Chapter 39

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"2, 3!" Jungwon counted in and we all did our greeting to the phone in front of us, where our live was being held on.

We all happily sat and chatted with the fans for a good while as we passed the monitoring ipad around, until it ended up in my hands.

"The fans ask who is the tidiest and who is the dirtiest," I spoke up to the boys and bickering immediately began erupting in the room.

"Je ne sais pas," Jungwon muttered from beside me, making me grin widely at him as I continued to look at the comments.

"I think... Niki is probably the one who is the least tidy," Heeseung spoke up and everyone immediately nodded.

"Isn't noona pretty bad too?" Niki spoke up and I gasped at him in shock as he just sheepishly laughed at me.

"Uhm... no," I shook my head at him.

"Actually, isn't Ji and Sunoo hyung some of the tidiest in the dorm?" Jungwon questioned and everyone nodded.

"Jiyeon-ie would... out in our front hall, if our shoes just stands all about or a jacket is on the floor, she will clean it immediately," Jake pointed out to the camera, "and like... organize the shoes."

"It does seem that the front hall is the one she's most observant off," Heeseung nodded in agreement.

"Okay... but it's because, if we were to get guests at some point the first thing they would see is the mess we have out in the front hall," I excused and they all let out bright laughs at me, "it's not weird."

"Bubs, we don't get guests just out of the blue," Sunghoon laughed at me.

"No, but..." I let out a sigh before waving it off, "forget it, I can't get my point properly across."

"No, no, explain," Jay urged and I shook my head at him.

"I think it's just some habit I have from home," I shook my head at them before looking back down at the comments as the boys continued bickering.

"What does that one say?" Jungwon questioned and pointed to a comment in some foreign language as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"No idea, I don't speak that language," I muttered before he let out a small laugh at something, "what?" I frowned down at the ipad before he pointed to Sunoo on the screen I sat with.

"You can't see the two of us, because of Sunoo hyung's back," he let out a small laugh and I let out a small snort as well as I saw it.

"Hold on," I muttered and raised my left arm with a peace sign and raised it just high enough for me to give Sunoo bunny ears, making Jungwon and I both let out a small laugh at the look.

"Ji," Jungwon called out and I hummed in reply as I continued to look at the screen whilst holding my arm up," look at me," he muttered and I turned my head just in time for him to peck my lips.

I let out a small laugh at him before looking down at the monitor in my lap, before slowly widening my eyes at the looks on the boys' faces on the screen. I watched as Jungwon looked up at the camera and widened his eyes as well, before Jay scrambled forward and turned off the live in a hurry. It seemed that Sunoo had moved just the moment Jungwon had given me a peck, meaning that everyone would've been able to see it.

"What are we gonna do?" Sunoo muttered as the boys all sat with wide eyes in the room and I carefully looked up and around.

"Lets just all keep our calm," Jay spoke up as the only calm person in the room, "lets not give anyone the blame for anything, and just try and figure out what we're gonna do."

"Can you see that he actually touches Jiyeon's lips on the clip?" Jake questioned as I handed him the ipad and he quickly looked through it, "okay... you can... so we can't just say that he moved forward and that was the reason it looked like a kiss."

"Couldn't we say something like... they both just turned their heads at the same time and accidentally kissed," Heeseung offered and everyone seemed to nod in agreement.

"Or can we? They both grinned after it, it's not like they seemed shocked at what happened," Sunoo commented to everyone as he deeply sighed.

"It was bound to happen at some point, wasn't it?" Sunghoon carefully questioned and we all nodded in agreement, "then who says it's a bad thing that it was now it happened?"

"Sunghoon is right," Jake nodded in agreement, "the fans have literally prayed that they were dating ever since the show finished, and probably before too."

"Since the first episode," Sunoo nodded at him, "I checked the tweets from show start to show end once we finished filming. It's almost like they already knew back then that they were going to end as a couple."

"I think... before we go out with any sort of statement we need to hear what Jiyeon would prefer to happen. Whether we deny or confirm their dating," Heeseung pointed out and he looked over at me, "if it is revealed that you two are dating it is you who would get the majority of the hate, and we all know that. We need to know what you think you'll be able to handle."

"I'm more worried about the group," I spoke up, "I don't want to hurt the group's image and reputation."

"That is understandable," Jay nodded in agreement, "but we don't care. We need to know about you."

"I don't know. I think I would be able to handle it, it's more... I don't know if it will be affecting the group, and I don't want that," I shook my head at them.

"Okay... then... the company said that it was our decision if you would public or not, right?" Jay questioned and we all nodded as we looked at him before he stood up from his seat, "then... lets still talk with them about it and they can tell us what to do."

We didn't exactly get far before Bang PD and our manager rushed into the room we had streamed from, both looking at all of us.

"Jungwon and Jiyeon, come with us," our manager said and I hesitantly stood up and followed after them along with Jungwon.

We were taken up into a seperate office where both our manager and Bang PD sat down on one side of the table and the two of us sat down on the other side.

"We see a little accident happened on your live," Bang PD spoke and we both nodded, "as we've told you before, we're not gonna tell you whether or not you can go public with it or not, it is fully your decision. But we will be guiding you on how to do it properly or how to explain your way out of it."

"Do you know whether or not you want to go public?" our manager questioned and we both glanced at each other before shaking our heads at them, "okay, then lets look over the statistics of your group and the most likely fan reaction. The statistics of Enhypen itself is impressive for only having debuted so shortly ago, so it should not have a great impact on the group. Secondly, because you're in the same group and the fans already know your friendship they would be more open to the idea than if you were in two differnet groups and never had had any public interactions before. The fans would feel more safe with you two than any other idol, because they know how you treat one another. Looking at your fanbase it seems that a lot of people would want you two to date, than for you two to date any other person. So I would say it would recieve positive reactions from fans, as from the general public, we can never be sure on them."

"Lastly we suggest that if you would prefer to deny the allegations, you just ignore them and when you're asked about them in interviews just continue to deny it and try to not mention the incident and then it'll be forgotten. If you decide to confirm the relationship we suggest that you two do it, as it will seem like you actually want people to know. Post a picture, video, whatever you want to one of the medias where you have contact with your fans," Bang PD explained.

We both nodded and were given some more information before we were let to go back to the dorm, where we talked it over with the boys once again, before in the end ending up with going public on twitter.

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