Jungwon Vs Maeumi

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August 2021

My head snapped up from my notebook the moment I heard small pitter-patter move through the dorm. I immediately had an idea of what it was, making me rush out of the bedroom just in time to see a small fluff ball zoom up to me and jump up my leg.

"Aiiiii!" I happily cooed and crouched down to play with the small fluffy puppy.

"Maeu- oh..." Jungwon stopped as he turned the corner and saw me with the puppy.

"It's Maeumi?" I gasped as I picked up the puppy and looked to Jungwon.

"I told Noona you've been down lately and she just... she just showed up and let Maeumi into the dorm," Jungwon excused making me grin widely at him, "and it looks like it's already working."

"I love your sister," I hummed as I continued craddling Maeumi against me, the small puppy seeming more and more excited the more she was cuddled.

"What about me?" Jungwon complained as I stood up with Maeumi in my arms.

"Oh yeah... I love you too," I nodded and turned around to walk into the bedroom again.

I carefully returned to my bunk  and had Maeumi curled up in my lap as I carefully stroked her fur with one hand as the other sat writing down in my notebook. A small smile resting on my face the whole time.

I enjoyed the feeling of having Maeumi around, I guess I just had missed having a pet that just showed you unconditional love whenever.

"Ji?" Jungwon cooed out making me hum and look up at him as he walked into the bedroom, "can't we make dinner together tonight?"

"Sure," I hummed at him, not looking away from my notebook or stopping paying attention to Maeumi.

"Can I get a kiss first?" he questioned making me hum and quickly peck his cheek, hearing him let out a small huff before he exited the bedroom again.

I happily continued to sit and continue what I was doing before Jungwon had come into the bedroom.

"Look look look!" Jungwon rushed back into the room, making me hum as my attention was directed onto Maeumi, "look what I can Ji."

"Mhm... very nice," I muttered making Jungwon let out a huff.

"Yah..." Jungwon complained and walked over to the side of my bunk, "I need attention."

"But... Maeumi," I excused and poined to the dog laying in my lap.

Jungwon let out a small huff as he just looked up at me with his big eyes. I didn't get to react or do anything before he had just crawled up in my bunk and grabbed Maeumi from my lap, replacing it with his head instead as Maeumi laid on his stomach.

"My turn to get your attention," Jungwon decided making me look down at him in confusion.

"But Maeumi," I whined at him, making the puppy, on his stomach, immediately poke it's head up and look at me, "see? She wants to talk to me too!"

"Ji," Jungwon sternly spoke making me look down at him, "it's my turn to get your attention, don't make me be jealous of a puppy."

"But I like dogs," I complained at him, "they just give you all their unconditional love whenever and wherever. I miss that unconditional love."

"Hey... what about my unconditional love?" he retorted making me sigh.

"But you're not a dog," I stated.

"But I give you unconditional love."

"But I need puppy love."

"I can be like a puppy."

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