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November 2021

A delicious smell from the kitchen immediately sent me in that directions, automatically drawing me to it.

"Morning sunshine," Heeseung commented from the dining table as I stepped into the room.

"Shut up," I mutterd, knowing very well he was laughing about how tired I looked.

"I don't think I've ever seen Sunny look this tired," Sunoo commented and I hummed before walking over and standing beside Jay.

"What are you making?" I questioned as I looked down at the pan in front of him.

"Breakfast," he simply replied, "want some?"

"If there is enough for me," I hummed with a small nod as he just let out a small laugh at me.

"Cute," he muttered.

"Jiyeon-ie~ why were you and Jungwon home so late last night?" Jake called out to me, making me look over to him.

"We had to stay for some extra recording," I muttered, "didn't get home until three."

"And he's still sleeping?" Heeseung questioned as I just nodded, "even Niki is up before you."

"He was home four hours before we were," I defended before walking over and grabbing a glass of water, "what'd you expect?"

"Noona, what happened to your neck? Did you fall or something?" Niki questioned making me frown at him in confusion.

"My neck?" I questioned and he hummed before walking over and a spot on the right side of my neck.

"Right here," he stated, "you have a bruise."

"A bruise?" Jay questioned before walking over and looking at my neck as well, before realization slowly hit me.

"Ah... I fell on the way out of the company last night," I excused with a small laugh, "I was too tired, and kept stumbling."

"Hold on... that is not a bruise... that's a hickey," Jay stated making all the boys widen their eyes at me.

"And how would you know mr. I've-never-had-a-girlfriend?" I questioned and crossed my arms at him.

"Doesn't mean I am stupid," Jay quickly defended, as if he was offended.

"Hold on!" Heeseung exclaimed making everyone look to him, "you're telling me that... Jiyeon has a hickey."

"It is not a hickey!" I exclaimed at him.

"Oh, it most definitely is," Jay let out a small laugh.

"It is not!"

"It is!"

"Is not!"

"He gave you a hickey?" Heeseung interrupted and I turned to him.

"It is not a hickey!" I exclaimed once more.

"Does explain why they got home that late," Sunoo spoke up, "probably took some time just the two of them last night before going home."

"Ah... they had some couple's time," Niki nodded in realization.

"Oh my god, he is wrecked. Kid is absolutely wrecked. No more little cute Jungwon, he's wrecked," Heeseung rambled on.

"What am I?" Jungwon questioned from the door.

"Wonderful! Now, can you please explain to these imbiciles that it is not a hickey I have on my neck," I stated and gestured to Jungwon who just blinked at me a few times, before looking around the room before looking back at me.

"But... it is a hickey," he stated, "don't you remember?"

"Oh my god," I muttered and dropped my face into my hand, "I truly live with seven idiots."

"It IS a hickey?" Heeseung exclaimed before rushing over to Jungwon, "dear child, what has she done to you?"

"Why is it about me?" I exclaimed in complains, "wasn't he the one who would've done it?"

"Yeah!" Sunghoon exclaimed in agreement before rushing over and wrapping his arms around me, as if I was some small child that had to be protected, "it is him that is filthy!"

"Him?" Jay exclaimed loudly before rushing over to Heeseung and Jungwon, "she probably led him on!"

"She most certainly did not," Jake stated and rushed over to join in on the embrace Sunghoon already had on me.

"I am so deeply confused right now," Jungwon spoke up.

"I don't know, I find this entertaining... please go on," Sunoo urged before folding his hands under his chin.

"It's just a hickey... it's literally nothing," Jungwon stated.

"Nothing?" Sunghoon screeched, "what have you done to her?"

"He has done absolutely nothing!" Jay exclaimed, "Jungwon is the purest little angel in this group."

"Ooof, I beg to differ, but go on," Sunoo urged, as if he was some sort of narrator.

"Does he perhaps have any hickey?" Jake retorted, "I don't see any. He is the one who gave her a hickey. Not the other way around."

"Isn't this a bit overreacting?" Jungwon spoke up.

"Overreacting? I am trying to protect you!" Heeseung exclaimed before pointing to me, "I knew I never should've let you date him."

"What even is happening?" I exclaimed in confussion.

"What is happening is that he is influencing you with his filthy dirty mind," Sunghoon stated and patted my head softly.

"Why is this such a big deal? We have been dating for over a year," Jungwon reminded.

"I believe the big deal is that a hickey is usually given under so called "steamy" situations. Since none of us have seen neither you or Sunny in lets call it a "sexy" way, they believe that you are no longer cute and innocent, and that you will begin being careless about steamy things," Sunoo calmly replied with a shrug.

"That sounded oddly intelligent," Niki commented.

"Yah, I am intelligent," Sunoo complained to the younger boy.

"What have you told them it was?" Jungwon looked over to me.

"That I fell on the way out of the company last night, because I was tired and kept stumbling," I sighed.

"Okay," he nodded, "and that was what happened. I just wanted to joke around," Jungwon spoke up, making Heeseung nod in his long string of prayers for Jungwon's pureness and cuteness, "it is not a hickey, she fell and hit her neck on a railing, that's it."

"It is?" Jake questioned and slowly let go of me.

"I told you," I hummed making Jay and Heeseung look at Jungwon in shock as he just nodded, "now can you let go of me. I don't want breakfast anyways."

"I'm making pancakes for you," Jay stated and quickly rushed back to the pan as Heeseung and Jake returned to their seats.

"You should put some ice on that Bubs," Sunghoon pointed out and I just nodded before he returned to his seat.

"Come with me," I hissed as I grabbed onto Jungwon's wrist and pulled him with me out on the hallway and immediately turning to him, "I'm gonna smother you in your sleep if you ever do that again," I hissed at him as he just smirked in satisfaction and shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"Well, we better keep on coming up with ways to get bruises on your neck," he shrugged making me frown up at him in confusion, "that is not gonna be the last one I'm giving you," he whispered as he leaned down beside my ear, making my cheeks immediately heat up. He let out a small laugh before placing a small peck on my cheek and grabbing my hand, "now come on, Jay hyung promised you pancakes."

"I hate you," I muttered at him and he simply shook his head.

"You love me," he corrected me with a satisfied smile.

If It Is You (Y.Jw) [Sequel]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt