Hello 2021

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"And you're sure it's fine with you being home?" Heeseung clarified as he were getting ready to leave for New Year's. I was supposed to have gone with Jay and Niki to Jay's house, but I had caught an infection, which weren't Covid. I had already gotten tested. But for the sake of my own health and of Jay's family's health.

"I'll be fine," I nodded at him and rubbed my eyes as I sat up in my bed, "it's just a small infection. It'll be gone when you're all home tomorrow."

"What if you have to go to the hospital?" he questioned making me let out a small hoarse laugh.

"Then you're lucky I'm old enough to get there myself," I reminded him, "besides it's been years since I've had to go for a small infection. The last time I was like... ten."

"Okay, but be careful and erememer to eat," he pointed out and I nodded at him, "Jay cooked for you earlier, it's all in the fridge."

"I know," I nodded at him, "now go, or you'll miss your train."

"Okay..." he trailed off, "Jungwon is going in an hour too. He wanted to stay for as long as possible."

"I swear that boy..." I sighed.

"He just wants to make sure you're not too sick or lonely," Heeseung defended and I just nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wish your family a good new year for me," I called after him to which he just hummed before I could hear the front door open and close, "I should go get something to eat..."

I slowly got down from my bunk and stretched in my back. I've been feeling real sore lately, it was just a normal cold that hit a little harder than usually. I slowly dragged myself out to the living room, where Jungwon sat patiently waiting for his parents to come pick him up.

"Weren't you supposed to be in bed?" he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Essen," I excused in a hoarse voice, to which he just nodded. The boys had all slowly gotten used to me replying with one word in whatever language I wished and had either learnt what they meant or just given up on it all and just nodded.

"Well, if you're gonna get food, let me eat with you," Jungwon got up and I just shook my head at him.

"You're gonna eat later," I reminded him, making him huff before rushing into the bedroom as I continued down towards the kitchen and pulled out the bowl of soup Jay had placed in the fridge for me.

I quickly set it over to heat, before just standing and watching it, whilst rubbing one of my eyes, which I were struggling to keep open. Before I knew it something blue were pulled down over my head, making me look around in confusion as it had been pulled all the way over my head.

"You're gonna get even more sick if you don't but on something warm," Jungwon excused and I looked down at myself, to see him having pulled his light blue sweater over my head.

"Why?" I questioned in confusion as I turned to him.

"Are you not listening? Has it made you deaf as well?" he chuckled at me, "you need to wear something warm if you don't want to get more sick."

"Ah..." I slowly nodded making him let out a small laugh at me, "what?"

"Despite you being all sick and such, you're incredibly cute," he commented.

"Aish," I complained and hit his shoulder before turning back to my suit that now was fully heated.

"Ji~" Jungwon cooed at me as I just hummed and carefully turned around with my bowl of soup in hand, "I'm going now. Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"I'm saying this for the seventh time today," I muttered to myself before just nodding at him, "all good."

"Okay... but next year you're celebrating both Christmas and New Year's with one of us," he warned and I just hummed.

"Have fun," I cooed at him with a small smile.

"Don't get more sick," he warned before quickly grabbing each side of my head and placing a kiss on my forehead before rushing out to the fronthall to pull on his shoes, "Ji?" he questioned once more as he poked his head into the kitchen.

"Mhm?" I hummed at him.

"Take care of yourself, okay? For me," he stated and I just nodded before he grinned and rushed out the door.

"Have fun!" I called out before hearing the door close.

Most of the evening went with me just sitting around and eating my soup and watching various movies in bed... all until my brother had called.

"Yes? " I questioned him.

"Happy New Year's," he cooed to me making me let out a small laugh, "you little sickness bomb."

"How'd you know? " I questioned him.

"You really think the boys don't have my number and text me anytime something is up? Jake texted me earlier to hear if you were going to die," he excused making me let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, he has a flair for certain dramatics," I excused to him.

"But you see... I just got a message that something very important should've arrived for you," he stated making me frown as I threw my duvet to the side and got down from my bunk.

"What are you talking about? " I frowned as I walked out towards the front hall.

"I arranged a little something for you, so go out and check outside," he urged and I let out a small laugh before slowly opening the front door.

I was immediately attacked by the happiest dog I've ever seen. My face immediately lit up as I closed the door and immediately sat down on the floor only to be licked all over the face.

"How did you do that? " I questioned in disbelief, "hi, Balder, hi," I cooed at the dog that insisted on giving me all the love there is.

"I wrote around to see if there were any people that were going to go to South Korea with one of the accepted reasons there is with our travel restrictions. I found one, and asked him if he would be willing to take Balder with him. I know you miss him a lot and he misses you too... so there you go," my brother excused.

"You're honestly the best brother," I gushed as Balder immediately laid himself in a small ball on my lap as I stroked his hairs.

"Tell me about it," my brother laughed, "and I've checked with Heeseung, he said it's fine. But Balder will be going home in a month, when the same man has to go home."

"It's really lovely, you have no idea," I sighed and looked down at the dog that comfortably laid in my lap, "thank you so much."

"Now, go cuddle with Balder, and I'll enjoy my night," Jiseok insisted and I hummed at him before he finished the call and I put the phone away.

"Balder?" I called out making the dog perk his head up.

I grinned widely before running with him into the living room where I laid down on the couch, and he immediately jumped up to lay on my stomach. He was a heavy dog, but it was always a comfortable feeling that I enjoyed. It may not have been optimal to start the year as being sick, but I loved every moment of it as long as Balder was there.

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