Chapter 13

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"Hello," I happily cooed at the camera as there was enough watchers on the live.

"Hi," Jake cooed as well.

"What are we?" I questioned him, "like... what unit?"

"The English unit?" he questioned.

"But Heeseung also speaks English... and Jay too," I pointed out to him and he nodded as we both tried to think about it, before I just waved it off, "but we're here with an international live, for all those international fans that don't understand anything when we usually have lives."

"With the British wannabe," Jake introduced as he gestured to me and I did a small salute to the camera.

"And the Aussie Kangaroo," I said gesturing to Jake, who just nodded at me.

"We actually don't have a plan for this live, other than we wanted to speak with a lot of our international fans as well," Jake explained, "Jiyeon just brought the idea up, and I agreed, so now we're here and we don't know what to do."

"Exactly," I nodded at the camera making Jake let out a laugh at me, "what?"

"You sound so British," he let out a small laugh.

"Why?" I complained at him, hitting his arm as he laughed out loud at me.

"Why are you so British in your way of speaking English? You've never lived in England, have you?" he questioned and I shook my head.

"My English teacher for the past five years was British, so maybe that's why," I waved it off before turning back to the camera, "Engene, there's also another upside to us doing this in English. I don't have to call Jake oppa."

"You didn't have to anyway," Jake pointed out to me, "didn't all of the boys agree that if it made you uncomfortable you didn't have to call us Oppa?"

"Well... yeah... but remember all those papers I got?" I questioned him and he frowned at me.

"That file, with how to be the ideal female idol?" he questioned and I nodded, "yeah I remember that one."

"In that it says, I have to call all boys older than me oppa," I pointed out to him and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Even us boys, when we have told you it's alright?" he questioned and I nodded.

"If I don't do it, I look rude," I explained to him, "so I've started to try and call Heeseung Oppa, but it's quite hard actually. Especially because he gets really confused by it. But so far my plan is to work my way through the age order, so it'll first be Heeseung oppa, then Jay oppa, then Jake oppa," I pointed out to him as I pointed to him with finger, "Sunghoon oppa, Sunoo oppa, and lastly Jungwon oppa."

"But won't people understand if you don't call us it, if they know it's alright by us?" he questioned in confusion and I shook my head.

"It's how it perceived by the culture," I explained to him and he nodded, "so even if you said it's alright, it'll still be looked down upon. So I'm training for our debut."

"Jungwon is gonna have a flip once you begin calling him oppa," Jake pointed out and I nodded.

"I know. He has insisted so much on me not calling him it," I agreed with a nod.

"On another note, our show Enhypen&Hi aired the first episode yesterday, and I think it came with a lot of explanations," Jake stated and I nodded.

"As to how the bunks are distributed, we tried to explain it in the past, but no one really understood," I nodded.

"Why Jiyeon has two different hairstyles in our concept photos," Jake added on and I nodded, flipping my short hair to the camera as I smiled.

"I didn't even know they planned to change my hair. It was first in my last week in Denmark they informed me about it," I told him.

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