Chapter 32

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"Is the food done yet?" Jake complained as I let out a small laugh at him.

"Hold on, be patient," I urged him as he just grinned widely at me.

"Here, put this on the table," Jay told me as he handed me a bowl and I nodded before rushing over and placing it on the table by the boys who were all waiting.

For today we had all agreed to eat dinner together for once, it wasn't a thing we did often, and to be honest I preferred when we ate together. In my family we always ate breakfast and dinner together, so once I had gotten here it had just been weird for me that we barely ever ate together. I hadn't really brought it up to the boys, but I think they had realized how happy I always seemed whenever we would sit down and eat all together.

"Wah, we barely ever see Sunny smile this widely," Sunoo cooed at me as I just grinned over at him as I helped Jay with the last food.

"She smiles a lot, you know," Heeseung pointed out to Sunoo who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, when she's around us," Sunoo pointed out to him, "but not really this widely."

"I just enjoy when we eat together," I excused to them as I walked over and placed the last plate on the table as Jay walked over and sat down.

"But how?" Sunghoon frowned at me.

"Because... I've always been used to eating all my meals with someone else. I always ate breakfast with my family, ate lunch with my classmates, and then ate dinner with my family," I shrugged as I sat down beside Niki at the end of the table.

"But we ate together yesterday," Niki pointed out to me and I nodded.

"But in groups," I pointed out to him and he nodded in realization, "not that I don't enjoy eating with any of you individually, I just... have been used to something else."

The boys all happily began taking on the food as I joined them and we all sat and ate whilst enjoying each. It was quite good actually, I liked it.

"Ah, this is good," Jake sighed as he happily ate the food.

"Who made the kimchi?" Sunghoon questioned and Jay immediately pointed to me with his chopsticks, "good!" he exclaimed and gave me a thumbs up, making me let out a small laugh at him.

"Ah, and I'm trying to lose weight," Sunoo complained as he looked at the food with longing eyes.

"You don't need to lose weight," I assured him and he looked over at me with a hesitant look on his face.

"You're right, I'm handsome no matter what," he decided before taking some more food as everyone let out a small laugh at him.

"Jungwon, no phone at the table," Jay calmly reminded and everyone looked to Jungwon who sat and smiled down at his phone.

"Yeah, hold on, let me just," Jungwon muttered before doing something on his phone.

"Taehee?" Sunoo questioned as he looked over Jungwon's shoulder, before Jungwon quickly shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Sunoo glanced over at me, but I just looked down at the food and got some more for myself as I ate in silence, whilst listening to what the boys were talking about.

"Jiyeon-ie?" Heeseung softly called out making me snap my head over to look at him, as I directed my attention away from the boys and over to him, "how is it going... with the anxiety?"

"Better," I nodded at him and a small smile spread on his face and his face lit up.

"Really?" he asked and I hummed as I nodded.

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