Scandal (5)

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[En-Special] Jungwon's Quest

A hand removed itself from the camera and revealed the person sitting in front.

"Hello... I'm leader of Enhypen, Yang Jungwon," Jungwon calmly stated as he looked towards the camera. It almost looked like one of their en-notes if not the video had been titled differently, "uh... lately there's been accusations saying that Jiyeon-ie have been bullying another idol when she went to high school here, and that her's and I's relationship is fake. So... now that it's reached a point where she's not willing to post on our social medias anymore, because she'll face backlash, even if it's on Weverse. Lately she hasn't been herself anymore, and we're all beginning to get really worried so... I've decided to film exactly what is happening behind everything you all see and hopefully be able to get my Ji, that I know, back in the process. This is... Jungwon's Quest."

Jungwon smiled a tight smile before giving two small thumbs ups to himself before sighing and turning off the camera.


The clip showed Jungwon walking through the van, as it was a self-camera. Soon enough he sat down in his seat and you could see Jiyeon in the edge of the frame as she buckled her seatbelt before letting out a sigh and leaning back in her seat whilst looking out the window.

"Here," Jungwon spoke up and patted his shoulder making Jiyeon turn her head to him.

"What?" she questioned in confusion and he patted his shoulder once more.

"Your head," he urged, "you look tired."

"I'm fine," she muttered and looked back out the window.

Jungwon sighed before reaching over and pulling her head down on his shoulder making a small smile appear on Jiyeon's face before she closed her eyes.

"Was there any comments on the live today?" Jungwon questioned into Jiyeon's hair as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Mhm," she hummed with a small nod.

"Japanese fans has begun writing comments about it as well," Niki spoke up making a frown appear on Jiyeon's face.

"I really didn't need that right now," she muttered and Jungwon simply nodded at her.

"But I don't get it. They said they would find the papers for when Bubs had a leave in school because of that girl, why in the world is it taking so long?" Sunghoon's voice complained, "it's almost as if they want her to suffer and get hated on."

"I don't think that's the case," Jungwon assured them, "they're probably just in the wrong file or something like that. They'll find it."

"Then at least call the school or something," Sunghoon pointed out.

"Didn't her schoolmates at her old schools say something about it?" Sunoo questioned and Jungwon simply nodded.

"Said she was usually the victim up until she started at the ballet school," Heeseung clarified, "after that there's only been stories about her being the happiest and bubbliest person in any class."

"Well, what'd the comments say today?" Jay questioned.

"I saw a lot of death threats," Jake stated and the boys just all hummed.

"There was a lot about leaving the group, and how she just didn't deserve to exist," Sunoo added on as a small frown appeared on Jiyeon's face.

"The Japanese fans are asking for her sasaeng to take her away," Niki spoke up

"I really don't need this right now," Jiyeon spoke up making Jungwon look to her before pressing a kiss against the top of her head and running his hand through her hair.

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