Meeting the Chois (1)

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Summer 2021

The moment I stepped out of the bus a bright smile immediately spread on my face and I immediately pulled down my mask before turning to look at Jungwon, who was stepping out behind me.

"You really are stoked for this," he let out a small laugh and pulled down his mask as well, showing a small smile hiding behind it.

"You bet," I hummed before grabbing his hand and immediately dragging him along, "I told mom we would just walk the way. It's only about 2 kilometers. It's basically just my way to school, if I was here, anyways."

"With suitcases?" Jungwon questioned in amusement.

"Calm down, it's all on some form of pavement anyways," I assured him with a small laugh, "now come on!"

I continued to drag Jungwon with me down the so familiar streets, whilst he marvelled around him and would ask questions about the most normal things in my eyes.

"How come the sky be so blue?" Jungwon frowned as he looked upwards, completely stopping in his tracks.

"What do you mean? It always looks like that when there's not a cloudy day," I commented and followed his eyes.

"I mean... how can it be so blue? It's not like that in Korea," he stated and looked down at me in confusion.

"Ah..." I slowly realized, "pollution. We don't have that much, if any, here. You know how we always check the dust numbers back in Seoul?" he immediately nodded at my question, "yeah, here we only check the pollen numbers, and how the weather is gonna be like."

"Woah," he cooed in excitement.

I grinned widely before grabbing his hand again and pulling him along with me, until we turned down a street and I immediately picked up my pace.

"We're there soon, aren't we?" Jungwon spoke up and I excitedly nodded before stopping outside a house and grinned widely before glancing up at him, "number 1," he happily stated by the number that hung beside the front door.

"Yep," I hummed at him, before glancing over at him. His face had immediately fallen, "you good?"

"What if they hate me?" he muttered in return, widening his eyes at me.

"Wonie... they literally have no expectations for you," I assured him, "it's just my mom and my brother. My brother voted for you on the show, my mom really don't care as long as you're not an asshole."

"But I have been," he pointed out making me sigh at him.

"Do you trust me?" I questioned and he frowned at me before simply nodding, "then you have nothing to worry about. Both mom and Jiseok speak Korean. There won't be a barrier, so lets just go and get it over with. Okay?"

"Just rip of the band-aid already," he whined at me making me laugh before rushing up to the door and opening the door.

"Yo! I get no big welcome? " I yelled out into the house and poked my head into the connected kitchen and dinning room.

"Sup sis? " Jiseok poked his head out from his room, which was situated just across from mine, "mom's in the bathroom."

"I am so disappointed in you right now," I hissed, making him simply grin too widely before I moved down towards my mom's bathroom, "mom? "

"Oh my," I could hear my mom called out before she stepped out in her bedroom, from her bathroom and grinned widely at me, "my girl," she grinned widely before pulling me into a hug, "have you lost weight? Where'd your cheeks go? "

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