Not Handsome

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January 2021

I'm not even sure how present I was at the moment, for all I knew I was just sitting... and staring. I must've looked like some roasted vegetable, just sitting with slightly open mouth as I stared.

"Bubs? You good?" Sunghoon let out a small laugh as he caught me.

"Just fine," I hummed at him before Jungwon turned around and looked at me, a small smile spreading on his lips.

"Why are you staring at me?" he chuckled making me shrug.

"I can't stare?" I retorted making him quickly jump over and crouch down in front of my face.

"Am I that handsome?" he questioned me with a small smirk.

"Absolutely adorable," I hummed at him.

"Yah! I'm handsome," he complained at me and I simply shook my head.

"Adorable," I corrected him earning a few laughs from the boys that also were in the practice room.

"Ji~" he loudly complained in a whine before sitting down on the floor and frowning at me, "say I'm handsome."

"I can't lie," I shook my head making him gasp, "you're a good looking cutie."

"How can I not be handsome?" he questioned and I just shook my head at him, "how?"

"Because... cute and handsome isn't something you can be at the same time," I bluntly replied.

"You're still staring, it's freaking me out," he complained and tried turning my head away from him, unsuccesfully, "yah... Ji~"

"No! I want to stare," I complained and caught his hand before he could turn my head away again.

"Why? I'm not handsome," he reminded with a small pout on his face.

"So? I'd much rather have a good looking cutie, than a cold handsome," I shrugged, "rather you than Hoon."

"Why was I dragged into this?" Sunghoon complained as I just let out a small laugh and Jungwon look back at me.

"Say I am handsome," he stated and I simply shook my head, making him grab onto my shoulders and shake them softly, "say it!"

"Jungwon-ah!" Heeseung let out a laugh, making Jungwon snap his head to him, "you can't force her to say you're handsome."

"But I am," he defended.

"But you have to remember that for her handsome might have a different meaning than you're used to," Heeseung replied and I nodded at him.

"We don't have a word for handsome," I shook my head at Jungwon making him frown, "so when I was introduced to the word there was used pictures of Hollywood actors, and you don't look like that."

"But... but... what am I then?" Jungwon questioned making me cock my head to my side.

"Well, you're beautiful," I excused making his cheeks immediately flame up as he just looked away.

"How?" Jungwon muttered shyly, trying to glance up at me, making me just shrug.

"You just are," I excused, "my guess would be genes? Aren't they the ones that give you your looks?"

"They are," Jake quickly piped in and I nodded at Jungwon.

"Then because of your genes," I calmly stated making Jungwon let out a small laugh, "why? Are you too flustered now?"

"Not as flustered as you get when I kiss your cheek," he retorted making me let out a gasp.

"Want me to take what I said back?" I arched a brow at him, and he immediately shook his head, "then let me stare."

"Take a picture it lasts longer," he tried winking. Tried.

"Yep, absolutely adorable," I stated to the other boys who all snickered at us, "and why would I take a picture if I literally spend every second in your presence? I can just turn to you and stare."

"How about when we sleep?" he questioned in amusement.

"I can just open my eyes," I shrugged making him let out a small whine at me.

"Are you on your period or something? Why are you suddenly like this?" he complained at me.

"As far as I know I'm not supposed to bleed for another two weeks," I simply shook my head at him making him immediately frown.

"Then what is wrong with you?" he sighed at me.

"Nothing. I just want to stare," I shrugged at him making him begin poking my cheeks whilst I just stared at him.

"Why isn't it working?" he complained as he continued to sit and poke my cheek, forehead, noce, chin.

"Just let her stare, it's not like you never stare at her," Jay spoke making me let out a small laugh as Jungwon just gasped and turned red once again.

"I know you stare, don't act surprised," I chuckled at Jungwon, and nudged his shoulder, making him snap his head to me.

"I'm that obvious?" he questioned and I just shrugged.

"I don't know... I think it's cute," I excused making him let out a sigh.

"I'm just cute, am I not?" he questioned and I just nodded at him, "okay... if you say so."

With that he sighed and stood up once again, before walking back out to dance around with the boys.

"I still think you should take a picture," he pointed out as he smirked at me through the mirror.

"Nah," I shook my head as I scrunched up my nose.

He glanced at me once more before just letting out a small laugh and shaking his head in disbelief.

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