Bestest Dog Balder

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April 2021

"Okay... but Layla is cutest," Jake insisted as the topic had been brought up in our group live, by an engene.

"No, no, Gaeul," Sunghoon stubbornly shook his head.

"What about Bisco?" Sunoo questioned and nudged Niki's arm.

"Nah... I've given up on that," Niki shook  his head.

"I don't know, I think Bal- whatever Jiyeon-ie's dog's name is, is cutest," Heeseung shrugged making me let out a small laugh.

"But she's never spoken her case of how he is cutest," Jake complained making me let out a small laugh.

"I don't care if you think Balder is the cutest, as long as you agree that he is the best dog," I shrugged making Sunghoon let out a gasp.

"Gaeul is the best dog," Sunghoon insisted and I simply shook my head at him.

"No... Balder is the bestest dog," I shook my head at him.

"Speak your case Jiyeon," Jay offered, "tell us about your dog."

"Balder," I stated and he just waved it off, "okay... Balder is a Shiba Inu. And I got him when I was... 8, when he was a year. At the time he was in a kennel. My grandparents knew the owners of the kennel and told me about how he had been taken in and was completely dirty and mistreated. At the time I had had... quite severe anxiety for some years, so they thought he would help on my anxiety. So I went with them to the kennel and began cleaning and playing with him before my mom thought it was a good idea for me to adopt him."

"So he is your dog?" Jay questioned and I nodded.

"After I adopted him I named him and began training him to be a service dog," I shrugged, "so ever since I adopted him and trained him to be a service dog I have actually... I had him with me to school ever since I was 10 and till I moved here," I explained, "he's so well trained. So... for an example when we go on a walk we have to walk on the left side of the bike paths, so if he goes to the right side I just call out like: 'left side Balder' and he just happily rushes over in the left side of the bike path."

"That's impressive," Niki gasped and I nodded at him.

"And he's so good with my anxiety," I nodded, "he would instantly sense when something was wrong and would continously poke me with his nose, so that my mind was distracted to him and not whatever gave me anxiety," I excused, "so he is actually in Korea now. He's not living with us though."

"Your brother arranged it, didn't he?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded at him.

"Right, so my brother somehow managed to get Balder to Korea back around new year's. He was supposed to be here for a month," I explained, "but instead I contacted... Minji unnie and she's currently taking care of him. So if I need him she can come and drop him off or I can go to her."

"It hasn't been needed yet, has it?" Jake questioned and I shook my head.

"I haven't needed it for some while now, I just visit them because I want to see Balder," I shrugged, "so we've agreed he would go back to Denmark next month, and return to living with my mom. I wish he could live with me, but I don't have time to take him for walks everyday... so yeah..."

"So... can Gaeul distract anxiety?" Sunoo remarked to Sunghoon who simply shook his head.

"I believe we just confirmed that Balder is bestest dog," I nodded in agreement and clapped my hands together.

"So you trained him yourself?" Jake questioned and I nodded at him, "that's really impressive."

"Balder is best dog," I shrugged at him with a small laugh, "I miss him a lot... but it's okay. I have my own service human now."

"Who?" Heeseung frowned at me.

"Yeah, who do you think?" Jay snorted and pointed to Jungwon, who pointed to himself in confusion, "dude literally bought all sorts of lavender scented things to help with her anxiety."

"Am I then best boy?" Jungwon questioned making me let out a small laugh.

"Sure you are," I nodded at him making a small smile spread on his face, "best boy Wonie."

"Best boy Wonie," he muttered to himself with a sheepish smile.

"Ah, cute," Niki commented with a small laugh earning a small hit on the shoulder by Jungwon.

From that day on engenes had begun calling Jungwon for 'Jiyeon's best boy Wonie', which I found absolutely hilarious, especially when stalking what they used the title for. Engenes= biggest comedians & clowns.

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