by the attention," he stated and I simply nodded my head.

Jungwon let out a small hum before sitting down on the middle of the floor, chewing on his bottom lip as he clearly was thinking about something.

"How about..." he spoke up before rubbing his chin, "how about we have the whole ceremony thingy, whatever to call it. The part where we actually get married... then... instead of holding some reception, party, whatever, we do something else like... like go for a trip to Jeju or something."

"You don't want that," I shook my head at him.

"I don't care how we spend that day, I want you to be happy and comfortable," he calmly stated, "and if you feel anxious just by the thought of holding some reception or bigger event, then we won't do that."

"Our parents won't want that," I stated making him let out a snort.

"Who cares, Ji?" he questioned, "it's not their day. It's the day I admit my undying love for you, and you admit yours for me. Who cares how we spend it? It's up to us."

"Hm," I hummed before chewing on my bottom lip and frowning down at the floor.

"You like that idea?" Jungwon snickered making me glance up at how happy and proud he looked of himself.

"Yeah," I shyly admitted making his grin widen even more.

"Then lets start with setting a date, then we'll find out how we're gonna get married, and then we'll look for tickets and places to go that day. Okay?" he questioned and I just nodded in agreement, "wonderful."

He immediately stood up before cupping my cheeks and kissing my forehead before rushing over to get the computer from our desk.

"And I hope you don't mind if we can move it a bit, so we can get married sooner than later," he cheekily grinned making me let out a small laugh.

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