Artist Of The Month

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April 2022

The mood in our team, not just our group of eight but our whole management team, had been turned upside down in the start of April. When Studio Choom not only had asked Jungwon and Niki to be the first idols on a new concept of theirs, but also when they contacted us to announce that there had been most votes on seeing me as artist of the month for April.

Immediately managers, stylists, PDs, Choreographers, Directors, Producers, everyone in our team really, had started working on all they could. At least one producer and choreographer had been put on Jungwon and Niki's project, meanwhile I had asked to just get one producer and one choreographer.

"You've got to be kidding me Jiyeon," my manager sighed as he saw the list of requirements I had for the backup dancers I wanted for my Artist of the month dance, "you have all these?"

"The more of a diverse crew you can give me the happier I'll be," I nodded at him, "big, small, curvy, thin. I don't care about ethnicity, hairstyle, haircolor, skincolor, religion, sexuality. Even if there's some trans dancer you're not hesitatnig, I want them on the team as long as they're talented in what they do," I pointed out sternly, "give me as much of a diverse team as I can get."

"What about the moves? If they can't execute them properly?" my advicing choreographer questioned with worry, "it could ruin your choreography."

"I don't care," I calmly stated, "for me it's more about the message than the look."

"You're jeopardizing your image," my manager quietly whispered and I just shrugged and folded my arms over my chest, "and you won't do it with the backup dancers we have in the house?"

"They'll turn my choreography masculine, I want it just as feminine and powerful as I made it otherwise I'm not doing it," I insisted making my manager sigh deeply.

"I guess... I have a lot to do before tomorrow morning," my manager sighed, "did you get your version of the song recorded."

"Already sent it to Studio Choom," I nodded at him.

He hummed with a small nod before sighing once again and leaving the dance studio. My advicing choreographer glanced at me before slowly following after my manager with worry written all over her face.

Now I just had to go find my stylist, who just so happened to be working with Jungwon and Niki as well for our performances. Probably also because our recordings were just on top of each other. It normally took about a day and a half to shoot for Studio Choom. My last day on set they would be there as well for their first day.

I quietly entered their practice room, where they were going over their dance with their choreographer as I spotted the stylist sitting in the corner doing something on her computer.

"Unnie," I quietly called out as to not interrupt the practice.

"Hm?" my stylist hummed and immediately looked up, "you figured out what you wanted?"

"I don't want there to be too much of a difference between the dancers and I. I've asked to get as diverse of a crew as possible, so get a few extra sizes, large and small sizes," I pointed out and she nodded with a small frown, "and uhm... the more feminine empowering the better. If that means it has to be sexy in some way, so be it. Just within the boundaries of Korean sexy... not European Sexy, I'm saving that for Kpop flex."

"As long as you know what you're doing," she sighed and glanced out to Niki and Jungwon, who once again had begun laughing over the choreography, "does he know what you're asking for?"

"Nope," I shook my head, "he won't allow it if he knew what I'm brewing on. Don't tell him too much."

"It's not really my job to tell him what you're up to," she shrugged before turning back to her computer, "I'll have something ready by... next week, sounds alright?"

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