Baby Fever

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Long out in the future

A loud wail echoed out through the house, making me immediately open my eyes and lifted my head with a small frown.

"She's crying," Jungwon muttered in a statement.

"I'll go look," I sighed and flattened down my hair, before slipping out of his grip, and heading straight into the nursery, connected to our bedroom.

I let out a small sigh before reaching down and picking up the small girl, bouncing her on my arm.

"What is it sweetie?" I questioned in a soft voice as she just continued to wail and cling herself around my neck, "are you sick?" I questioned in realization, before feeling her forehead, "aish, you're burning."

I quickly moved over to the drawers in the room and pulled out the thermometer, starting. Once it had lit up I carefully stuck it into her ear and read the temeprature. 39.2.

"Ah, you have a fever," I sighed before placing the thermometer on top of the drawer, "how about we try and cool you down?"

I carefully moved into the bedroom, whilst hushing on the small girl hoping she wouldn't end up waking Jungwon once again. But it was too late, his head peaked up the moment we stepped into the bedroom,  and he immediately frowned at me.

"What is happening?" he muttered in confusion.

"Fever," I whispered in reply and he immediately rushed up from the bed and arranged the sheets.

"Place her here, I'll get some cooling pads," he instructed, before opening the bedroom window wide open and rushing off towards the kitchen.

"Look at this," I cooed at the small girl, walking over to the bedsheets and placing her down.

I carefully got her out of her pajamas, to make sure she would cool down faster. I rubbed my eyes as I silently waited for Jungwon to return. Which he quickly did, with a cloth soaked in cold water and several cooling pads.

"Look at that, what is it that dad has?" I cooed and pointed to the cloth Jungwon held up, for a short moment the cries ceased.

"I'm just gonna drape it on top of her head," Jungwon excused and carefully placed it on top of her head, making sure the cloth didn't cover her face. Immediately loud cries erupted, making us quickly exchange a glance, "Yeol-ie," Jungwon cooed at her and tried to soothe her down carefully as he handed me the cooling pads.

"I don't think she likes the cold sensation," I spoke up and dropped the cooling pads into my lap.

"We'll have to try," he pointed out to me and I nodded with a small sigh at him.

"Okay," I agreed and picked up a cooling pad.

"Soyeol, look at dad," Jungwon cooed out, trying to get the girl's attention as I got a cooling pad ready, "on the neck," he guided and I just nodded before quickly placing the cooling pad on her neck, making her cry out once again and immediately crawl closer to Jungwon, "you're doing so well sweetie," he cooed at her with an encouraging smile, "try and put some on her stomach as well."

"I can't," I sighed at how she had cried so much, before rubbing a hand over my face.

"You can't?" he questioned and glanced up at me, making me immediately extend the cooling pads to him.

"I can't make her cry," I excused to him, making him soften his look at me.

"Can you take her then?" he questioned and I nodded before reaching over and grabbing Soyeol and pulling her over to sit by me as he pulled out another two cooling pads. He quickly and swiftly placed them both on her stomach making her cry out and move her arms to pull them off.

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