Chapter 17

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I didn't like this one bit. I felt like a small child between her parents, as Geonu sat on my left and Heeseung sat on my right as our manager and Bang PD sat across from us, on the other side of the table.

"May I ask what is happening?" Heeseung spoke up carefully and Bang PD immediately nodded.

"Of course, of course. We don't want to put any more worries on your shoulders, but as the oldest of Enhypen, you are the current guardian of Jiyeon, so we wanted to speak with you first," Bang PD quickly explained, "but I do believe that Geonu is the one who can explain the best at the moment."

"Is everything alright Jiyeon?" Heeseung immediately looked to me as I just stared hard at the table.

"Heeseung, she called me in the middle of the night," Geonu spoke up and I felt Heeseung remove his stare from me. It had been two days since I had called Geonu in the middle of the night by now, "she didn't want to tell you, so I went to the company, she can't go on like this."

"What? What's happening Jiyeon?" Heeseung immediately looked back to me and placed a soft hand on my back.

"As far as I could understand on Geonu, it seems that Jiyeon is still secretly mourning over the loss of her dad," Bang PD explained and I hesitantly nodded, "and to him it sounded like Jiyeon had admitted that her anxiety acting up again."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Heeseung questioned me once again, as I just stayed silent.

"So after a long and nice calm talk with Jiyeon here," Bang PD stated as I hesitantly glanced up at him, making him softly smile at me, "we were told that she was struggling a lot at school as well. She's supposedly lonely in her class, and another debuted idol in her class seems to have a grudge against her and are trying with all her might to tear her down. So despite Jiyeon's protests we have contacted that company about her behavior. It does also seem like Jiyeon is getting stressed out with all this. So we've come to the conclusion to say that Jiyeon will be going to school on half time from now on. She'll go to school every second day until January, where we'll evaluate her mental health once again."

"But is it bad?" Heeseung questioned as Bang PD simply shook his head at him.

"As far as I could understand, she's only had an anxiety attack about three times since ending the show so far, whereas she before would have one everyday. So we're doing some precautions to prevent it from getting worse. As for now I suggest you at least orientate the other members a small bit, not more than what Jiyeon is comfortable with. I'll let you go home now."

"Thank you," Heeseung nodded to Bang PD, "and thank you hyung," he nodded to Geonu, who just nodded back, "lets get home Jiyeon."

I silently nodded and followed him down to the parking lot, where we got into the car for us, which had driven us home in just a matter of twenty minutes. I tried to stay silent on the ride, but Heeseung hadn't exactly let me.

"We're gonna have to tell the boys," he had reminded me and I had sighed at his statement, knowing it was true.

"Can we just... not tell Niki, Sunoo and Jungwon?" I questioned him and he seemed to hesitate.

"They're bound to find out at some point," he pointed out and I nodded.

"I just don't want it now," I reminded him.

"We at least have to tell Jungwon, he's the leader," he reminded me and I shook my head, "Jiyeon... it would break him to know you've been hiding this from him," he reminded and I nodded once more, "you know how he is about you."

"Exactly why I don't want to tell him. He has enough to worry about already, as the leader," I pointed out to him.

"Okay, we'll tell Jake, Jay and Sunghoon  when we get home, and if you continue to get worse, we'll tell it to the three others as well," he pointed out and I just silently nodded as I looked down.

Once we were home again the boys all sat in the livingroom and all simultaneously turned their head to us.

"So... what did PD want?" Jay questioned us in confusion.

"I'll need Jake, Jay and Sunghoon to come with Jiyeon and I into the kitchen," Heeseung quickly spoke as the three boys eyed one another.

"Why are we excluded?" Sunoo questioned in complain as he gestured to him and the other youngsters.

"Only older members," Heeseung excused.

"Jiyeon is younger than me!" Sunoo complained and pointed to me.

"But she acts more mature," Heeseung retorted as the three '02 liners all hesitantly stood up and followed us into the kitchen where Heeseung quickly closed the door.

"This is about Bubs, right?" Sunghoon questioned and Heeseung nodded.

"It was just a question about time before we were told anything," Jake pointed out to the others.

"Okay, so I doubt that Jiyeon will repeat everything herself, so I will explain what is happening and why we don't have the others in here," Heeseung sighed.

He then proceeded to explain everything all over again to the three boys, as they just stood in silence and listened intently to the older boy in front of them, once in a while glancing to me.

"As much as I understood, she doesn't want us to  go around and baby her either, just keep an eye out for her in case something suddenly should happen," Heeseung finished and I nodded.

"The others are bound to find out. Sure she's not showing it when she knows she's with us, but we've known something was wrong, we've all been able to sense something was off," Jay pointed out to us.

"They'll find out when they'll find out," Heeseung assured them and I silently nodded.

"It'll crush Jungwon," Jake muttered in realization.

"It'll crush him whenever he finds out," Sunghoon reminded him and Jake nodded in agreement.

"You're just making me feel bad now," I spoke up for the first time in the whole conversation.

"No, no, no, we're just worried," Sunghoon quickly assured me and pulled me into his side, "we'll take good care of you don't worry."

"How about you go out to the others? I think we have some things to talk about here," Jay told me and I just nodded.

I carefully exited the kitchen and closed the door after me. There was still chatting in the livingroom, so I immediately skipped down there and grinned widely at the three boys sitting there.

"Ji!" Jungwon whined and reached out after me with one hand as Sunoo just sat and laughed along with Niki.

"Wonie," I whined in return to mock him as I walked over to him, making him immediately grab my wrist.

"Help me, they're making fun of my height," he complained as he pulled on my arm for me to sit down in front of him, to shield him against Niki and Sunoo.

"Isn't Sunoo like... a centimeter taller than you?" I questioned as Jungwon wrapped his arms around me and used me as a shield against the other two others.

"A very important centimeter I might add," Sunoo retorted.

"But I'm the smallest, and you never tease me about my height," I pointed out to him.

"Because I like you more," Sunoo assured me, making me happily giggle, before he turned to Niki.

"Are you alright?" Jungwon whispered as he leaned his head on my shoulder and I just nodded, "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine," I nodded and patted his hands, which laid on my stomach.

"You'll tell me if anything comes up, right?" he questioned me.

"Mhm," I hummed in a response with a small nod.

"Good," he happily cooed and placed a kiss on my temple, earning a yell of disgust from both Sunoo and Niki, "you're just jealous!" Jungwon exclaimed at them.

"No, I'm genuinely disgusted, believe me," Sunoo held up his hand towards us.

"I actually think they're quite cute," Niki admitted and I happily grinned at him, "I think it's cute how Noona always is happy around him."

"Ah... you're right," Sunoo realized in an amazed look as he looked back at Jungwon and I, "she rarely smiles so widely."

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