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June 2023

Throughout my time in high school I had been physically present for a total of a semester, six months. The rest of my learning had been over a computer screen, on a zoom call with my brother. Yet I was still going up to my last exam today.

"Okay... you got this," my brother assured as he flattened out the shoulders of my white summer dress. He had been in just before the girl that was in for her exam now. He had passed with a 10, and already had his white cap on, that indicated he had graduated.

"I know," I nodded and looked down at the notes in my hands, "I'm just nervous, I have barely gotten proper classes... you don't exactly pick up a lot through onlines classes."

"I know," my brother nodded, "but I also know my sister, and she's incredibly smart, so she'll ace this."

I smiled softly before nodding and turning towards the door where a small sign told everyone that class 3.A was having their final exam in there. I watched as the girl before me, stepped out on the hallway for a few minutes, before getting called back in to get her final grade. Once she stepped out she grinned widely as her mom placed the white cap on her head.

"Congratulations Julie! " I called out to her and her blonde hair swung as she looked over at me with a wide smile.

"You'll do great Vita! " she called back before following her mom outside to join the rest of our class.

"Vita Sommer," my teacher stepped out on the hallway and I took in a deep breath.

"You can do this," my brother whispered and I just nodded, "remember the boys is sitting and cheering you on wherever they are."

"I know," I muttered and walked forward, slowly letting my hand slide out of my brother's grip as I walked in for my last exam.

Verbal English.

"Thank you Vita, you can step out for a few minutes while we discuss your grade,"my teacher spoke and I nodded before hesitantly walking over to the door and stepping out. 

I carefully closed the door after me, before leaning against the wall beside the door and let out a deep breath.

"So? " my brother spoke up and I just nodded at him, "was it good?"

"I think so," I hummed before frowning, "did we just switch?"

"Eh, we sound cool," my brother waved it off, "besides... you know that girl?"

"Emily from 3.X?" I questioned with an arched brow and he eagerly nodded before nodding his head to the door beside me, where the red haired girl, my brother has fallen head over heels for, stood, "ah... you want to sound cool."

"Please help me," he hummed at me.

"I'm not late, am I?" mom rushed up to us, making me turn my head to her and immediately widen my eyes at the seven boys behind her.

"Just came out," my brother nodded.

"Did you do good? Were you nervous? Were they mean?" mom rambled on as I just stared straight past her head at the seven boys who all stood grinning and happily cheering me on.

"Vita, you can come in now," my teacher opened the door, making my brother quickly push me inside before I could say anything, "you seem nervous."

"I am," I nodded with a small smile as I fiddled with the notes in my hand.

"Hmm... we'll make it quick," my teacher assured, "I've been teaching at this school for 40 years, Vita. And yet the exam you just delivered is the best I've seen so far... of course you got a 12."

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