Jealous Girl (2)

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I slowly walked down to the kitchen with my homework in my arms. It was the only real place where I could sit by a table... I mean there was the table in the makeup room, but it was currently filled with all of Sunoo's skincare products.

"Ah, Bubs," Sunghoon stated as I entered the kitchen and just smiled at him, "I'm going to the store, what chocolate do you want for me to bring back for you?"

"None," I simply shook my head making his smile immediately falter at me.

"What? Why? I always have chocolate with me back for you," he reminded and I just hummed at him.

"But not today," I stated and he immediately frowned.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"I've eaten a bit too much this comeback," I simply shrugged and settled down on the chair by the kitchen counter and opened my computer as I pushed up my glasses.

"Yang Jungwon!" Sunghoon yelled out, making me jump in the seat by his loud voice.

"Why would you yell like that?" I questioned in confussion as small footsteps ran down towards the kitchen.

"What is it hyung?" Jungwon questioned from the door of the kitchen.

"Have you said something about Bubs' intake of food again?" Sunghoon questioned making Jungwon widen his eyes as he just looked back and forth between Sunghoon and I before he just shook his head.

"He hasn't said anything," I simply shook my head at Sunghoon

"Then why in the world won't you have me bring chocolate back for you?" Sunghoon questioned making me drop my face into my hands.

"Just let me skip this once," I complained to him, "stylist unnie already threw a fit over me wanting to grow my hair past my shoulders."

"But you like it short like that," Sunghoon pointed to my hair making me just nod at him, "then why would you want to grow it out?"

"Because I do," I simply shrugged.

"I think I know what this is about," Jungwon stated making us both look to him, "you can just go hyung, I'll take care of it."

"If she is crying when I get back..." Sunghoon warned making me let out a small laugh at him.

"Just go already!" I whined at Sunghoon who just nodded before rushing out of the kitchen.

"Tell me... are you still jealous?" Jungwon questioned as he walked up to the kitchen counter and leaned on it beside me.

"No..." I replied making him let out a small laugh, "do you still have her number?"

Jungwon let out a small laugh before simply shaking his head and looking back up at me.

"I threw it out the moment you were asleep last night," he assured, "until then I believe you were in very much need of all my love and affection. But tell me... what do you want to change?"

"Eh... I just thought maybe I had gained a bit too much... and I guess the long hair would suit me, I don't know about color yet. But I'll use the brown color shampoo for some time by now, I think, it looks close enough to my natural color," I shrugged, "and I was thinking about actually uses my dresses and skirts."

"And why would you change these things?" Jungwon questioned and I just shrugged, "you just felt like it?"

"Sort off," I hummed at him with a small laugh, "I was thinking about getting some more contacts too, so I won't have to always wear my glasses when we're at home without any filming schedule."

"Alright... try and come," Jungwon stated and grabbed my hand before tugging me after him.

I didn't even question him by now, I just followed him down to the makeup room where he closed the door behind himself and pulled me over in front of the mirror, making me let out a small laugh at the sight. I looked like an absolute mess. My hair pulled back in a low messy bun, wearing one of Jungwon's giant hoodies and my own sweatpants... I looked like I had just woken up.

"You see that girl?" Jungwon questioned and pointed to the mirror as I just nodded at him and he placed his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist, "do you really see her? Do you see the messy hair? Big hoodie? Round glasses? Do you really see it?"

"I do," I nodded at him.

"And what do you think?" 

"I look like an absolute mess," I let out a small laugh, that immediately stopped once I realized that Jungwon wasn't even smiling at my remark.

"Wanna know what I see?" he questioned and I hesitantly shook my head, "why not?"

"Because... because I'm scared of the answer," I quietly admitted.

"You're gonna get it anyways," he decided with a small smile, "what I see is... I see the love of my life, and I'll see her whether she was wandering about in my hoodie and a pair of sweats or if she was walking around in some dress... I would see her whether she had her hair short or long... and I surely would see her whether she was one big lump of fat or a skinny twig. You know why I would see her no matter how she looks?"


"Because I did not fall in love with how she looked. I fell in love with her laugh, her personality, her laugh... oh my god her laugh, you should hear it, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I could have it playing on repeat for days... but one thing I really did fall in love with was... the way she made me feel, how she made my heart beat faster by just glancing at me, or how my cheeks heated up just by the thought of hugging her, even the thought of kissing her would make my knees buckle and put me in shambles," Jungwon softly listed making me sniffle and immediately lift the sleeve of the hoodie up to my nose, "why are you sniffling?"

"Sorry..." I muttered as I looked down.

"No,  no, no, look back up," Jungwon spoke and softly lifted my chin so that I looked back into the mirror, "now... do you see what I see?"

"I think you put too many words on what you see," I admitted with a small laugh making a small smile slowly spread on his face.

"What I see is everything I could wish for and even more," he softly spoke and tugged a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "I see what I believe to be absolute perfection in any form," he spoke and pressed a kiss to my cheek before quickly wiping a tear away from the other, "don't cry. I don't like to see you cry."

"Sorry," I whispered, "sorry for not seeing."

"It's okay," Jungwon stated and placed his chin back on my shoulder, "but from now on, whenever you feel insecure because you think another girl is prettier or better for me, just think of everything I just told you and you'll realize, that no matter how many girls that walk this planet, I'll never trade you for any of them."

I immediately turned around in his embrace and wrapped my arms around his neck as I just nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Your glasses will get dirty," Jungwon reminded with a small laugh.

"Screw the glasses," I mumbled making him let out a laugh before lifting my head and carefully taking my glasses off for me.

The moment he had let go of my face I immediately nuzzled it back into the crook of his neck as he rubbed small circles on my back.

"Why are you reacting like this?" Jungwon softly questioned.

"I was told no one would ever love me," I whispered making him hum in return.

"They were wrong," he softly reminded, "you're not only loved by me, but also by the boys, most likely every staff member at the company, so many sunbaes... and so so many engenes all around the world."

"I know..."

"Promise to never look down at yourself like this again."

"I'll try."

"Thank you."

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