Relationship on Vlive

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I sat silently in the corner of the room as I watched Sunghoon set up their live set up, for him and Jungwon to go live and make some keychains for their bluetooth earbud cases. I would've loved to join them, but I was in the midst of an online class, so for now I could just sit and watch them out of the corner of my eye as I had my math class.

"And if you look at this vector," my math teacher explained and showed us in MS Paint, what exactly he had meant. I wasn't a special case with being in online class, for now my class was still sent home to get online classes anyway, it wa sonly graduating classes that could go back for now, and I wasn't in one.

My head snapped away from my screen as I heard Sunghoon let out a bright laugh, and mentally thanked myself for always turning my microphone off. I smiled slightly at the sight of Jungwon sitting and struggling with some ring on his finger, before I quickly tucked a loose strand of blonde hair up under my beanie and pulled my hood further over my head before looking back down at my screen again.

"Ji," Jungwon whispered and tapped my shoulder, making me hum and pull out one of my earbuds, "help," he muttered and extended his hand towards me with the ring stuck on his finger.

"Go get the lotion from the cabinet," I nodded and placed my computer on the couch in front of me as he returned to me, "I swear to god all the weird things I've done for you boys, whilst in online class. Do you have any idea how many videos my brother has of me?"

"Sorry," Jungwon let out a small laugh as I rubbed the lotion down his finger, and dried my hands off in a wetwipe, before slowly turning the ring back and forth as it began sliding off his finger.

"Right now, Bubs is in the room," Sunghoon stated to the live as I struggled with the ring, "so she's helping Jungwon. She wanted to join us, but she had math class."

"It's over in like twenty minutes," I stated and Sunghoon just nodded before I managed to pull the ring off Jungwon's finger, "please don't put more on your fingers," I begged to him and Jungwon just nodded and grabbed the ring from me before rushing back to the live. 

I let out a small laugh at him before catching the girl in my class, who was a fan of us, sitting with wide eyes as she stared at the screen. I must've accidentally pulled Jungwon too far into the frame... who knows... she might believe me now, when I say I'm not able to go down and get a book on the school, because I'm in a whole other country.

Once my math class finished I quickly shut my computer and pulled out my earbuds and placed them in their case, before quickly rushing over behind the boys, bending down and waving at the camera with excitement.

"Hello Engene~" I happily cooed.

"Show the engenes your earbuds," Sunghoon stated and I looked to him, "it's matching," he excused and picked up Jungwon's case.

"Ah..." I realized and nodded, "the earbuds is not, but our case is," I excused and held up my earbuds that was in a light blue case as well.

"I bought it because I wanted to match," Jungwon nodded in agreement looking up from what he was working on.

"Can you stay? Jungwon can't talk whilst doing other stuffs," Sunghoon let out a small laugh and I just nodded.

"But he can," I frowned as I pulled over a chair and Sunghoon immediately moved to the side to let me sit down between him and Jungwon, "he has no problem speaking with me whilst doing other things."

"That's because it's you," Sunghoon reminded and I hesitantly nodded.

"I'm always focused on you," Jungwon hummed making me let out a small laugh.

"He might be, but he's not really aware of where he is apparently," I commented with a small laugh.

"Engenes are asking why your earbuds are round?" Sunghoon spoke up and I got out my earbuds once again, "the case for them..."

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