Final Day (1)

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The Future

"I think I finally did it," Jungwon breathed out as he walked into the bedroom and just flopped face down on the bed beside me making me softly smile and just pat the back of his head before he turned his head to the side to actually be able to breathe.

"Were they difficult?" I softly questioned him and he just nodded.

"They wouldn't sleep because they know tomorrow is their third birthday," Jungwon sighed and dragged his hand over his face.

"Hojin and Yejun are just... small balls of energy," I shrugged making him glance up at me.

"Hojin is the loud ball of energy and Yejun is the wrestling type of energy," Jungwon sighed before pushing himself to sit up, "what the hell have we made?"

"Three amazing kids," I assured and ruffled his hair, "now I suggest you lay down and get your eyes closed before tomorrow... they're not gonna go any easier on you."

"Are they just gonna get more and more energetic with their age?" Jungwon questioned making me look down at him with a soft smile before he turned his head and look up at me, "are you feeling better? Not sick anymore?"

"I'm fine," I assured and softly brushed his hair.

"I didn't ask if you were fine... I asked if you still felt sick," he pointed out and tapped my nose softly, "you didn't look too good this morning and you don't look too good now either."

"I just need some rest," I softly assured him and closed the files that laid in my lap.

"You're not overworking yourself... are you?" he sternly spoke making me shake my head at him, "Ji..."

"I'm not, don't worry," I assured him, "we both know if I was overworking myself I would barely be consious right now... it's just a small cold," I assured him, "now how about we sleep?"

"Sounds nice," he hummed at me making me throw my file over on the nightstand beside my side of the bed as Jungwon just pulled me under the duvet with him before pulling me close into his chest, "do you remember how we used to always sleep like this before we moved out?" he questioned, softly running a hand through my hair.

"I always felt so secure," I hummed at him making him let out a small laugh at him.

"You don't feel secure now?" Jungwon let out a small laugh making me softly hit his chest, another laugh sounding out in the room once more.

"You know what I mean," I complained at him.

"Try and sleep, we'll sleep like this tonight," Jungwon pointed out making me nod.

I felt him press a soft kiss to my forehead as he softly rubbed my back in a slow motion muttering a small 'I love you' under his breath, making me slowly tighten my grip around you.

I felt myself drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep, going unconsious for a few hours before I abruptly awoke with troubles of breathing. I had immediately sat up and scrambled to look for anything to drink, just a glass of water.

"Ji? What is happening?" Jungwon muttered from behind me as I continued to scramble on my nighstand before eventually feeling my arm, that held me up, buckle under me, and make me fall down on the floor, "Ji!"

Jungwon quickly got up from the bed and rushed over to me before forcing me to sit up, looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm fine," I muttered making him immediately reach over and turn on a small light before his eyes widened.

"We're going to the hospital," he stated and reached up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand as he craddled me in close to his chest.

"Why?" I croaked out.

"You're barely breathing, you're nearly transparent, your lips are blue and I'm fearing the worst," Jungwon rambled before lifting my phone to his ear before I could hear a tired voice on the other end, "mom, I'm so sorry, but I need you to come and look after the kids, I need to get Ji to the hospital fast as possible... no I don't know what is wrong with her, but it doesn't look good... yeah, yeah... I know... please come quick... the key is where it usually is... thank you! Bye! I love you!"

Jungwon quickly ended the call before shoving my phone into his backpocket and easily lifting me off the ground before quietly rushing out in the forehall and slipping his shoes on before grabbing his jacket and draping it over my shoulders, when he had set me down for a short moment.

Jungwon didn't hesitate one moment before rushing outside and placing me in the backseat of the car as he sat in the front seat and immediately rushed off. Once in a while I could see him checking on me in the rearview mirror as I began shivering and just pulling his jacket closer around me.

"We're there soon, just hang in there for me," he softly spoke making me just look at him in return.

Once we arrived at the hospital he was quick to pick me up from the backseat and rush up towards the entrance.

"We've done this before, I don't know if I can stay with you, but the moment I'm allowed to I'm coming to stay by your side," Jungwon hurriedly spoke making me just turn my head to look up at him as he rushed up to the front desk and explained what was happening, "they're going to go get a stretcher for you, and then they'll run a blood test before putting you in a room. I can go with you to the blood test, but I don't know if they'd want to take any other tests on you."

"Jung... won," I muttered making him hum as he looked down at me his eyes immediately softening as one of my hands grabbed onto his shirt, "don't leave."

"I won't... okay?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded before resting my head against his chest.

Once a stretcher came for me, Jungwon carefully laid me down before running after the staff as they wheeled me off to go get a blood test taken. Throughout the night I was pretty much through each and every possible test there might've been. A bit exaggerating but it sure felt like it. But once I still was in the hospital when morning came Jungwon had gone home to pick up the kids so we could celebrate Hojin and Yejun's birthday all together.

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