Another Step

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December 1, 2025

Yesterday all of them had eaten out. It had been their 5th anniversary, but it had also been Jiyeon's last in the group. Once they had gotten back to the dorm the boys had all gone to bed one by one, meanwhile Jiyeon had excused herself to sit out in the living room till late. At one point Jungwon had missed her presence, and had gone out just to find her already asleep on the couch, in a small ball curled up on the couch. Just then he knew, and he got even more sure when he had lifted her into bed along with him, where she laid at the moment. Peacefully sleeping, as the only one in the dorm.

This morning had a sickly deja vu feeling to Jungwon, reminding him of the December day he had woken up with her in his arms and she suddenly had seemed so much more beautiful than he had ever thought. The moment he had realized how much he really had loved her.

This morning looked exactly like it, just a few years older, but still as childishly in love. Exactly like that morning he smiled softly at her sleeping face before brushing her hair out of her face. Her flight was tonight, and he had to tell her just in case the worst happened. 

He did have to admit he didn't want her to go, not because she would be gone for the month, but he was deadly terrified that the plane would crash, or she would be hit by a car or anything that could hurt her. It had only been like that. The moment he wasn't with her or knew he couldn't get to her within minutes he worried something would happen to her, as if she was exempted from any danger when he was beside her.

He placed a small kiss on her forehead before letting out a small hum of satisfaction of how she unconsiously snuggedl closer to him with a small smile dawning on her face. He knew she was asleep, had she been awake she would've tried to pretend she was sleeping, but would've failed by smiling with her teeth instead. This smile was just a small faint one.

Reaching over behind himself, Jungwon managed to open the small drawer in the nightstand behind him, before pulling out a small delicate ring. Just a thin silver band, no fancy things. She didn't like all that bling. He knew that from their debut, how she hated how the performance clothes often had these chains and beads on them. He smiled faintly at the thought of how much she complained at how ugly they looked.

He carefully craned his neck down to look at her left hand that laid between her and his chest, meanwhile her right arm was stretched loosely over his torso, once in a while tightening its grip when she snuggled a bit closer. He smiled slightly, getting an idea of just seeing how it would look on her.

He carefully slid the ring on her fourth finger on her hand. It fit perfectly. The small silver band sat perfectly against her pale hand and it just looked even more elegant and delicate than it already did. He absolutely loved how it looked.

It wasn't exactly normal to have an engagement ring in Korea, it was usually a joint agreement between both parts in the couple. But he knew how her culture was different, and for once he wanted to try and do it how she was used to. There had been so many times where she had to accostum to what the usual Korean behavior of relationships is, compared to what she knew and had been used to. 

So, Jungwon did his research. It was normal to do a proposal where she is from, same way it was normal and basically a must to actually get an engagement ring as well as wear it. But the biggest difference was the timeline of engagement. It was so normal for people in Korea to get engaged and married within the same four months, but for her... she had been used to people getting engaged and a few years passing. This had just made this point in time even more perfect for them to get engaged, let it pass a few years and then they get married. She had said she didn't want to hurry, so she didn't have to after he assured her he wanted them to do it the way she had been used to. But ideally the ring should've been placed on her right hand, according to her culture... as far as he could read on all those English websites.

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