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You ever get those mornings where you just wake up and just straight up think "ah, just fucking kill me already", yeah, today was that day. At least I was lucky enbough to actually wake up in my own bunk for once.

"Finally, about time you woke up," Jungwon commented with a small laugh, "you're usually awake before me."

"Don't speak to me," I groaned and turned around in his grip.

"Yah... what's with that tone?" he complained making me let out a small sigh before rolling back to face him, immediately wrapping my arms around him and throwing my legs over his hip, "you're acting weird Ji," he let out a small laugh as I just hummed and closed my eyes again, "come on, we have to go to practice in ten."

"And you didn't think of waking me up?" I complained in a small mutter.

"You looked too cute," he sheepishly replied before I pushed myself up in a sitting position.

"Mhm," I hummed at him.

As he got out to eat breakfast I quickly packed my bag for the day, remembering to bring an extra pair of sweatpants, my hot water bottle. I would just fill it at the company.

I decided to skip breakfast and instead just assured to grab some painkillers before we left the dorm. I knew practicing was part of my job and all, but today I honestly just wanted to lay down and die.

"Noona you really look like you wanna die," Niki laughed as we went over our choreography.

"I want to Riki," I hummed making him frown over at me, "not literally... just momentarily... you know... death without the commitment."

"Isn't that... just sleep?" Heeseung questioned.

"God I love being dead without the commitment," Niki enthustiatically commented making me let out a small laugh.

"Can't we take our lunchbreak now? I'm really hungry," Sunoo complained.

"Yeah," Jungwon simply nodded, "leader calls lunchbreak."

I quickly rushed over and grabbed my bag before rushing out to the artist lounge and began heating water in the electric kettle I had bought only for the artist lounge. Can you believe they didn't have one before?

"Hello Jiyeon-ie," a voice spoke up from behind me and I immediately turned before bowing, "no, no, not so formal," Eunha quickly assured with a warm smile, "is there enough water for me?"

"Just go ahead," I assured her and gestured to the electric kettle that finished boiling as I stepped aside and got out my hot water bottle.

"One of you is injured?" she questioned and I simply shook my head, "ah... it's that time..." she trailed off and my cheeks immediately turned red as I just nodded, "do you struggle a lot with cramps?"

"Only the first few days," I shrugged making her hum as she unscrewed the lid on the bottle and began pouring the hot water into the bottle.

"I used to struggle a lot with it too, you know," she stated making me look up at her in shock, "but Sojung unnie suggested I tried to go to some acupuncture place that specialized in easing period cramps, and now it's not that bad anymore."

"It actually works?" I asked in shock as she nodded and screwed the lid back on again.

"You wouldn't believe how much it helps," she nodded, "but you'll have to go each month... it's alright to skip once when your schedule is tight but it will be a bit worse than usual that day, but not as bad as it was before. We can go together next time. I'll tell the acupuncture place to your manager and have him deliver it to you, I'll say it's because you struggle with neckpains or something so you won't be embarrassed."

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