Jungwon the Monster

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December 2022

Jiyeon quietly sat on the couch in the dark living room, the boys had all gone to bed an hour ago or so. The only reason she still sat awake was because Jungwon wasn't home from the studio yet. She knew it might get late before he was home, but she didn't know it would get this late.

A small click echoed out through the dorm before she heard the front door lock and quiet footsteps near the living room and bed room. The figure stopped abruptly in the door to the bedroom before reaching over and turning on the light in the living room.

"I thought you'd be in bed," Jungwon spoke up as Jiyeon just shook her head at him.

"Couldn't sleep," she quietly excused before he just hummed and waved her over towards him, "it must've been a long recording session," she commented as she stood up and walked over towards him.

"Why do you care?" he muttered under his breath making Jiyeon stop in her steps and frown over at him.

"I was just... what?" she frowned at him making him glance over his shoulder at her, "I was just curious if it was a long session..."

"Then stop being curious, it's so annoying," he snapped making Jiyeon take a step back.

"I'm worried about you... is there something wrong with that?" she questioned in shock making him sharply turn around to face her, making her take another step back.

"Can't you just stop?" he exclaimed making at least one head poke up from a bed inside the bedroom, behind him, "why do you always have to be so pushy and try and get on my case about every little thing!"

"Yah... I'm not pushy or on your case, I just worried that it was too long of a recording session," Jiyeon excused with a small frown on her face, not daring to raise her voice the same way he had done towards her. He looked to be absolutely fuming, "I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight," she muttered before trying to walk past him.

Jiyeon didn't get long before Jungwon had placed his arm in front of her shoulders, and just for a short moment she expected an apology. She expected and apology. Expected.

 "Seriously what is your problem?" Jungwon questioned and pushed Jiyeon back in front of him again.

"My problem? You're the one who won't let me enter the bedroom," Jiyeon defended.

"Can't you take this in the morning, I really want to sleep," Jake muttered from behind.

"You heard him, let. it. be," Jiyeon pointed out to Jungwon, who seemingly just completely ignored Jake.

"No, I want to know why you always have to be so annoyingly pushy," Jungwon insisted and shook his head.

"I'm not annoyingly pushy! I was literally just curious about the recording session because I thought you came home late," Jiyeon defended once more with a sigh.

"No, you clearly don't trust me," Jungwon stated in an angry voice, and shoved her backwards, making her quickly reach out for the wall behind her to catch herself.

"What is your problem?!" Jiyeon exclaimed at him, making multiple heads pop up in the bedroom, "all I did was worry about you because the recording session lasted longer than usual!"

"You wanna know where I was?" Jungwon questioned, a switch completely flipping inside his brain.

"Please just stop, you're making it worse for both of you," Jay muttered from his bed.

"Then tell me, where have you been if you weren't at the studio," Jiyeon ignored Jay as she just stared at Jungwon with a deathly glare.

"Remember your little friend? Taehee?" Jungwon started off.

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