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April 2021

"Wait... where is Jungwon?" Heeseung questioned after having done a quick headcount the moment we were about to go out of the door.

"I'll go get him," I assured before quickly setting my bag down and rushing down to the bedroom, "Jungwon-ah? We have to go for practice now."

"I don't feel too good," Jungwon called out from his bunk.

I let out a small huff before walking over and sitting down on the edge of his bunk, moving his duvet down a bit to see his face, softly carressing his cheek at the same time.

"What do you mean with you don't feel too good? Do we have to get you tested?" I questioned him with a small frown.

"I think I have fever," he excused making me frown and poke his cheek, automatically making him look up at me.

"Do you want me to call our manager so he can take you to get tested?" I questioned making him immediately shake his head, "but you say you have a fever. And you know... it could seriously affect at least two of us if we were to get Covid."

"It's just my body that burns," he muttered making me frown down at him.

"You sound like you need to get tested," I sighed and got my phone out from my pocket.

"It feels like my heart is parched," he groaned in complaints making me shake my head as I scrolled through my phone to find our manager's number.

"You're gonna get tested whether you like it or not," I stated before he quickly grabbed my phone from my hand, "Wha-"

"I want to hug you," he excused and lifted his arms up.

"But if you have covid I-" I started before he just pulled me down into a hug.

"I don't care... I just realized I'm suffering from you, and I want to be suffering from you," Jungwon remarked in a selfsatisfied tone of voice.

"Yah! You used the Fever lyrics on me, didn't you you little brat?" I complained and pushed myself up to sit as he widely just grinned up at me, as if he was completely innocent, "you don't even have a fever do you?"

"Never felt better," he happily stated and sat up, quickly pecking my lips, "so we're going?"

He apparently was already completely changed to go to practice, and had his bag packed under his bunk.

"I hate you," I grumbled as I got up from his bunk as well.

"Ah, ah, ah," he called out and grabbed my hand to pull me back to him as I had tried walking away, "you know you love me."

"I do?" I arched a brow at him and he just happily nodded.

"You know you wanna kiss me, you know you wanna hug me," he confidently stated.

I let out a small snort before walking up to him and leaning forward to his face, making his cheeks turn it's usual red color, as they always do before I'm about to kiss him.

"Prove it, Pretty Boy," I smirked before pulling my face away from his, "I think we need to go to practice now."

"Not before I get a kiss," Jungwon crossed his arms at me.

"Sunghoon-ah!" I yelled out before hearing fast footsteps on the hallway.

"What'd he do?" Sunghoon questioned with an urgent look on his face.

"He refuses to go before I kiss him," I gestured to Jungwon who just stood with his arms still crossed.

"Just kiss him so we can go," Sunghoon sighed making him gasp at him before he just walked off again.

"You heard hyung," Jungwon confidently stated.

I sighed before walking over and pecking his cheek.

"Yah! I meant a proper kiss," Jungwon complained and immediately cupped my face in both of my hands, "I think I still have a fever and only a true love's kiss can cure me."

"Hold on, let me call on Jay," I stated making him roll his eyes and just place his lips on mine before I even got the chance to yell out for Jay.

I could feel Jungwon smile against my lips as he held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away with a smirk on his face.

"Oh stop looking so self satisfied," I complained at him and grabbed his hand, pulling him with me out of the bedroom.

"I'm always self satisfied when it comes to you," Jungwon remarked making me roll my eyes.

"Are you finally done snogging so we can go practice?" Niki commented as we reached the other boys and I picked up my bag once again.

"We did not snog," I defended making Niki just wiggle his eyebrows at me, "I swear I won't even hesitate to curse you today."

"Why is she suddenly so pissy?" Jay complained as we walked out to the cars.

"I flirted with her by using the lyrics for Fever," Jungwon spoke up making most of the boys snicker at him.

"Smart move," Jake commented.

"Yeah... I think it was wrong move, she is pissy now," Jungwon let out a small laugh making me just glare at him as Sunghoon threw his arm over my shoulders.

"I think Bubs prefers to just be told straight up how you make her feel, instead of playing around with it," Sunghoon pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

"What is this? Some new bromance of some sort?" Jake laughed.

"Athelete gang," Sunoo commented almost sounding like he was about to gag.

"But I was an athlete too," Jungwon complained at us.

"But were you on national or international level?" Sunghoon questioned with a smirk, "then Bubs and I are the athlete gang."

"Ah... so annoying," Jungwon grumbled.

"You know you love me, you know you want to kiss me, you know you want to hug me," I mocked Jungwon by repeating everything he told me earlier.

"And you're right in all of them," Jungwon hummed, "I'm not gonna deny it, unlike you."

"I didn't deny it, I just suggested you prove it," I retorted.

"You two seriously need a break from all that bickering, I'm gonna get grey hair before next comeback if you continue like this," Jay sighed making Jungwon and I share a glance before letting out a small laugh at one another, knowing our small plan was working.

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