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The five year anniversary of our debut was quite a big thing. The company had arranged a whole sort of 'prom' just like when BTS sunbaenim had had their fifth year anniversary. However, we had preffered it to be less formal, so we had made it a so called 'hang out' instead. The whole show would be an exact of two hours, and we had planned various things. Such as performances, games, and just plain fun. Our performances consisted off a mashup of all our entry test songs from when we were on I-Land, as well as 'Chamber 5' and 'I&Credible'. We also went over our debut song, 'Given-Taken', '10 Months', and all the way up to our latest release. It was just a very versatile performance list we had, and we wenjoyed every moment of it.

In between the group performances we had unit performances, where most had paired up with someone else to show off their shared speciality. Jungwon and I had teamed up, now that we finally had finished the song we've worked on together, for the past five years. We had performed it together and all the fans had liked it by a lot.

But as the show came to it's close, we all stood on stage in whatever clothes we wanted to, we had all come in our own clothes for today. The atmosphere up on stage was visibly more dull than usually.

"Ah, it's soon over," Heeseung stated as we looked out over the lightful ocean of fans cheering us on as we all nodded.

"So sad," Jake agreed with him as we all pulled out an earpiece each to hear the fans

"As many of you know Jiyeon will be retiring after the show is over," Jay started and I looked down at my feet before hesitantly looking over the boys, "it's gonna be weird."

"I'll still live with you," I reminded him with a small smile and he nodded at me, "but I do... I feel that the statement the company sent out didn't justify the decision. So I want to explain it myself."

"Can you do that?" Sunghoon questioned and I nodded at him, before he gestured for me to go on.

"So... for the past four years, I've had my personal health coach, because of... it sounds so weird to say, because I don't feel sick. But as most fans know I am ill," I pointed out and the boys all nodded, "yes, I did get the treatment when I was very young, but it's still... I am still ill," I sighed, "uhm... I don't know how to say it, but there's a lot of health reasons to why I am stepping down. If I am to continue performing like the boys my body would slowly begin to break down, it already has begun to do so, and if I continue after today I would get to have a lot of surgeries in the coming year, and I don't want that. I've already been absent enough in this past year, due to various health reasons... And it's just not fair, neither to you guys, as Engenes, or to the boys. Secondly, there's the mental health that plays into it as well. I get stressed very easily and that also tears a person down over time, so I think if I was to continue having comebacks I just mentally wouldn't handle it and then I won't be the Jiyeon I want to be... So we all spoke about it, a few months back, and this was what we agreed upon. No matter how each one of us hates it."

"This is a thing that has been bothering Jiyeon-ie a lot for the past year, so we hope everyone understands, even though it was hard for us too," Heeseung spoke up and I nodded at him.

"But you know. I did agree with the company that I would continue to do adlibs on the boys' tracks, and I will sometimes travel with them around, as a staff member. But for now, I'm stepping down from the entertainment company as a whole, and then I will go to my family in Denmark over December, and I'll move back with the boys once again," I explained and the boys all nodded with small smiles on their faces, "but before we end this, I did write a letter for you all."

"Ah no," Jay complained as he rushed a bit away from me making us all laugh at him.

"I feel quite awkward with it, but... I want to read it for you," I excused and pulled out a folded paper from my backpocket.

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