The Return of Superman (2)

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"Soyeol-ah," Jiyeon called out in their apartment as she stood and prepared breakfast in the kitchen. Small cluttering footsteps immediately revealed the small girl that was running up to her mom, "you know who is coming today?"

"Can it be Enhypen?" 

"Who?" the girl happily exclaimed at her as she clapped her hands.

"The princes from dad's work," Jiyeon revealed as she crouched down to the girl who immediately gasped at her.

"I have to get ready!" the girl exclaimed before running off making her mom fondly laugh.

"Ah she's cute. She wants to look good in front of them."

"Dad!" the small girl yelled out as she ran up to her dad who looked down at her in confusion, "I have to get ready. Come on!" she loudly announced as she grabbed onto the fabric of his sweats and dragged him along as he let out a small laugh and followed her.

"Why are you going to get ready? We're just staying home today," Jungwon laughed as the girl opened a drawer that was in her room. As Jungwon just sat down and watched her try and look into the drawer.

"The princes are coming today," the girl absentmindedly replied, making Jungwon let out a laugh.

"How about dad? You don't get ready for me," Jungwon stated making the girl look at him, "am I not a prince?"

"There are more important princes," the girl stubbornly replied, making Jungwon let out a laugh of disbelief at her.

"You want to impress them?" Jungwon questioned and the girl happily nodded, "then... how about this dress?" Jungwon questioned and held up a purple flowery dress to the girl who immediately nodded, "remember which prince gave it to you?"

"Old prince," the small girl yelled in reply as Jungwon let out a bright laugh at her.

"That's right, the oldest of them all. He's an old old man," Jungwon emphasized to the small girl, who just nodded in agreement.

The clip then continued to show Jungwon brushing the girl's hair and making her look all cute by putting it in two pigtails, which were braided from the top of her head, excluding her cute bangs.

"How does this look?" Jungwon questioned and held up a small mirror in front of the girl, making her immediately gasp as she twirled around.

"Thank you dad!" she exclaimed before running off and out to show her mom.

"Ah, he really learned to do her hair with small braids as well."

"Look mom!" the girl exclaimed making her mom look over at her as she finished making breakfast.

"Ah! My little princess!" Jiyeon cooed and crouched down to her and touched the pigtails and dress, "who made you look so pretty?"

"Dad!" the girl happily exclaimed making Jungwon step into the kitchen as well.

"Do you think dad can make me look so pretty as well?" Jiyeon questioned as the girl just giggled of her as she shook her head, "no?"

"You can't get prettier," the girl proudly announced making Jiyeon gasp as she covered her mouth.

"You're not spending any more time with your dad," Jiyeon announced and stood up as she grabbed the hand of the small girl, "wanna help mom get ready then?"

"Yes!" the girl happily exclaimed as Jiyeon continued past Jungwon, who just fondly looked after them.

"Ah, he really loves them. You can just see it in his eyes."

Later the three of them had all gotten into proper clothes as Soyeol were helping Jungwon lift over the breakfast to the table and get everything ready. All until a door bell rang and Soyeol immediately had run off.

"They're here! They're here!" Soyeol happily yelled before she ran out to open the door to six excited boys, who all broke into wide grins as they saw her.

"Wah! So pretty princess!" Sunghoon cooed as her, making Soyeol happily giggle before running into the living room and straight up to her mom.

"Are they here?" Jiyeon questioned as Soyeol nodded and hid behind her mom as the six boys entered the room.

After greetings they had all sat down on the floor, Jiyeon had gone with Soyeol to get her small cow plushie. As Soyeol always got nervous around the boys, she always had to have her cow plushie with her.

"Wah, Soyeol-ie, do you know who gave you that plushie?" Jake questioned as he saw the girl return with her mom and the plushie. The girl immediately nodded, "who?"

"Ice prince," Soyeol exclaimed and pointed to Sunghoon, making the boys all happily laugh at her.

"Hey, what prince I am then?" Sunoo called out.

"Happy prince!" Soyeol happily giggled, making Sunoo break out into a very similar giggle.

"Yeol-ie, do you know what kingdom they're from?" Jiyeon spoke up, making Soyeol nod at her, "which one?"

"The one where dad came from," Soyeol replied and pointed to Jungwon.

"Mhm, that's right. But do you remember what it's called?" Jiyeon questioned her, making the girl shake her head, "ah, that's okay."

"What kingdom are you from mom?" the girl gasped in realization as she looked at her mother with sparkling eyes.

"Me? I'm from a far away kingdom, just like uncle Jiseok," Jiyeon happily replied making the small girl gawk at her, "there the fairytales live everyday, mermaids like in the capitol, and in the country the wild colorfu flowers grow in large fields," Jiyeon explained as if she were telling a story, and it only made Soyeol's eyes grow bigger with time.

"She really must miss her home, if she speaks about it like that."

"Can we go there?" Soyeol gasped making Jiyeon glance over at Jungwon.

"That'll you have to ask your dad about," Jiyeon spoke up, in her usual language.

"But mom! I want to go! " Soyeol complained to her mom.

"She's already bilingual, at such a young age!"

"That's incredible."

"We have to wait till dad have time," Jiyeon replied making Soyeol immediately look to her dad with big eyes and a pout on her face.

"Please papa, please!" Soyeol folded her hands and fell onto her knees, making everyone let out small laughs at her, "I want to go to fairytale kingdom!"

"Why don't you and mom go alone?" Niki spoke up to the girl who looked over at him before pushing herself up and went over to tug on her mom's sleeves.

"Because dad loves mom too much, to live a week without her," Soyeol replied, making the boys all let out laughs as Jungwon gasped at her.

"That's not true," Jungwon gasped making Soyeol just nod at him.

"It is," she insisted, "when mom is late at work, you always complaina bout where she is."

"You little snitch," Jungwon gasped at her as Soyeol just happily giggled before running off to her room to get something.

The episode went on to show how Soyeol interacted with each of the boys of Enhypen and how much they adored her. Much to the amusement of both Jungwon and Jiyeon, who finally got a break from the small energybomb they had made.

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