Final Day (2)

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As Jungwon returned to the hospital a doctor had already spoken to me and I knew what was going to happen. But it first really dawned upon me when Hojin and Yejun had ran into the room with Soyeol happily following them. All jumping up on my bed to hug me, while Jungwon just followed after them with a soft smile resting on his face.

"Mom, what is wrong with you?" Soyeol questioned as she and the two small boys just pulled away and stared at me.

"The doctors don't know... but they said I'll be better very soon," I softly assured her and softly caressed her hair.

"They did?" Jungwon happily questioned as he sat down beside the bed, making me reach over to grab his hand and give it a small squeeze.

"Yeah..." I whispered before directing my attention back to Hojin and Yejun, "was it a nice morning with grandma?"

"Mhm!" Yejun happily hummed.

"She made us pancakes!" Hojin loudly exclaimed.

"Is that so?" I questioned and both boys immediately nodded their heads, "but can I ask... are they better than mine?" I whispered making both immediately shake their heads, "that's what I thought. Soyeol-ah? Can you take Hojin and Yejun with you out to the toilet to fix their hair... I see they still have bedhair."

"Mhm," Soyeol happily nodded before quickly standing up and grabbing onto the hands of her brothers before carefully walking out of the room.

The moment I heard the door close I immediately slumped back against the wall behind me, letting the weakness take over.

"They didn't tell you you would be well soon, did they?" Jungwon questioned making me look over at him before shaking my head, "what did they say?"

"They don't know what it is," I whispered making him nod at me, "they don't... Jungwon-ah?"

"Hm?" he hummed at me.

"Take care of the kids okay? Don't panic over everything again," I urged as I gave his hand another small squeeze.

"What are you saying?" Jungwon let out a small smile at me.

"With the condition I'm in the doctors don't expect me to live the day out..." I whispered making his smile falter as he just nodded at me before looking down, "can you look at me?"

"I don't want you leaving..." he muttered making me squeeze his hand once more, "I want the red color back in your cheeks... right now."

"Jungwon... look at me," I urged and his eyes slowly lifted themselves to stare at me as they glazed over, "promise me to take care of the kids."

"Of course," he softly spoke before placing a hand on my cheek nodding at me, "of course..."

"Please..." I begged as I felt my eyes well up as well.

"I will, don't worry," he assured as he rubbed his thumb back and forth, quickly sniffling before looking down and pulling in a deep breath to pull himself together, "and there isn't any way they can be wrong?"

"I don't know," I admitted as I shook my head at him, "I don't want the kids to be here when it happens."

"I know," he nodded again as the door opened and Soyeol happily marched in with Hojin and Yejun, who both had their hair done.

"Soyeol-ah?" I called out as I straightened up once again making her look to me, "do you want me to braid your hair as well?"

"Yes please," Soyeol happily skipped over and sat in front of me as I slowly began braiding her hair, no matter how weak my arms felt.

Once I had Soyeol's hair braided I moved a bit over in the bed so Jungwon could crawl up and sit beside me as all five of us managed to sit in the bed.

"Hojin-ah?" I spoke up making said boy look to me, "what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"What Yejun want!" Hojin immediately exclaimed.

"I want to hug mommy better!" Yejun exclaimed before he and Hojin both latched themselves onto me.

I let out a small laugh before wrapping my arms around them both and waved for Soyeol to come into the hug as well. I closed my eyes tightly as I held the kids tightly as I felt Jungwon move my hair away from my ear and lean down to it.

"It's gonna be fine... I'll take care of them," he muttered making me nod as I nodded once again.

For the next hour we all sat in my hospital bed, a nurse walking in once to change my IV. She didn't say anything she just smiled fondly at us before walking out of the room once again.

"And you know what then mom?" Soyeol questioned and I shook my head as Jungwon gave my shoulder a small squeeze, whilst he held his arm around me, the other hand wrapped tightly around mine, "then Sar- mom?"

Soyeol had stopped talking as a shiver had went over me making her cock her head to the side as Hojin and Yejun stopped playing with their birthdays gifts over in the corner of the room.

"I don't feel so good..." I whispered to Jungwon as my head dropped from his shoulder, and he had to lift it back up on his shoulder again.

"Yeol-ie? Can I get you to take Hojin and Yejun with you out on the hallway. I think mom needs some rest, wait for me out there, okay?" Jungwon questioned and Soyeol nodded before slowly crawling down from the bed and grabbed the hands of the two twin boys once more.

"Come over here first," I urged and waved the three of them over, making Soyeol quickly walk over to me with the two boys trailing behind her.

I softly pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads before softly smiling at them.

"Mom loves you all very much, remember that," I spoke and Soyeol just nodded as the two boys eagerly nodded at me.

"Now go," Jungwon urged and Soyeol immediately nodded once more before pulling the two boys with her.

As the door closed I felt myself slide further down in Jungwon's arms as I closed my eyes tightly as a pain began spreading through my body.

"Is it... is it now?" Jungwon croaked out and I slowly nodded at him making him sigh before reaching over and pressing a button for emergency use.

"I love you so so much," I whispered making him hum before bending down and softly pressing a kiss to my lips, I was even too weak to reply the kiss just a small bit.

"I know," he assured, "and I love you too... never forget that. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone."

"I'm so scared," I admitted making him just nod and give me a small squeeze.

"Me too," he hummed, "everything is gonna be fine... you'll feel better, and I'll take good care of the kids."

"I don't want you to cry... not the boys and not the kids either," I softly spoke making him hum as he softly rubbed my back, "don't cry over me... got it?"

"I can't promise anything," he shook his head in refusal.

"Sir I'm gonna need for you to step out on the hallway," a doctor rushed into the room with a few nurses behind her as Jungwon looked up.

He slowly crawled out of the bed as I continued to hold onto his hand, hopelessly looking at how he slowly pulled himself away from me.

"I love you... I love you," Jungwon softly repeated as I watched a tear fall from his eyes before he slowly let his hand slip out of mine.

"Sir... now," the doctor spoke making Jungwon slowly nod before turning his back to me and walking out of the door to the room.

Last thing I heard was a loud and deafening beep echoing out in the room around me.

So... what do you guys want???

Happy ending?

Sad ending?

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