Chapter 27

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Earlier today we had done the red carpet shoot for MAMA, and now we sat in our van in the parking lot outside of Mnet. In the other cars around us sat everyone else who were either nominated or performing today. We were to perform at some point in the show, but at the moment we all just sat in our van together, in our performance outfits which all were identical, whilst trying to stay warm.

Jungwon and I had made the backseat our small spot, as it usually was, where he had taken a blanket and thrown around his own shoulders, before leaning up against the window, as I had sat down in between his legs as he also had wrapped the blanket around me as well. Across from the seats that Jungwon and I had occupied sat Jay and Niki beside one another with a blanket collectively wrapped around the two of them. In front of Jay sat Jake and Sunghoon wrapped in a blanket together, meanwhile Heeseung and Sunoo sat together in front of Jungwon and I.

Each pair all sat with a phone and a pair of headphones to watch the show being streamed, we would all be cheering whenever someone we really wanted to win an award, won the award. As it came to the award for favorite dance performance - male solo, both Niki and I looked at one another simultaneously. As the nominees were showed I counted down from three with my fingers as he just nodded at me.

"Taemin!" we both loudly exclaimed as I had counted down, making all the boys jump in shock as Niki and I just grinned at one another.

"Stop scaring me so much," Jungwon complained as he tightened his grip around me, as if to prevent me from jumping up once again.

"SHINee, Wonie, SHINee," I repeated as we continued to watch as to who would win. As it was announced that Taemin was the winner both Niki and I jumped up in excitement making the boys all look at us with small smiles, except Jungwon who just playfully rolled his eyes at me as I sat back down again, "stop it, you secretly enjoy it," I pointed out to him as I softly hit his shoulder, making him open his arms for me once again, making me sit down again.

At one point we had been up and out of the van to perform, just to return to the van once again, to continue sitting and watching the show. We had all quickly monitored our performance to see how we had done, and were all quite satisfied, seeing as we as a debuted group only were 6 days old, we were quite satisfied but all agreed to do better in the future, next year when we return, hopefully as nominees for rookie of the year.

Every and each one of us returned to how we had sat before going up on stage, having immediately cooled down from being on stage the moment we had stepped outside to run to the van once again. 

I quickly handed Jungwon his earphone and held up my phone for the two of us to continue watching the show. As it got late Niki had fallen asleep against Jay, and Jake and Sunghoon had leaned up against each other, still awake. Meanwhile both Sunoo and Heeseung had gone head first into the seats in front of them. I wasn't even sure if Jungwon still was awake by now, he had been quiet for quite some time by now.

But seeing as it had gotten later it had also gotten colder inside the van, and the staff had been trying to hand us some heating packs, but we had barely taken any as we had offered them all to them, as there was no more blankets for them. I had taken no heating packs, but Jungwon had taken two, just in case I regretted my decision.

I let out a small shiver as I had began feeling the cold spreading in the van. They didn't turn on the heat so that we would not be using needed fuel, and we were fine with that. But I surely was beginning to freeze a bit.

"Here," Jungwon muttered and held a heating pack up for me to take.

"I thought you were asleep," I commented to him.

"No, take this," he urged and waved the heating pack in front of me.

"I'm fine," I shook my head at him.

"Ji, your nails are turning blue, I'll hold the phone for a while, just heat your hands a bit, will you?" he urged making me sigh and hand him the phone before taking the heating pack and cracking the small thing inside it so it would go warm, "don't sigh at me, you know it's because I care," he reminded in a mutter before placing a kiss on my temple before placing his chin on my shoulder as I held the heating packet in my cold hands.

"Do you think we could win roty next year?" I questioned him making him hum.

"If we work hard enough, then I'm sure we can amount to anything we wish," he assured me and I let out a small hum in reply as I let out a small shiver once again, "weren't you the one who were completely unfazed by the cold when we filmed our trailers?" he let out a small chuckle and tightened his grip around my waist with the arm that weren't holding my phone.

"I lost fat, remember?" I reminded him and fiddled around with my heating packet, "the less fat you have on your body the easier you freeze."

"Ah," he nodded at me, "I do miss your cheeks."

"You shouldn't talk," I commented making him let out a small laugh.

"I promise I'll gain some back," he assured me.

"You shouldn't feel pressured to, just because I say I miss your cheeks," I shook my head in disagreement.

"But I miss them a bit too. I'll gain just a bit back, so I'll still be handsome," he commented making me let out a small laugh.

"You'll always be handsome, what are you talking about?" I questioned in disbelief.

"You two are gonna make me throw up, if you don't shut up soon," Jay turned his head towards the two of us, making both of us let out a laugh at him, "I seriously begin to doubt how good of an idea it was to make you two talk to one another again."

"You really want us to just walk around in silence and ignore each other?" I arched a brow at him and he hesitated to answer before silently shaking his head, "exactly."

"That's right, shut him up," Jungwon whispered to me in an amused voice making me let out a small laugh at him, before we both directed our attention back to the show on my phone.

It didn't last long before I was too stubborn and insisted on holding the phone again, which Jungwon seemed to quickly agree to. Maybe it was because the moment I took my phone back, he saw his shot to snuggle even more into my back and hug me tighter.

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