Yellow Sticky Fruit

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so... as you all know i have my extra acc where i pretend to be part of the sasaeng community and get info... anyway... ive been in contact with yang m*ngo lately and apparently shes going to the fansign... keep in mind shes ot7 towards the boys... she HATES Jiyeon... and im scared for her...


A smile stayed plastered on my face as I patiently waited for the next fan to come along. I sat silently and tapped my pen, waving to all the fans that I got eye contact with as they waited in line or already had passed through the line and had returned to their seats.

"What are you doing?" Sunghoon let out a small laugh from my left side as I had been busy sittig winking and sending flying kisses to another fan, which I had gotten into a flirting fight with.

"She started it!" I loudly defended and pointed down towards the girl that immediately slid off her seat and covered her face, "I think... you made her shy."

"Ah... I think this is fun," he let out a small laugh as I just nodded before frowning slightly.

You know that feeling you get when you can feel someone just staring evilly at you... yeah... you know the feeling. I quickly searched the crowd before I locked eyes with a girl standing in line. She did NOT like me, and it was painfully clear... and that was sort of when it hit me who was here.

"That disgusting sticky fruit is here," I leaned over and whispered to Sunghoon making him look weirdly at me.

"What are you even saying?" he questioned in amusement.

"You know that girl that probably wants to marry Jungwon, based on her username, and the other half is like that weird sticky fruit I don't like," I explained and he hesitantly nodded.

"You don't like mangoes?" he questioned and I just shook my head at him, "how come I didn't know?"

"Why would I know?" I questioned him before turning to the fan that moved on to me, "hello~" I happily cooed.

I watched as the line slowly vanished until another fanboy had reached me, the second today.

"Noona... can I crown you princess?" he questioned me and showed me a small crown.

"Princess of what?" I questioned him in amusement.

"Of Engene's hearts," he stated making me let out a small laugh and just bow my head down to him and he carefully placed the crown on my head.

"Am I a pretty princess now?" I questioned making him nod and gesture to Jungwon who sat to my right.

"I think Jungwon hyung should say that," the boy stated and I immediately tapped Jungwon on his shoulder, making him look up from the album he was signing, a small smile spreading on his face.

"Am I a pretty princess?" I questioned him and he immediately nodded at me.

"You always are," Jungwon softly spoke making a small squeal come from my side.

I let out a small laugh and looked back at the fanboy that had covered his mouth in excitement as he clearly was smiling.

"I absolutely love your relationship," he admitted in a small voice, "I'm gonna treat my girlfriend like that when I get one."

"I'm sure she'll be very lucky," I assured him with a wide grin, "just promise me to not be as clingy as he is," I stated and pointed towards Jungwon who immediately let out a gasp at me.

"I'm not clingy!" he immediately defended.

"You are!" I retorted.

"But you love every moment of it," he smarted and I simply shrugged.

"Maybe I do... maybe I just love you," I reminded making him let out a small shy giggle.

"I would react like that if noona said that to me too," the fanboy in front of me spoke.

"What are you talking about? I love all Engenes, so I must love you as well," I reminded him sending him into a small fit of giggle, "absolutely adorable."

"You're just flirting with anyone today, aren't you?" Sunghoon questioned as the fans was directed to move along.

"In my defense I'm either telling the truth or they started it," I defended as Jungwon slid the album over to me and I quickly flipped up on my page and signed it, "hello~" I happily cooed at the fan before I lifted my head, being met with a deadly glare the moment I did.

My smile momentarily dropped before I smiled widely again, suddenly remembering where I was. The girl just stared at me before reaching over and ripping my photopage out of her album.

"That... was bold," I muttered to myself before looking back up at her as she crumbled up the page and handed me a small sticky note, before turning to smile at Sunghoon, awaiting her turn to speak with him. I arched a brow at her before simply just looking at the sticky note she had handed me. I had quite quickly gotten the message of a death threat, "woooh... really bold," I commented.

I quickly looked around before waving our manager over. He quickly walked over and bent down to hear what I had to say as the girl by Sunghoon walked back to her seat and the yellow sticky fruit moved on to speak with him. I didn't say anything to our manager I just handed him the sticky note, which he quickly read and I nodded to the girl by Sunghoon.

"We'll put some of the security near her seat and keep an eye on her, pull her to the side to talk after the event is over," our manager said in a hushed voice as I just nodded and turned back to realize the yellow sticky fruit had been the last person in line.

"You good? Was she mean?" Jungwon tapped my arm making me look towards him, "everything alright?"

"Yeah... a death threat isn't that threatening when it's written on a hot pink sticky note," I waved it off making him let out a small laugh at me.

"Unnie!" someone yelled out making me snap my head to the fans.

"Petition to make fun of you?" I turned my head to Jungwon who widened his eyes at me.

"When don't you make fun of me?" he questioned making me let out a small laugh before picking up my microphone, looking back to where the yell had come from.

"What can I do for you, huh? " I spoke before hearing someone slam their head onto the table beside me.

I let out a small laugh as I looked over at Jungwon who was lifting his head from the table and rubbed his face in his hands as I just laughed at him.

"Who did it better? Wonie or me?" I questioned the fans earning a whole lot of yells in return, "I think you did it best," I assured and patted Jungwon's shoulder.

"So much you absolutely need to make fun of it at every chance you get," he pointed out and I just nodded at him.

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?" I questioned in amusement.

"I have no idea," he simply shook his head at me.

As the fansign ended I had gotten our manager to reveal where they had taken the sticky fruit to. Turns out she still was at the venue stage thingy. So I had immediately walked back out on stage and sat down on the edge as I watched the security question her about some things.

"If I may?" I spoke up making the security and the sticky fruit look towards me, "look... everything I want is an apology."

"To who?" the sticky fruit spoke up.

"To me... about the sticky note. I don't care for the photpage, it's your album, not mine," I waved it off, "I just want to hear a sorry."

The girl simply snorted before turning on her heel and walking off making me watch after her in confusion.

"Huh... some people are so sensitive," I muttered before getting back on my feet and walking back out to where the boys was waiting.


so apparently... after today's fansign, as much as I understood, m*ngo had given Jiyeon a death threat on a sticky note, so she was held back after the event. Jiyeon had been out to ask for an apology but m*ngo had just walked off... so I don't know anymore... Jiyeon handled it amazingly, even going out to talk to her face to face... like... we stan the right girl!

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