Checklist VCR

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April 2021

I grinned widely the moment I had reached the top of the stairs and winked at the camera I immediately saw. I immediately ran towards the camera and looked at the list in front of me.

"Checklist?" I questioned and looked up at the staff behind the camera that was filming me, "answer each question truthfully... No," I stated and wrote 'no' beside the title before happily grinning down at it, "just kidding," I quickly assured the camera with a small smile.

"Name?" I muttered as I twirled the pen around, "which one? Mhm.... I think this once... we're going with Vita," I stated to the camera, "how would that be spelled? Vi-Pi- Bi-Bita? Would it be written as Bita?" I questioned before just nodding in agreement to myself, "비타," I proudly stated as I wrote it down, "Birthdate? The day most babies are conceieved," I stated before quickly looking up at the camera and covered my mouth, "I can't say that... can I?"

The camera man didn't reply so instead I just stared down at the paper before letting out a small laugh.

"I already wrote it down..." I hopelessly laughed, "oh well... it's on valentines day... Just to clarify... Anyways, moving on... Your current temperature?" I read before grinning at the camera, "hella hot," I let out a small laugh before picking up the thermometer beside me and taking my own temperature, "36.4, but I'm still gonna write hella hot... because that's more fun."

"Occupation? Full-time comedian and Jungwon magnet," I calmly stated and wrote it down, "wait... I wrote some in English and the other in Korean... that's alright, right?" I looked up to the cameraman who immediately nodded at me, "good... how satisfied are you with your roommates?"

I let out a small laugh as I scratched the side of my nose before looking up at the camera with a small smile.

"The thing is... I know the boys probably are watching this somewhere," I pointed out with a small smile, "so I need to think about this..."

"Just answer the question!" a voice echoed out making me let out a small laugh.

"I'm just gonna pretend they didn't just expose themselves," I laughed, "okay... but the thing is... I think in total... I've had five years where I didn't have a roommate? Because I used to share room with my brother, and then we started at the ballet school where we got individual rooms, but still shared bathrooms with other people the same gender as us... then when I became a trainee I was always in dorms, and the same in I-Land... but overall... they're really loud... I sometimes forget that I live with a bunch of hormonal teenage boys... but then it's great a dirty joke from one of them can remind me," I laughed, "uhm... overall... I guess I'm satisfied with them... I mean... I'm not dissatisfied."

I continued to laugh quietly to myself as I crossed off the right box.

"How many hearts can you make with your hands? Enough," I calmly answered as I wrote down the answer before taking a good look at my paper, "ah... this is just a weird mix of Hangul and the latin alphabet... what have I done?" I questioned in disbelief, "moving on! Getting larger eyes and larger nostrils or gettinhgg smaller eyes and have normal nostrils? What is my hair color today?"

I quickly pulled on a strand of my hair to see what color it was.

"Today I'm blue..." I muttered before looking up at the camera, "the thing is... the boys said this... When I have a dark hair color... like I do right now I look Asian, but when I have my blonde hair, which is under the dark color at the moment, when I wash it out, I look Caucasian... and apparently it's because I have enough of an Asian look to look Asian but if you color my hair a light color I look like my dad," I let out a small laugh, "so... I guess... since I am working in Korea, and my job pretty much requires me to look and be Asian... I guess smaller eyes, because if they were any bigger I think I would be called a koreaboo and such... and I don't really feel like that today... that was a long answer."

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