Chapter 30

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"When should we start?" I questioned as I looked down at the monitoring ipad between Jungwon and I.

"Lets say... ten seconds more," he stated and I nodded before looking up at the phone in front of us, which we were streaming from.

I held up both hands and began counting down with my fingers, making Jungwon let out a small laugh at the sight until I hit one.

"Two, three," he counted in and we both poked the other's cheeks.

"Hello, we're 04's!" we both exclaimed before bowing and then breaking down laughing as we looked up at the camera once again.

"It's the 04' liner coming to you live!" I exclaimed at the camera as Jungwon still tried to calm himself down, "so, while pretty boy tries to contain himself, I will explain. The 02' line have done a live together as well, and as everyone might know. I really like Jungwon, and we haven't actually had a live together beside group lives."

"Right, so we wanted to come here and be the coolest line in Enhypen," Jungwon nodded in agreement.

"So what are we doing today Leader-nim?" I questioned making him playfully glare at me before reacing over and pulling out some mandala book we had bought before our debut.

"We bought this coloring book about.... two weeks ago?" he questioned me and I just shrugged, "and we haven't colored in it yet, so we're planning to do one today and speak with Engenes."

"Right," I nodded as I reached out of frame and pulled forward the pens as he began flipping through the book to find the one he wanted to color in.

"Oh, I like this one," he suddenly stopped and showed me a mandala.

"Ah, that's pretty," I agreed as I frowned down at the drawing, which he quickly pulled out of the book before handing it to me.

I immediately began flipping through the pages as Jungwon looked at the comments.

"Ah... there's a lot of foreign comments," he commented as I pulled out a page for myself.

"Let me see," I muttered and looked over at the comments, "Il est joli, n'est-ce pas?" I let out a small laugh at the comment, "oui, il est joli."

"What?" Jungwon turned to me with a small laugh as I had nodded at the camera.

"A French engene asked if you were pretty, and I just replied with yes," I explained to him and he nodded at me.

"I am pretty boy, aren't I?" he questioned and I nodded as I grabbed a pen to begin coloring, "how do you say that in French?"

"Say what?" I questioned him.

"Pretty boy," he replied.

"Joli garçon," I replied and he tried to mimick what I had said ending up in me laughing.

"How about pretty girl?" he questioned me after having given up trying.

"Belle fille," I replied as I turned to smile at him as he tried to say something, "okay, okay. I will teach you an essential sentence if anyone ever asks you anything in French."

"Not that it'll happen, but I'll try," he nodded at me as he placed the lid on the blue pen in his hand.

"Je ne sais pas," I slowly said and he tried to follow it, "Je. Ne. Sais. Pas," I slowly repeated to him and he somehow managed to say it and once I had said it was correct what he had said he had grinned widely.

"What does it mean?" he questioned.

"I don't know," I replied and he frowned at me, "it means I don't know."

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