Recording Docent

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Late April 2021

I let out a small laugh as I was handed the camera and immediately began filming Jungwon.

"Explain what you're doing," I urged him as he let out a small laugh and ran his hand through his hair.

"Today I'm recording the docent for the Hybe Insight," Jungwon stated as I just smiled at his picture on the screen of the camera, "and I have been provided with the cutest camera girl today, to help ease up my nervousity about recording this."

"Ah, you shouldn't say that, Engene is gonna think you're cheating on me," I pointed out with a small laugh to him.

"They know your voice," he pointed out making me hum.

"But they said they'll cut my voice out of all the recordings," I retorted making him let out a small laugh at me.

"Okay okay... I have the lovely girlfriend with me today," he grinned widely and gestured to me, making me roll my eyes, "why are you rolling your eyes?"

"Because you're so lovey dovey cheesy today," I excused with a small laugh.

I quietly stood in the corner of the room as Jungwon began recording the docent. I kept smiling softly behind the camera as I made sure to get the right shots and always getting a shot of the dimple whenever he would smile. Knowing how much the fans loved his dimple. Too bad it was only mine to poke.

"Right now..." Jungwon trailed off as he sat down on the stool in the booth and I continued filming him, "I'm having a voice rest, because I began getting hoarse," he excused to the camera and ruffled his hair.

"Oh," I immediately exclaimed and rushed over to flatten down his stray hairs once again making him let out a small laugh at me, "voice rest."

"I know," he softly spoke and reached over and grabbed the camera from my hands, "Engene, I want you all to see Ji today, she looks extra cute."

I let out a small laugh as he turned the camera towards me, making me quickly lift my hands up to my mouth as I tried not to laugh at him.

"Look, the top of her hair is up in a small bun and the rest is just hanging," Jungwon stated before quickly turning the camera to himself, "I think she looks extra cute because of that," he stated and turned the camera back towards me, "and then she is wearing my blue sweater, I'll repeat that again, MY blue sweater."

"Hey, you like when I wear your clothes," I defended making him just let out a small giggle.

"And she is wearing her black slacks," Jungwon continued, "that she had to sew up 7 centimeters."

"Yah!" I complained as I let out a small laugh and hit his shoulder softly.

"And her adorably small white sneakers," Jungwon finished as he filmed my shoes before panning the camera back up to my face.

"Are you done?" I questioned making him just giggle at me, "Jungwon-ah!"

"Ah ah ah, that's not my nickname," he shook his head.

"Pretty Boy? Wonie? Won? Johnny?" I listed making him let out another small laugh.

I let out a sigh before just grabbing the camera and turning it back around to film Jungwon. Jungwon continued with his break for a while, as I just filmed him. Playing rock, paper, scissors with him, to make time pass a bit faster in his break.

"Ready to record again?" I questioned him making him hum before grabbing the camera with one hand and wrapping his other arm around my shoulders to pull me into his side.

I felt him press a kiss to my temple making me smile widely and look up to him, just making him peck my lips as well a small happy grin spreading on his face immediately.

"I am being told in the headphones that I need to stop giving you attention and record," Jungwon let out a small laugh as I grabbed the camera and returned to my corner.

Another hour or so passed before Jungwon excitedly showed me that there was only one page left for him to record. I grinned widely as I watched him record the last page before sitting back down on the stool and slowly spacing out once again.

"Oh!" Jungwon abruptly stood up and rushed over to the microphones, "thank you for your hard work."

I grinned widely as he finished and did a small cheer as he took the headphones off and quickly rushed over and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Lovey dovey cheesy boy," I commented making him just hum at me before grabbing the camera and turning it to me.

"So what is happening now?" Jungwon questioned me, making me let out a small laugh, our roles suddenly having changed.

"Right now it is... what's the time?" I questioned him and he quickly checked his phone.

"Uh... 10.23," he immediately replied and I nodded at him.

"So what is gonna happen now is that... I think we're gonna be allowed to go get some quick dinner, and then I have to go back and I'll read the docent in French," I explained, "uh... I don't actually know who is recording the English version, but I'm recording the French, and I'll probably be done at 2 or 3 tonight, but Jungwon is going home after we eat and hopefully I'll finish earlier than anticipated."

"I'm not going home after dinner," Jungwon shook his head.

"You aren't?" I questioned and he shook his head at me.

"No,  I can't sleep without hugging you," he excused as he shook his head making me let out a small laugh at him, "ah you're cute when you get this happy."

"What?" I questioned in amusement.

"Your eyes sparkle and your grin gets so wide, it's cute," he grinned making me quickly drop my head into my hands, "am I making you flustered."

"I don't know!" I admitted with a small laughing exclamation.

"Then what is it?" he questioned in amusement.

"I don't know," I shrugged and folded my hands in front of me, "I just get so happy when you're around me, and I can't stop myself from smiling whenever you speak."

"Ji?" he called out making me hum at him, "you're in love~"

"I know," I let out a small laugh, "isn't it nice?"

"It's wonderful," he grinned in return, "because I'm in love too."

"BanBan stay happy," I let out a laugh making him laugh along with me as well.

"Forever and ever," he grinned and held up his pinky making me immediately linky my own with his.

Jungwon simply grinned widely before pulling me into him, in a hug, with his free arm, kissing the top of my head before letting out a small sigh.

"I don't care if the editors or Engene hear this... but I swear I'm gonna marry you some day," Jungwon stated making me let out a small laugh at him before pulling away from the hug and patting his shoulder.

"Whatever you say Pretty Boy."

"I'm serious."

"I know."

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