Show Us Your Skills

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January Fansign

I quickly rushed and happily sat down in my chair between Jake and Heeseung, for our last fan sign of our debut period. Our next fansigns would come along with our very first comeback, and hopefully, they will be offline.

"Ready?" our manager questioned and we all nodded, as I rushed to put in my earphones as the first call popped up on screen.

For a long time I sat and spoke with fans as I happily signed their albums as well.

"Hello! " a girl popped up on screen, and I grinned widely at her.

"Hi! " I exclaimed back with a happy smile, making her giggle, "where are you from? "

"I'm from Canada," she replied and I nodded as I signed her album.

"Ah, it must be very cold at this time. Be sure to wear warm clothes," I warned her and she nodded at me.

"If you tell me to, I will," she nodded at me making me happily clap to the camera, "I want to ask you something."

"Of course," I nodded at her, anticipating her question.

"First off, I loved your opening solo at NYEL, after Hanbin were on," she stated making me smile warmly at her.

"Thank you," I cooed at her, making her let out a small laugh.

"So, I wondered if you would ever show off your ballet or gymnastics skills in a performance? " she hopefully questioned making me lean back in my chair as I thought about it, and frowned slightly, whilst biting on both my lips.

"I don't know," I admitted to her, "I think... maybe they'll have me do something with a ribbon. That's the most known apparatus. But I doubt it to be honest," I admitted to her, making a disappointed look grow on her face, "I'd love to show you my gymnastics skills on a stage, and I know there's a teeny-tiny chance I might get the opportunity to do that," I told her showing the small chance by pinching two of my fingers together, "as for ballet... I don't think I'll ever get to perform it on a stage for you."

"But you are so good in your pre-debut videos," she complained to me making me let out a small laugh at her.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that," I grinned as I laid a hand over the left side of my chest, "no, but I don't think I'll get to show it on a stage. If you see any of it, it'll probably only be snippets. I'd love to be able to do an intro like Hoonie did for MAMA, just with ballet, but I don't think that'll happen."

"Ah, why? " the girl complained to me with a small frown, making me let out a small laugh at her.

"Uh... I just, there is very little respect towards ballet, from people who don't dance," I pointed out to her and she nodded, "a performance stage is suppose dto impress people, right?" I questioned and she nodded in agreement, "Ballet doesn't exactly impress people. Because it is so calm and all about the control of the movements and the grace, it easily gets boring to "normal people", if you can put it like that, there's not enough energy and harsh movements, and they might even claim that it's just easy to do the moves, which it isn't. I think... especially as an intro performance it's not supposed to be boring, then people wouldn't want to continue to watch. So as much as I'd love to show it off. I don't think you should get your hopes up."

"Can you then at least... maybe post a routine you've made yourself, or something? " the girl asked and I nodded at her.

"Anything for Engene," I grinned at her.

"Even if I'm the only one that watches it? " she asked and I nodded once more.

"Even if it's just you that'll enjoy it," I nodded at her.

"I'll make sure to watch it everyday then," she stated making me let out a small laugh.

"I don't know how good it'll be though... I lost a lot of weigth since then, and it has mostly been muscle I've lost... I think I gained some bodyfat, but I lost a lot of muscle," I sighed as I thought about it.

"The time is up," a staff called out, making me quickly glance over at them, before looking back at the screen.

"The staff says the time is up. Please stay happy, warm and healthy. Be patient about the ballet video though. I'll do my best," I happiled waved at the phone.

"Don't stress yourself," she cooed before the call ended and I momentarily pouted before the next call popped up on screen.

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