Everyone Loves BanBan

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February 2022

I sighed as I dragged my feet back into the practice room looking over at Jungwon with an unsatisfied look as he just happily laughed at me.

"It's not funny," I complained at him as he just continued to laugh, attracting the attention from the other boys who soon laughed as well.

"What are you wearing?"Jake laughed.

"I bled through my sweats," I grumbled.

"Again?" Heeseung questioned.

"It's not my fault! It's the pad companies fault!" I complained at him, "they should learn to make some more absorbant pads."

"Nah... I bought the wrong ones last time, so now she's stuck with those for some time," Jay waved it off.

"That too," I hummed as I gestured to Jay, "so Wonie let me borrow his black slacks... which obviously are waaay too big for me."

"I don't know... as far as I can see it's only the length," Sunoo stated making me sigh before pulling up in my shirt and showing how I had tied half of the pants up with my hairtie.

"I can nearly fit two of me in here," I hissed at him.

"Are you that small?" Jake questioned in shock.

"I lost too much weight when I had pneumonia," I excused with a small whine, "and I just can't gain it back no matter how hard I try!"

"I think... that no matter how much you're struggling with putting your weight back on... you still look awfully cute in my slacks," Jungwon happily stated as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist, softly kissing my forehead.

Immediately a small squeal came from Sunoo before he pretended to collapse on the floor and clutch his heart.

"Too cute! I can't!" Sunoo exclaimed making me let out a small laugh at him.

"But your slacks are too long, and , and if I try and fold them up they just unfold again within moments," I complained up at Jungwon who frowned before stepping away from me and looking at the waaaay too long pant legs, "if they're oversized on you, then what aren't they on me?"

"Absolutely gigantic," Heeseung giggled before Jungwon knelt down and grabbed one of the pant legs, pulling a hair elastic from his wrist to tie up the pant leg.

"Better?" he looked up at me with big eyes as I just nodded at him and he immediately did it to the other leg before he stood up and grinned widely at me, "still absolutely adorable."

"These two always makes me feel so single..." Heeseung complained before walking over and falling down beside Sunoo, just sitting with a grumpy face as Sunoo looked to eagerly be waiting for another cutesy moment.

"Practice?" I questioned as I looked at the other boys.

"Aren't you out of hair elastics now?" Niki let out a small laugh making Jungwon immediately walk over behind me and tie my hair up in a small ponytail.

"Aight, I'm out too," Jake stated before walking over and slumping down besides Heeseung as he just stared at us in awe, "he has so many spare hairties for her!"

"What is happening?" I let out a laugh at them.

"I think... I think they can't handle our relationship..." Jungwon hesitantly admitted making me let out a small laugh at him.

"Why we aren't any different than usual," I pointed out to him.

"Argh! Wehoshdwenij-IIIH!" Jake exclaimed as he just eagerly gestured to us.

"He is saying it's because you look so small in those slacks, and Jungwon is so affectionate that made him melt," Sunghoon translated.

"Ah... I see," I hesitantly nodded at him, "so technically we just make him melt everyday? Becuase I'm always cute and Wonie is always affectionate."

"Eh... I think it's cutest when it's you that is the clingiest," Jay shrugged.

"Do we try and get them all down?" Jungwon leaned down and whispered in my ear making me grin widely at him before just nodding at him.

"Niki will be the most difficult one," I shrugged as I looked back at the three standing boys.

"For what?" Niki immediately grinned as I just smiled at him.

"Stuffs~" I happily cooed at him before feeling a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders from behind and Jungwon nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck.

"You're so adorable, I don't want to ever let you go," Jungwon muttered and pressed a kiss to my cheek, making my nose immediately scrunch up as I let out a small laugh.

"I can't take this either," Jay shook his head before rushing over and sitting down beside Sunoo, who was all smiley and giggly.

"One down two to go," Jungwon whispered in my ear as I just let out a small laugh at him.

"Wah... noona is cute," Niki happily clapped his hands, "her laugh is so cute!"

"I know right?" Jungwon excitedly questioned before poking my stomach making me let out another small laugh and slap his hand away.

"Yah... stop it," I cooed at him.

"Ugh! Noona is too cute!" Niki complained and fell down across sunoo's legs making me let out a small laugh at him.

"I know... that's why I'm gonna protect her till the day I die," Jungwon happily stated and tugged a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "because I adore each and every aspect of her."

"Damn it... I'm out as well," Sunghoon hissed before walking over and sitting down beside Jake and just letting himself sprawl out over the Aussie.

I let out a bright laugh as I turned to Jungwon who laughed with me as well.

"I thought it would be much harder," I laughed as Jungwon just nodded in agreement as he continued to laugh before grabbing my hand tightly in his.

"You planned this?" Jake exclaimed at us in shock.

"We wanted to see how easy we could make you... you know... whatever that was," I let out a laugh at him making him sigh as he just fell back against the wall once more.

"I'm not even mad," Heeseung shook his head, "they're absolutely adorable and made for each other."

"Right?!" Sunoo exclaimed at him, "if I'm not invited to the wedding I don't even know what I'm gonna do."

"I just want Noona to laugh," Niki shrugged as he grinned widely at me, "it's the cutest," he cooed as I just winked at him.

"Lets all agree we love the BanBan relationship," Jay sighed as the boys all raised their hands to agree.

"You know..." Jungwon slowly bend down to whisper to me again, "I meant everything I said."

"Oh I know," I nodded at him, "this was just a nice excuse for you to be as affectionate as you want. Am I right?"

"Maybe," he casually shrugged, "why? Do you mind?"

"Not at all," I shook my head at him, "it was pretty cute."

"I guess the pretty and cute comes from you," he grinned widely.

"Now it's getting sickening," I shook my head at him as he just let out a small laugh at me.

"I think we need to skip practice today," Heeseung called out making me look towards the other boys.

They all laid down on the floor in a big lump just giggling and grinning widely as they all looked at us.

"This is beginning to get weird..." I muttered and quickly moved over behind Jungwon who just laughed at the sight as well, "I didn't think I ever would see Jay giggle."

"Enjoy the moment," Jungwon commented with a small laugh, "It seems everyone loves BanBan."

"You don't say..."

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