Love Kick

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December 2021

I quickly sent a text reply to Sunghoon as I rushed down the hallways to the practice room as I held the bag with our lunch in one hand, trying to remember my way through the hallways.

Eventually I did reach the practice room with our sign on it. I immediately opened the door and expected to be greeted by the seven boys, all eagerly waiting for their lunch. Keep in mind I expected.

What I actually got was a blunt force to the head, sending me straight into the wall beside me as I lost my balance and slid down against it.

"Sunny!" Sunoo loudly exclaimed as I saw black spots in front of my eyes.

"What a greeting, honestly," I complained and rubbed the side of my head as Sunoo's face appeared right in my view, looking quite concerned.

"I'll go get an icepack," Sunoo stated before just running off.

"Ji, I'm so sorry," Jungwon gasped as I looked up at him. He stood with wide eyes and both hands covering his mouth as he looked down at me.

"I don't know... did I overreact?" I questioned as I looked over at the other five remaining boys, who all just sat and stared at me with wide eyes, "what?"

"You were literally kicked into a wall!" Heeseung exclaimed at me making me hesitantly nod before looking up at Jungwon.

"That's what happened?" I questioned in confusion.

"I think she got a concussion," Jake pointed out, "she seems confused."

"Dazed," Jay corrected.

"Dazed, dazed, dazed," Niki muttered to himself.

"Did you kick me?" I questioned as I looked up at Jungwon, who immediately crouched down in front of me.

"I swear I didn't mean to," he immediately assured, "the hyungs asked me to show one, and you just came at the wrong time."

"Ah... I see," I nodded at him, "you don't kick that hard you know..."

"I think he might've kicked just a bit too hard," Sunghoon spoke up making me look over at him.

"But if he kicked with all the strength such a kick could give... she would probably be dead," Jake stated.

"You can die from getting kicked in the head?" Jay looked to him in confusion as Jake just nodded.

"Too many important things that can get damaged," Jake nodded, "not to mention that getting kicked in the head with a martial arts kick has been recorded to be much heavier than getting hit in the head by a sledgehammer."

"Why do you know this, honestly?" Jay exclaimed at him making me frown at them.

"You have to keep it low if she has a concussion," Heeseung lightly scolded making me let out a small laugh.

"Nah, I'm fine," I assured as I waved it off.

"I have the ice, I have the ice," Sunoo rushed into the room and handed Jungwon the ice pack.

"Where did I kick you?" Jungwon sternly questioned.

"In... my head...?" I frowned at him making him sigh before just placing the icepack on the side of my head.

"God, I'm so sorry," Jungwon sighed and rubbed my arm with his free hand, "you could've gotten seriously hurt."

"I see two solutions to this," Sunghoon spoke up, "either we knock before entering or we ban taekwondo kicks."

"The kicks, obviously," Sunoo stated as the two immediately began bickering back and forth.

"I promise when we get home I'll cuddle you the rest of the day," Jungwon immediately stated making me let out a small laugh at him.

"I just need a promise for you to never kick me in the head again," I pointed out and he immediately nodded, "you know... normally it's an elbow or hand in the face the girlfriend gets... I get a whole ass taekwondo kick... that's pretty damn cool."

"You're not speaking straight," Jungwon let out a small laugh at me.

"But it is cool," I pointed out to him making him just sigh before nodding.

"Well... your boyfriend is pretty damn cool," he stated making me let out a small giggle at him, "no?"

"My boyfriend is hella adorbs," I corrected making him snort as he let out a small laugh.

"Hella adorbs?" he questioned and I hummed as he turned the icepack around to place the cold side on my cheek.

"Mhm... Jungwon-ie?" I questioned him and he let out another snort.

"You always call me Jungwon-ah," he corrected me, "or Wonie... or pretty boy."

"Let me ask!" I complained at him making him let out a small laugh at me, "can I sleep in your shirt tonight?"

"Don't you always?" he questioned in amusement and I just shrugged, "is it really all you wanted to ask?"

"Mhm," I hummed at him with a small nod.

"Don't move your head too much, it's not good if I gave you a concussion," he pointed out, "I really gave you one, didn't I?" he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"It's a fun story, isn't it?" Heeseung let out a small laugh.

"You know... you six are awfully calm in this situation," Jungwon pointed out.

"Because we know you'll take care of her and won't let us get within two meters of her at the moment," Jake shrugged making me let out a small laugh at them.

"She's completely gone," Jungwon sighed before looking up at me, "why are you smiling like that at me?" he questioned with a suspicious tone as I just sat and smiled at him.

"Because... you have really pretty eyes, you know?" I questioned him and he just nodded at me.

"You tell me every morning," he pointed out and I just smiled wider.

"I like them," I hummed at him, "and I think I just outlived every Eden's dream."

"What are you even talking about?" he let out a small laugh at me.

"You know how they post on twitter, saying they wish to be kicked in the head by your or something like that," I pointed out and he just let out a small laugh at me.

"I think you need to go rest a bit in the artist lounge, Ji," Jungwon sternly stated.

"Wait," I complained, "I wanna tell you something."

"What?" Jungwon softly questioned and turned the ice pack once again as he just said and smiled at me.

"I love you~" I happily cooed making him let out a weird mix of a laugh and a sigh.

"You need to lay down."

I hummed in reply making Jungwon easily pick me up before taking me out to the lounge and laying me down with the icepack on my face.

"Seems like I kicked you into Love."

"Always do."

If It Is You (Y.Jw) [Sequel]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin