The Return of Superman (3)

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The clip shows another morning at the house. Jiyeon is laying in bed, meanwhile Jungwon is in Soyeol's room to help her get ready.

"Do you know what we are doing today Soyeol?" Jungwon questioned the small girl as he helped her into her small sweater.

"Helping mom," Soyeol excitedly jumped in her spot, making Jungwon let out a small laugh at her.

"Ah, she's so considerate."

"They raised her well so far."

"Mhm," Jungwon hummed in response to her exclamation, "but to do that, do you know what we have to do?"

"No," the girl shook her head in confusion, "make her a sweater like this?" the girl touched her own sweater proudly.

"Mom made that?" Jungwon questioned and poked the girl in her belly, making her happily giggle.

"That tickles," she giggled at him as he just smiled at her.

"Oh? Did Jiyeon knit that?"

"I recall her knitting all her own sweaters when she still were in Enhypen."

"Ah, she probably knits for Soyeol now."

"You want to know what we have to do?" Jungwon questioned making the small girl happily nod at her, "we're gonna do a small performance."

"Performance?" the girl questioned and Jungwon nodded as he patted a spot on the floor in front of him, making the girl sit down immediately.

"Mhm, a small performance always makes mom feel better. And you know what?" he questioned and she immediately shook her head, "once, mom did the same as I do. But shhh, don't tell anyone."

"Shh," Soyeol mimicked the hushing sound, "I won't tell."

"Good. So today, we're gonna let mom sleep for a few extra hours and then we'll go to my work and prepare a performance for her," Jungwon revealed to Soyeol who gasped at him.

"Are the princes there?" she questioned and he nodded at her.

"And even more princes," Jungwon pointed out to her, making her cup her cheeks in surprise as he just nodded, "so now we're gonna go say goodbye to mom, and go prepare. How does that sound?"

"Lets go!" Soyeol jumped up from her spot and ran out of her room, being followed by Jungwon as they walked back into the bedroom, "mom," Soyeol whispered to Jiyeon who opened one eye and smiled at the girl.

"Morning, sweetie," Jiyeon muttered and propped herself up on her elbow.

"We're going to dad's work," Soyeol revealed, making Jiyeon glance up at Jungwon who stood behind Soyeol.

"You're sure that's a good idea?" Jiyeon questioned him as he just nodded and swooped up Soyeol, making her squeal out.

"You have to rest a bit," Jungwon excused before looking at Soyeol in his arms, "now give mom a goodbye kiss," he spoke and leaned the girl down to peck her mom's cheek, "we'll be back before you know it," Jungwon assured and pecked Jiyeon's lips as well, "love you."

"Love you too," Jiyeon muttered before laying back down as Jungwon and Soyeol left.

"Ah, she's not feeling well. So he's taking her to work instead."

"Soyeol must be very excited."

The next clip showed Soyeol walking hand in hand with her dad, through the BigHit building and down to a practice studio. Jungwon sat down on the middle of the floor and brought Soyeol into his lap as he got out his phone to show her something.

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