Chapter 6

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I walked into the kitchen as I was braiding my wet hair, after having showered after a long day of practices. I opened my computer and quickly turned it on, before walking back into the bedroom where the boys all were getting ready for bed as well.

"Night boys," I cooed out making them all coo back at me in a good night, before I turned back around to go back to the kitchen.

"Aren't you gonna sleep?" Heeseung called out to me and I shook my head as I tied off my braid with a small hair tie.

"I have a study counseling call," I excused to him.

"How long?" Jay questioned as he got into his bunk.

"About... half an hour?" I shrugged casually, "I don't know actually. My appointment is at 3 pm, in Denmark which is... 11 pm here," I explained and he nodded.

"About what?" Sunghoon questioned making me sigh as I tied off my second braid.

"Is this some sort of interrogation," I let out a small laugh at them.

"Just plain curiosity," Jake shook his head.

"Well... the appointment is about counseling us through our education, about what we want to do once we're done with school. Then I also have to speak with him about how this thing with me taking some video classes and taking physical classes here, about how that is and such," I explained with a shrug.

"Can I say that, I feel you've been quite stressed out about all those classes?" Sunoo questioned and I nodded at him.

"He's right. You don't really seem to have any break during the day except when you sleep, or drive between school and rehearsals," Heeseung nodded in agreement.

"I know," I assured him before looking at the time on Jay's phone, as it was the closest to me," I have to go now."

"You look absolutely cute with those braids, by the way!" Sunoo called out after me just making me smile to him over my shoulder, making him dramatically grab his chest as he gasped at me.

I quickly walked out to the kitchen and logged onto my computer before opening Microsoft Teams, where I patiently waited for the call to come in. As the call appeared on screen I quickly took it and turned on my camera for my counselor.

"Hello Vita, how are you doing?" he happily smiled at me.

"Just fine," I nodded.

We talked for a very short time about my future after school, as it already was pretty much set in stone. Before it moved onto being about how I was handling both schools at a time.

"Noona?" a small voice questioned as I were sitting and listening to the counselor. I turned my head and smiled softly at how tired Niki looked as he sat down beside me, out of frame from my counselor.

"Can you please just quickly give me a moment, something just came up," I told my counselor and he nodded his head before I muted myself and turned to Niki, "what's up?"

"I can't sleep," he excused himself.

"Why not?" I questioned him as I pulled out the chair beside me and patted it.

"I'm... I'm scared they would want you to go back to study in Denmark," he muttered silently as he admitted his worries, before moving over and sitting down beside me.

"Ah..." I nodded at him, before reaching out my arm and pulling him into my side, "they won't do that, okay? The plan is, that if I get too stressed I'll just go to school full time here," I assured him as I rubbed his arm and he placed his head on my shoulder, "you wanna stay here until I finished the meeting?"

"Mhm," he hummed as he nodded and I smiled softly at him before unmuting myself again.

"Sorry, I'm back now," I told the counselor who nodded at me.

"I suspect that's one of your group members," he commented and I nodded, "very well... but as I was saying. If you get too stressed about the video classes and physical classes, we can have your merit transferred by January, to... Namkang Girls' Department High School, so you can go to school there full time, and won't have to travel back and forth. This will also be very smart considering everything that's going on at the moment."

"Okay... I'll be in contact with my mom about it first, as she really wants me to take the Danish education. So I'll speak with her about it and then I'll send you a mail within this week, where I address what we've settled upon," I explained and he nodded.

"That's completely fine," he assured and I nodded.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"I'll let you get off to sleep then, I suspect it's late for you. I'll look forward to your mail and if you decide to go full time in Korea, we'll try to get your merit transferred as fast as possible," he assured and I nodded before he ended the call.

I silently closed the computer and looked down at Niki who still were awake on my shoulder.

"So..." he trailed off.

"I'll speak with my mom tomorrow, and then I'll discuss with her about whether or not she'll let me go to school full time here in Korea, or if she want me to go half half," I replied to him and he let out a small smile as he nodded, "so I will not be going away before May, at least. Now... we both have practice tomorrow, so what about we go in and get to bed?"

"Okay," he silently muttered as we both stood up and walked back to the bedroom. 

I quickly climbed up into my bunk as he did the same and we both got under our covers.

"Goodnight noona," he called out through the darkness.

"Night Niki," I smiled softly and within minutes it sounded like he was already asleep.

I let out a small sigh as I listened to the boys sleep. Some of them were snoring, others were mumbling in their sleep. It all seemed quite casual to everyone.

"Psst," a small voice spoke from beside me, nearly making me jump out of the bed, "move over, will you?"

"Jungwon?" I questioned in confusion as the person climbed into my bed and laid down as I moved over to the side.

"Mhm," the person hummed, confirming his identity.

"What are you doing?" I questioned in disbelief as he lifted up my cover and got under it himself.

"I kept falling in and out of sleep," he excused and wrapped an arm around my waist, "can I please sleep here? Just for tonight?"

"If you begin talking in your sleep, then it's down," I warned him and he hummed in reply as he snuggled his head into my hair, "god, you're adorable."

"Mhm, whatever you say," he muttered in reply, before his breath quickly fell heavy.

"Absolutely loveable," I muttered in a soft voice as I softly patted his hair at the back of his head as I tried to fall asleep myself as well.

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