168. Calming an angry Celebrimbor

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- Celebrimbor, being a Feanorian, has the famed and legendary temper but it takes a considerable amount of pressing to set the fire blazing.

- Celebrimbor works hard to try and keep his anger under control and to keep from exploding no matter what, unless its in the heat of battle.

- That famed anger got his family in enough trouble, he doesn't want it to get him into trouble either and he has spent thousands of years repressing it as much as he can.

- So when he finally is angry, he is angry

- Because of this and depending on what he is angry at, he CAN be talked down and out of his anger. As he is not usually irrationally angry.

- If it is something regarding your safety, your words hold little weight until you or the threat are completely removed. That is where that irrational anger comes into play.

- There are several ways that Celebrimbor tries to come down from such an intense emotional rage.

- A good way to calm him down is cuddling up to him or encouraging to take a trip down to the forges before you get him to speak with you on what the matter is.

- The ellon is a HUGE softy when it comes to you, and he would never harm you in anyway. So there is no need to fear approaching him as terrifying as he looks.

- If you ask him for a moment alone to cuddle, even in all his fiery rage he will relent and go with you.

- If its a conversation that has him heated and you can tell he needs to regroup all you have to do is grab his hand and suggest some time to think and calm down.

- Celebrimbor would deeply regret if he lashed out at you unnecessarily in any way shape or form, so even in his rage he bites his tongue as hard as he can and relents.

- Don't be fooled if he seems reluctant, he will follow you to your shared chambers, where you can sit him down and climb into his lap.

- But the feeling of your soft and warm body against his, your sweet scent and the feeling of your hands on him, soothe and melt away his anger.

- As patiently as he can in that state he will listen to whatever you have to say, be it your validating his frustrations or encouraging him to relax and breathe.

- If cuddling doesn't do the trick, encouraging him to go to the forges after something gets his blood boiling is a good way to help tame the fire.

- It gives him a chance to take his anger out on the metal in his grasp, pounding away rhythmically and losing himself in his craft.

- This will certainly make it easier to talk to him about whatever it was that got him so angry to begin with. 

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