Chapter 34

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"Enhypen to the stage."

I rushed out of the dressing room with the boys and out backstage as we were wired up to our microphones. We quickly got up on stage and did our performance. It passed quite quickly and it was neatly done like we always had performed it.

After performing both Sunoo and Heeseung went back to the dressing room whilst the rest of us went to a small interview for the music show. As we patiently stood and waited for the interview began our stylists had rushed out to touch up our makeup or hair.

"Shoulders back, straighten back, smile, look happy," my stylist listed to me from the file I had been given, she had memorized it for me to remind me each time a camera would turn on around me. It was quite sweet of her actually.

I quietly hummed in reply and pushed my shoulders backwards and straightened my back before she rushed bahind the cameras with the other stylists. We were counted onto the cameras and the MC's quickly introduced before we did our own personal introduction and Jungwon began talking.

"I can understand each song on your album has various concepts, is that true Jiyeon?" the male MC questioned and I nodded before quickly remembering our script for the interview.

"That's right. Our title track Given-Taken is to show our various talents and our desire to be on stage. Our song Let Me In is about wanting to enter the cube of the person you're deeply in love with. 10 months is about the desire to be seen as an adult in order to love and protect the person you deeply want to love. Flicker is about our very special connection to Engene, and how we will keep sending love out in the language that only we know," I happily explained to the camera with a wide smile.

"I surely must become an Engene then to recieve your love," the male MC commented and I let out a small laugh before shooting finger guns at him with a wink, making Sunghoon beside me quickly cover his mouth as to not laugh too much before his line.

The boys continued to answer questions until the interview had drawn out towards it end, and there only was one question left.

"Ah, personally I really like Jiyeon," the male MC spoke up and I looked over at him, "so I want to know, what song from your debut album is your favorite?"

"I really... I really like 10 Months, I really enjoy performing it," I replied with a wide smile and he gestured to the floor in front of the boys.

"Could you show us the point move of the song?" he asked and I hesitated a bit before Sunghoon softly pushed me forward and I stepped down in between Jake and Niki and stood on the floor in front of them.

"Jake, do you sing it?" I questioned Jake as I looked up at him and he nodded.

"Love, love," Jake happily sang as I did the heart move in our chorus, up until the point where the jump came, before I happily bowed to the camera, before stepping up between Jay and  Sunghoon once more as we did our goodbye for the fans and the cameras turned off again making me breathe out and take out my earpiece.

My stylist rushed over with my bag to me and I quickly opened it and pulled out an album after she had explained that Drippin had stood and waited for our interview to end so we could exchange albums. Even though we only were five out of seven we still did the greeting to the other seven boys in front of us. I handed Jungwon the album and he went forward to hand over the album to their leader, Yunseong, who happily accepted it.

As it was their turn to give us their album Alex stepped forward whilst bowing, until he had reached me and extended the album towards me. I happily bowed and accepted the album from him muttering a small 'thank you' to him.

"You speak German noona?" Alex happily questioned as he stood up straight again and I nodded at him, "me too! I'm half-German."

"Oh my, he's adorable," I muttered as I covered my mouth in shock.

(If anyone speaks German, I am sorry. I am not that good, but I tried. It's been a year since I had any lessons)

"Meine telefonnummer befinden sich im Album," he pointed out to me and I nodded as I peeked into the album to see a small piece of white paper, "Freunde?"

"Ah... kein romanze," I shook my head at him making him let out a small laugh, you see Freunde can either mean friend or like boyfriend or girlfriend, "I'm not that fluent, sorry. I'm better at understanding than answering."

"It's okay," he assured with a wide smile, "kein romanze" he assured me that it was not in the romantic way he had meant to be friends, and I nodded at him.

"Natürlich," I nodded at him making him grin wider at me, as I had accepted his request to be friends.

"We're sorry about him, he's been all excited to meet another that spoke German," Yunseong excused to us as he pulled Alex back beside him, by his sleeve.

"It's alright," I quickly assured him after having seen the other boys' baffled looks, "it's a nice language change, I don't get to use my other languages that much."

"He's a big fan of you, you know," Yunseong pointed out to me and I grinned widely.

"I appreciate that, thank you," I nodded at them.

"Enhypen!" our manager called out and we all turned our head to look at him as he stood with Heeseung and Sunoo, whom all had their things with them.

"We have to go," I excused to the boys in front of me, "Drippin fighting!"

"Enhypen, fighting!" they cooed back at us before we bowed to one another and I walked back with my boys to our manager as I still held the album in my hands.

We all walked out in the van and sat down in our usual seats. Despite a thick silence between Jungwon and I, none of the boys had thought about maybe... moving us away from one another for a short time. So we were still seated by one another.

As the car began driving I carefully opened the album and pulled out small lap of paper. This boy seriously had been smart with giving me his number, writing it down in German instead of using the actual numbers. I let out a small smile before carefully packing the album away in my bag, as I kept the piece of paper in hand.

I carefully got out my phone from my jacket's pocket and began entering the number into my contacts and simply saving it as 'Alex', just in case I would forget who it was if I used his Korean name. I actually had most people with a foreign name saved with their foreign name in my phone. Both Jake and Jay, didn't have their Korean name in my phone, I didn't really use it, as it just came more natural for me to use their international name, Daniel was saved by his English name as well, same with Nicholas.

"Bubs... you know you sound awfully scary when you speak German," Sunghoon turned around in his seat and I looked over at him.

"I do?" I questioned as I scratched the side of my nose awkwardly.

"Mhm, your voice went all deep," he nodded and tried to mimick it, as I let out a small laugh whilst lifting my hand up to my mouth.

"It did?" I questioned in disbelief and he nodded happily as his hair bounced back and forth.

"I think your voice is actually the lightest when you speak Korean," Jay pointed out to me.

"Or when you're learning Japanese," Niki added.

"Ah... I know now," I realized as I grinned widely at the boys, "it's because there's different speaking patterns. I have to deepen my voice in order to be able to pronounce the words properly, like when I speak French it's almost like singing because you have to go more up and down in your tone when you speak."

"What about Danish, then?" Sunoo let out a small laugh.

"That's what I call the robot voice, it is so monotone," I replied to him and he happily giggled.

" I know, I heard you speaking with your brother the other day," he happily clapped.

"So you actually lighten your voice for you to speak Korean?"  Heeseung questioned and I nodded with a small hum.

"The pronounciation is still hard for me if I speak in my normal tone of voice," I explained and he hesitantly nodded, "it is getting better though, it just pushes my voice to be lighter when I speak Korean."

"That actually makes sense," he admitted, "like how I don't speak that loudly when I speak English."

"Exactly," I nodded at him.

"Ah, now I understand," he nodded and I just grinned widely at him.

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