Uncle Hyphen

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Epilogue's Epilogue's Epilogue

I let out a small sigh as I could hear music playing from the practice room. I carefully placed the babyseat on a table, a bit away from the door. She was asleep at the moment, so it was fine. I carefully approached the door and poked my head in, to see the boys all dancing around.

"Sunny!" Sunoo stopped all at once, as he saw my face in the mirror, and the boys all soon followed suit and turned to me with wide grins.

"Did you bring her?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded at him, before he quickly rushed over and turned off the music, before following with me back out to the babyseat, leaving the other boys behind.

"She's currently sleeping. Seems like your sister and her has been playing a lot today," I commented as Jungwon happily approached the seat.

"Ah, imagine once that baby pops out, and she'll have a cousin," Jungwon wighed, referring to his very pregnant sister.

"I know," I nodded at him.

"I'll go warn the boys, you unbuckle her," Jungwon decided and I nodded before he rushed back to the practice room.

I smiled warmly as I unbuckled the small girl from the babyseat, and she immediately began stirring before opening her eyes up at me.

"Hello sweetie," I whispered to her, before picking her up and walking over towards the door to the practice room, where small squeals came from, "they're excited to meet you," I grinned at the small girl I held in my arms, then a scream errupted from the room and I let out a small laugh, "very excited."

"Okay, I think I prepared them enough," Jungwon stated and opened the door to me once again.

"Ah,"the small girl immediately reache dout after him, upon seeing his face.

"Hi princess," Jungwon cooed, carefully taking her from me, and walking back into teh practice room. I trailed behind, just to see the other six boys all sitting on the floor in a small circle, excitement written all over their faces as Jungwon sat with them.

"Wah... she's bigger than I thought," Niki commented in disbelief, making me let out a small laugh as I sat down in the circle as well.

"She's four months," I remidned him.

"She?" Jay snapped his head to me, and I nodded at him.

"Wonie didn't tell you?" I questioned and the boys all shook their heads.

"Might've forgotten that detail," Jungwon sheepsihly admitted as the girl sat and tugged on his hair, in his arms.

"Who can hold her first?" Jake excitedly questioned.

"Ah... the time has finally come, who does Jiyeon-ie trust the most?" Heeseung declared as I let out a small laugh at him.

"Hoonie can go first," I pointed out, and watched as a bright grin immediately spread on Sunghoon's face.

He quickly moved forward from, his place in the cirle and reached out his hands, as Jungwon carefully passed on the baby in his arms.

"Wah..." Sunghoon trailed off as he brought her into him as well, "I'm gonna beg Soomin for one," he gushed, making the other boys laugh, referring to his newly engagement, "can I bring her home to convince her?"

"Not a chance," Jungwon immediately shook his head.

"Ah, she really looks like them," Sunghoon gushed to teh other boys, as the small girl reached up and grabbed a small fistful of his shirt, "she has teh same eyeshape as Jungwon, same eye color as Bubs... and freckles! She has freckles! You guys!"

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